Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah

Fuel for the soul with john giftah 

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Created By:John Giftah

Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah Podcast is a Top-Ranking DAILY Christian Podcast which is a hub for Inspirational Christian Sermons, Practical Keys for Christian Living and Christian Discussions and Interviews.

It is among the Top 2.5% of all podcasts globally and is trending among the top in several countries mostly ranking at #1 or #2 Top Christian Podcast in India on multiple platforms. The Podcast is available on all the major podcast platforms.

Evangelist John Giftah is also a Bestselling Author, Televangelist, Radio Host, YouTuber, Inspirational speaker, Aerospace Engineer, and Founder of John Giftah International Ministries. His latest book, 'Unveil Your Purpose' became a #1 New Release on Amazon. You can connect with him or get more details through YouTube, Instagram, Twitter or www.johngiftah.com

  1. It’s Enough if you just do what you can do! | John Giftah
It’s Enough if you just do what you can do! | John Giftah
  2. Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons (Trailer)
Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons (Trailer)
  3. Resurrection Sunday Word - Keep Moving - Your Stone will be Moved!
Resurrection Sunday Word - Keep Moving - Your Stone will be Moved!
  4. Be Bold and Face your Jerusalem
Be Bold and Face your Jerusalem
  5. Why Does GOD Close Some Doors? #ClosedDoors
Why Does GOD Close Some Doors? #ClosedDoors
  6. One Act of Kindness
One Act of Kindness
  7. Try to Understand the Reality of the Storm - Don't Generalize (Understanding the Sea of Galilee) #StormsofLife
Try to Understand the Reality of the Storm - Don't Generalize (Understanding the Sea of Galilee) #StormsofLife
  8. Why will some people hate you even when you did nothing but good? #LifeofPurpose
Why will some people hate you even when you did nothing but good? #LifeofPurpose
  9. Reason why you are not Receiving from GOD - A very important Key to Receive from GOD
Reason why you are not Receiving from GOD - A very important Key to Receive from GOD
  10. Desperate about the things in life? - Seriousness of being Desperate! #DesperateMoves (Episode 10)
Desperate about the things in life? - Seriousness of being Desperate! #DesperateMoves (Episode 10)
  11. Decision Making - The Word is more than enough for you to make a Choice!
Decision Making - The Word is more than enough for you to make a Choice!
  12. Prevent a Burnout - Don't Overburden Yourself with Commitments
Prevent a Burnout - Don't Overburden Yourself with Commitments
  13. When nothing seems to be Working - Why isn’t GOD doing anything?
When nothing seems to be Working - Why isn’t GOD doing anything?
  14. Treasures in Unlikely places - Would you go to a Tanners House?
Treasures in Unlikely places - Would you go to a Tanners House?
  15. How GOD Speaks in the Relevance of our Situation (Episode 15)
How GOD Speaks in the Relevance of our Situation (Episode 15)
  16. Are you crying and wondering why you are being attacked by the enemy?
Are you crying and wondering why you are being attacked by the enemy?
  17. Your Message is Unique - Stick to your Voice and GOD Given Style and Burden - Purpose
Your Message is Unique - Stick to your Voice and GOD Given Style and Burden - Purpose
  18. Your Crowd is Different - Stick to your Area of Burden
Your Crowd is Different - Stick to your Area of Burden
  19. This is why you are not seeing your Breakthrough - Waiting the Right way - Prayer Alone is NOT Enough
This is why you are not seeing your Breakthrough - Waiting the Right way - Prayer Alone is NOT Enough
  20. Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry
Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry
  21. When the Simplest becomes the Hardest - Are you a PENINNAH or a HANNAH?
When the Simplest becomes the Hardest - Are you a PENINNAH or a HANNAH?
  22. TRANSITION SERIES - Don't Wait for 'THE PERFECT TIME' to Make Your Move
TRANSITION SERIES - Don't Wait for 'THE PERFECT TIME' to Make Your Move
  23. TRANSITION SERIES - The Storm is the Litmus Test to Reveal Your True Circle of People
TRANSITION SERIES - The Storm is the Litmus Test to Reveal Your True Circle of People
  24. How to Deal with MISSED OPPORTUNITIES?
  25. A Glimpse of my Journey to Encourage you to Live your Purpose - Budding Visionaries - John Giftah International Turns 8 (Episode 25)
A Glimpse of my Journey to Encourage you to Live your Purpose - Budding Visionaries - John Giftah International Turns 8 (Episode 25)
  26. TRANSITION SERIES - Popular Trend/General Norm VS Spirit's Leading/GOD's Specific Instruction
TRANSITION SERIES - Popular Trend/General Norm VS Spirit's Leading/GOD's Specific Instruction
  27. Don't Overthink or Overanalyze your Miracle (Includes Exciting Updates)
Don't Overthink or Overanalyze your Miracle (Includes Exciting Updates)
  28. Why Invest in Other's Dreams and Visions?
Why Invest in Other's Dreams and Visions?
  29. The Reality of Mental Health - Mental Health and Christianity - (Includes a Special Word of Prayer for Mental Health)
The Reality of Mental Health - Mental Health and Christianity - (Includes a Special Word of Prayer for Mental Health)
  30. Be a Generational-Curse Breaker (Includes a Word of Prayer to break generational carryovers)
Be a Generational-Curse Breaker (Includes a Word of Prayer to break generational carryovers)
  31. Your Setback is actually a Set-up!
Your Setback is actually a Set-up!
  32. Seeing the Sovereign Hand of GOD behind the scenes even in our worst seasons
Seeing the Sovereign Hand of GOD behind the scenes even in our worst seasons
  33. Trust GOD's Time
Trust GOD's Time
  34. Why should you Forgive? - Importance of Forgiveness
Why should you Forgive? - Importance of Forgiveness
  35. Waiting Expectantly? (My Experience with meeting DON MOEN) (Epi. 35)
Waiting Expectantly? (My Experience with meeting DON MOEN) (Epi. 35)
  36. Just for You!
Just for You!
  37. Decision Making - Who’s Advice are you Listening to?
Decision Making - Who’s Advice are you Listening to?
  38. Why Acknowledge GOD in Everything?
Why Acknowledge GOD in Everything?
  39. Evangelist John Giftah with Pastor Tyler D. Smith (Searching for Seven Book Special)
Evangelist John Giftah with Pastor Tyler D. Smith (Searching for Seven Book Special)
  40. Stick to your Specific Strategy
Stick to your Specific Strategy
  41. Halloween Special - Playing with the Occult
Halloween Special - Playing with the Occult
  42. October is Over - But, GOD's Promises over 2020 aren't Over! (Includes Special Update on my Book)
October is Over - But, GOD's Promises over 2020 aren't Over! (Includes Special Update on my Book)
  43. 1000 Listens Milestone - Ultimate Vision VS Everyday Step
1000 Listens Milestone - Ultimate Vision VS Everyday Step
  44. Premature Blessings - Has your Saul started showing his real colors?
Premature Blessings - Has your Saul started showing his real colors?
  45. A Strategy that will work for You TODAY!
A Strategy that will work for You TODAY!
  46. Keep Knocking
Keep Knocking
  47. GOD knows the End; yet He cries with your Pain! (Episode 50)
GOD knows the End; yet He cries with your Pain! (Episode 50)
  48. Are you really in a Safe spot in Life? - SAFE AND SECURED
Are you really in a Safe spot in Life? - SAFE AND SECURED
  49. The Real Issue with Jonah - The Power of Confrontation
The Real Issue with Jonah - The Power of Confrontation
  50. Would you dare to sleep?
Would you dare to sleep?
  51. Make a Difference by being Different! - Embrace Your Uniqueness
Make a Difference by being Different! - Embrace Your Uniqueness
  52. Are you a Jonah or a JESUS? - A Storm Starter or a Storm Stopper?
Are you a Jonah or a JESUS? - A Storm Starter or a Storm Stopper?
  53. How to be Thankful in Hard times?
How to be Thankful in Hard times?
  54. Where is GOD in my life now?
Where is GOD in my life now?
  55. Do you know the impact of your Obedience? - Benny Hinn's Birthday Special
Do you know the impact of your Obedience? - Benny Hinn's Birthday Special
  56. The Fall of Man - Adam's Fault or Eve's Fault? | Why is Adam Blamed? | Don't Distort the Word
The Fall of Man - Adam's Fault or Eve's Fault? | Why is Adam Blamed? | Don't Distort the Word
  57. WHERE you are doesn’t define WHO you are!
WHERE you are doesn’t define WHO you are!
  58. You did Nothing Wrong | How to Make Peace with your Past?
You did Nothing Wrong | How to Make Peace with your Past?
  59. When GOD Suddenly Interrupts and Changes our plans
When GOD Suddenly Interrupts and Changes our plans
  60. John Giftah with Zion Sharma | Christian Discussion
John Giftah with Zion Sharma | Christian Discussion
  61. Think it Over
Think it Over
  62. Seeing Carl Lentz through GOD’s Lens - A Christian Response to Hillsong Pastor's Act
Seeing Carl Lentz through GOD’s Lens - A Christian Response to Hillsong Pastor's Act
  63. Where does your faith stand?
Where does your faith stand?
  64. 3 Reasons Why GOD does not Give us all the Details - Why doesn't GOD tell us all His plans?
3 Reasons Why GOD does not Give us all the Details - Why doesn't GOD tell us all His plans?
  65. GOD’s Plan VS Opportunities - Sinning is Easy - Lesson from Adam
GOD’s Plan VS Opportunities - Sinning is Easy - Lesson from Adam
  66. How to Overcome Distractions? Practical Tips to Avoid Distractions - Utilise your Time Productively
How to Overcome Distractions? Practical Tips to Avoid Distractions - Utilise your Time Productively
  67. Goodbye 2020 - What did 2020 teach you?
Goodbye 2020 - What did 2020 teach you?
  68. 2021 - Year of the UNVEIL - John Giftah International Prophetic Word for the Year
2021 - Year of the UNVEIL - John Giftah International Prophetic Word for the Year
  69. Behind-the-scenes
  70. #2 Myths concerning WORRY
#2 Myths concerning WORRY
  71. Pray and See
Pray and See
  72. Are You a WATER-WALKER?
  73. Are You Throwing Down Your Nets?
Are You Throwing Down Your Nets?
  74. Success through Work of the Flesh | Feeling Broken? | Bible Study
Success through Work of the Flesh | Feeling Broken? | Bible Study
  75. Don't write yourself off because of your Mistakes | Guilt and Regret
Don't write yourself off because of your Mistakes | Guilt and Regret
  76. Destiny Links (From Delivering Food to Delivering People)
Destiny Links (From Delivering Food to Delivering People)
  77. What is in your Hand?
What is in your Hand?
  78. No Worry February Challenge - Commitment to Deal with Worry
No Worry February Challenge - Commitment to Deal with Worry
  79. The Principle of Open Doors and Closed Doors | Noah and the Ark | John Giftah
The Principle of Open Doors and Closed Doors | Noah and the Ark | John Giftah
  80. Paying the Price - For your Sins or to GOD? | Bible Study | John Giftah
Paying the Price - For your Sins or to GOD? | Bible Study | John Giftah
  81. The Reason for the Opposition | Move Forward | John Giftah
The Reason for the Opposition | Move Forward | John Giftah
  82. Balancing between Vocation and Purpose | John Giftah
Balancing between Vocation and Purpose | John Giftah
  83. Are you making the most of your time? | Productivity and Social Media
Are you making the most of your time? | Productivity and Social Media
  84. Are you Brooding over your Past? | John Giftah
Are you Brooding over your Past? | John Giftah
  85. Face Your Fears with your Father | Overcoming Fear | John Giftah
Face Your Fears with your Father | Overcoming Fear | John Giftah
  86. How to make the BIBLE Relatable? | Making the BIBLE come alive | Live out the BIBLE | John Giftah
How to make the BIBLE Relatable? | Making the BIBLE come alive | Live out the BIBLE | John Giftah
  87. Casting Out Imaginations | How to overcome Worry, Anxiety and Depression? | John Giftah
Casting Out Imaginations | How to overcome Worry, Anxiety and Depression? | John Giftah
  88. What are you Declaring? | Power of Declaring the WORD of GOD | John Giftah
What are you Declaring? | Power of Declaring the WORD of GOD | John Giftah
  89. Decision Making - Which One, LORD? | John Giftah
Decision Making - Which One, LORD? | John Giftah
  90. Do You REALLY want the Miracle? | Are You REALLY willing to Receive from GOD? |
Do You REALLY want the Miracle? | Are You REALLY willing to Receive from GOD? |
  91. Protected because You are Special | Bible Study Exodus 2 1-2 | John Giftah
Protected because You are Special | Bible Study Exodus 2 1-2 | John Giftah
  92. Prepare Yourself | John Giftah
Prepare Yourself | John Giftah
  93. Hearing GOD Every Step Along the Way | John Giftah
Hearing GOD Every Step Along the Way | John Giftah
  94. GOD's Definition of SUCCESS | What is SUCCESS as a Christian? | John Giftah
GOD's Definition of SUCCESS | What is SUCCESS as a Christian? | John Giftah
  95. 2 Misconceptions on why JESUS died on the Cross for us | John Giftah
2 Misconceptions on why JESUS died on the Cross for us | John Giftah
  96. What can You Learn from the Weapons Formed Against You? | John Giftah
What can You Learn from the Weapons Formed Against You? | John Giftah
  97. Season of Testing | John Giftah
Season of Testing | John Giftah
  98. Run to Win | John Giftah
Run to Win | John Giftah
  99. 100Th Episode & 1 Year Anniversary of Fuel for the Soul Podcast | With Guest Speaker - Pastor Bernard David | GOD of Great News
100Th Episode & 1 Year Anniversary of Fuel for the Soul Podcast | With Guest Speaker - Pastor Bernard David | GOD of Great News
  100. Asking GOD for Signs when You're Not Sure | John Giftah
Asking GOD for Signs when You're Not Sure | John Giftah
  101. Mission Andrew | John Giftah
Mission Andrew | John Giftah
  102. The Battle is with your Identity | John Giftah
The Battle is with your Identity | John Giftah
  103. Decision Making - Let Peace be your Umpire
Decision Making - Let Peace be your Umpire
  104. Apps on your Phone | 3 Christian Life Lessons | John Giftah
Apps on your Phone | 3 Christian Life Lessons | John Giftah
  105. Stay Where GOD has Called You to Stay - Your Provision will come Your Way | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Stay Where GOD has Called You to Stay - Your Provision will come Your Way | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  106. An Insensitive JESUS Follower | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
An Insensitive JESUS Follower | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  107. You will have the Final Laugh | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
You will have the Final Laugh | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  108. Missing Your Opportunities and Miracles because of Others | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Missing Your Opportunities and Miracles because of Others | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  109. Crowned With Favor | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Crowned With Favor | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  110. The Link Between GOD's Protection and Our Obedience | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
The Link Between GOD's Protection and Our Obedience | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  111. GOD's Protection (Part 2) | Are You just Visiting the Secret Place? | Psalm 91:1 Study | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
GOD's Protection (Part 2) | Are You just Visiting the Secret Place? | Psalm 91:1 Study | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  112. Cost of Discipleship - Tumbling Relationships | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Cost of Discipleship - Tumbling Relationships | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  113. Pentecost Sunday - Church, Arise from your Slumber! | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Pentecost Sunday - Church, Arise from your Slumber! | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  114. Purposeful Life VS Life of Purpose - Your Purpose is Specific | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
Purposeful Life VS Life of Purpose - Your Purpose is Specific | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  115. Why LORD, Why? - When Life does not make Sense | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Why LORD, Why? - When Life does not make Sense | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  116. Visions From GOD | John Giftah with Shruthika Priscilla |Biblical Teaching
Visions From GOD | John Giftah with Shruthika Priscilla |Biblical Teaching
  117. Obeying GOD when it does not make Sense | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Obeying GOD when it does not make Sense | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  118. GOD is going to EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS! | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
GOD is going to EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS! | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  119. Powerless Prayer and What is Prayer? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Powerless Prayer and What is Prayer? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  120. How to Pray when you don't have the Strength to Pray? | The Groan-Mail | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
How to Pray when you don't have the Strength to Pray? | The Groan-Mail | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  121. How to Pray when your Mind is Preoccupied? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
How to Pray when your Mind is Preoccupied? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  122. Your Dreams, Visions and Desires will Manifest as a "BY-PRODUCT" | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Your Dreams, Visions and Desires will Manifest as a "BY-PRODUCT" | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  123. USE them or LOSE them | John Giftah | Christian Sermons (Your Gifts, Resources, Opportunities, Connections, Talents, etc.)
USE them or LOSE them | John Giftah | Christian Sermons (Your Gifts, Resources, Opportunities, Connections, Talents, etc.)
  124. How to Pray when you don't know what is GOD's Will for the situation? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
How to Pray when you don't know what is GOD's Will for the situation? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  125. Are you Upset, Disappointed and Angry with GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Are you Upset, Disappointed and Angry with GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  126. What you SEE VS what you FORESEE | Decision-Making Key | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
What you SEE VS what you FORESEE | Decision-Making Key | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  127. GOD will Vindicate you for every word spoken against you | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
GOD will Vindicate you for every word spoken against you | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  128. Small Opportunities (Exciting Updates + Genavieve Linkowski's Story) | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Small Opportunities (Exciting Updates + Genavieve Linkowski's Story) | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  129. Don't be Intimidated with what you have | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Don't be Intimidated with what you have | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  130. Walking in the Spirit | An in-depth study | John Giftah with Danston John | Christian Discussion
Walking in the Spirit | An in-depth study | John Giftah with Danston John | Christian Discussion
  131. You have been CUNNINGLY Fashioned | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You have been CUNNINGLY Fashioned | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  132. The Truth about the Roaring Lion | 1 Peter 5:8 Explained | Scooby-Doo Lesson | John Giftah
The Truth about the Roaring Lion | 1 Peter 5:8 Explained | Scooby-Doo Lesson | John Giftah
  133. How to Deal with Hopelessness as a Christian? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
How to Deal with Hopelessness as a Christian? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  134. How to Deal with Pride? | The Real Key to Stay Humble - John Giftah | Christian Sermons
How to Deal with Pride? | The Real Key to Stay Humble - John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  135. The Master Orchestrator | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
The Master Orchestrator | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  136. Where is your Confidence? (Why was TITANIC called the 'Unsinkable' Ship? - TITANIC Lesson) | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Where is your Confidence? (Why was TITANIC called the 'Unsinkable' Ship? - TITANIC Lesson) | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  137. Grieving the Loss of a Loved One | John Giftah
Grieving the Loss of a Loved One | John Giftah
  138. Love Like They Are Leaving | Tip for Relationships | John Giftah LIVE in Karunya University
Love Like They Are Leaving | Tip for Relationships | John Giftah LIVE in Karunya University
  139. It's Only a Threat | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
It's Only a Threat | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  140. Why Plan when GOD has Already Planned Your Life? | John Giftah with Chantal Njila | Christian Discussion
Why Plan when GOD has Already Planned Your Life? | John Giftah with Chantal Njila | Christian Discussion
  141. How to Trust GOD when He does not give you all the details? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to Trust GOD when He does not give you all the details? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  142. GOD Knows How to Connect the Dots in Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons | Karunya University
GOD Knows How to Connect the Dots in Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons | Karunya University
  143. This is why you shouldn't go by what GOD told you | Why should you have Constant Fellowship with GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
This is why you shouldn't go by what GOD told you | Why should you have Constant Fellowship with GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  144. Trusting GOD's Timing when there's a Delay | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
Trusting GOD's Timing when there's a Delay | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  145. Waste Time in GOD's Presence | How to Pray for Long? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Waste Time in GOD's Presence | How to Pray for Long? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  146. How to Align Our Plans with GODs Plans? | John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part II) | Christian Discussion
How to Align Our Plans with GODs Plans? | John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part II) | Christian Discussion
  147. Deal with your Root Issues (Why did the TITANIC Sink? - TITANIC Cover-up Lesson) | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Deal with your Root Issues (Why did the TITANIC Sink? - TITANIC Cover-up Lesson) | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  148. Battling the Embarrassment of Closed Doors | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Battling the Embarrassment of Closed Doors | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  149. When You are Facing a Challenge or a Difficult Situation | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
When You are Facing a Challenge or a Difficult Situation | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  150. GOD's Autograph - The Source of Your VALUE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD's Autograph - The Source of Your VALUE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  151. How does GOD see you? A Cluster or an Individual? - Inspiration from Ants | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How does GOD see you? A Cluster or an Individual? - Inspiration from Ants | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  152. Bearing Fruit In Your SEASON | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Bearing Fruit In Your SEASON | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  153. Feeling Insecure? - Be Secured in the Palm of GOD's Hands | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
Feeling Insecure? - Be Secured in the Palm of GOD's Hands | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  154. GOD Accepts You as a Whole | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD Accepts You as a Whole | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  155. How to Face and Overcome the Storms in Life? | Aircraft Turbulence | John Giftah
How to Face and Overcome the Storms in Life? | Aircraft Turbulence | John Giftah
  156. John Giftah with Stella Ramola Dhinakaran
John Giftah with Stella Ramola Dhinakaran
  157. You're Not on Your Own | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You're Not on Your Own | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  158. Are You REALLY Ready for what you have been Praying for? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You REALLY Ready for what you have been Praying for? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  159. How to Overcome the Fear of Accidents (Dystychiphobia) and bad things happening?
How to Overcome the Fear of Accidents (Dystychiphobia) and bad things happening?
  160. Don't Give Up | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don't Give Up | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  161. How to Overcome Sin? - Practical Key to Overcome Temptation | John Giftah
How to Overcome Sin? - Practical Key to Overcome Temptation | John Giftah
  162. GOD wants to Speak to You | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
GOD wants to Speak to You | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  163. Are you putting off something that GOD has been asking you to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Are you putting off something that GOD has been asking you to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  164. Get Back to the Water | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Get Back to the Water | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  165. Evangelist John Giftah with Pastor Andrew F Carter (Story + Christian Discussion)
Evangelist John Giftah with Pastor Andrew F Carter (Story + Christian Discussion)
  166. The Right Competition | Being Comfortable and Confident in who GOD has Created you to be | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Right Competition | Being Comfortable and Confident in who GOD has Created you to be | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  167. How does GOD's Word Sustain You? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
How does GOD's Word Sustain You? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  168. Being a Christian Introvert - Evangelising as an Introvert | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Being a Christian Introvert - Evangelising as an Introvert | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  169. Evangelist John Giftah's Birthday Special - Word of Encouragement and Exhortation
Evangelist John Giftah's Birthday Special - Word of Encouragement and Exhortation
  170. How long will you Mourn? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How long will you Mourn? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  171. The Right Perspective for your Blessings | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Right Perspective for your Blessings | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  172. Why are VISIONS from GOD Needed? | Evangelist John Giftah with Prophetess Shruthika Priscilla
Why are VISIONS from GOD Needed? | Evangelist John Giftah with Prophetess Shruthika Priscilla
  173. John Giftah with Derick Samuel | WORSHIP - An In-depth Discussion
John Giftah with Derick Samuel | WORSHIP - An In-depth Discussion
  174. What is Different about you? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What is Different about you? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  175. Meeting Other's Expectations VS Being Yourself | John Giftah with Stella Ramola
Meeting Other's Expectations VS Being Yourself | John Giftah with Stella Ramola
  176. When you don't have anyone to Encourage and Stand by you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When you don't have anyone to Encourage and Stand by you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  177. Having a Sound Mind through the Hard times | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Having a Sound Mind through the Hard times | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  178. The Power of Your Words | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Power of Your Words | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  179. John Giftah with Holly Starr (Episode 180)
John Giftah with Holly Starr (Episode 180)
  180. John Giftah LIVE in Karunya University - Being Invisible | Inspirational Christian Sermon
John Giftah LIVE in Karunya University - Being Invisible | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  181. Take The Limits Off Our GOD - John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Take The Limits Off Our GOD - John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  182. You have no Idea of what GOD is doing BTS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You have no Idea of what GOD is doing BTS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  183. How to get VISIONS from GOD? | Evangelist John Giftah with Prophetess Shruthika Priscilla
How to get VISIONS from GOD? | Evangelist John Giftah with Prophetess Shruthika Priscilla
  184. Are You Ready for your "Goliath" Opportunity? | John Giftah
Are You Ready for your "Goliath" Opportunity? | John Giftah
  185. How to Overcome the Feeling of not being Loved and Valued? | Andrew F Carter on John Giftah Podcast
How to Overcome the Feeling of not being Loved and Valued? | Andrew F Carter on John Giftah Podcast
  186. Are You Wasting Time on something for which GOD has already given you the Instructions? | John Giftah
Are You Wasting Time on something for which GOD has already given you the Instructions? | John Giftah
  187. Being Sensitive - Show up but Shut up - Relationship Tip - John Giftah
Being Sensitive - Show up but Shut up - Relationship Tip - John Giftah
  188. You will Conquer your Promised Land "Little-by-Little" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You will Conquer your Promised Land "Little-by-Little" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  189. GOD's Big Plans for You | Holly Starr on John Giftah Podcast
GOD's Big Plans for You | Holly Starr on John Giftah Podcast
  190. Obligated to act against your Wish and GOD's Will | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon | 2 Kings 2
Obligated to act against your Wish and GOD's Will | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon | 2 Kings 2
  191. It's not what it seems like it is | John Giftah | Christian Sermon (2 Kings 2: 19-22)
It's not what it seems like it is | John Giftah | Christian Sermon (2 Kings 2: 19-22)
  192. How to Overcome Identity Crisis & Accept Yourself? (Based on Holly Starr's Story of "Through My Father’s Eyes") | Holly Starr | John Giftah
How to Overcome Identity Crisis & Accept Yourself? (Based on Holly Starr's Story of "Through My Father’s Eyes") | Holly Starr | John Giftah
  193. The Holy Spirit wants to Teach you "ALL" Things | Teacher's Day Special Prayer for Teachers | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Holy Spirit wants to Teach you "ALL" Things | Teacher's Day Special Prayer for Teachers | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  194. Battling "I wish I had known / tried it earlier" thoughts | 2 Kings 4 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Battling "I wish I had known / tried it earlier" thoughts | 2 Kings 4 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  195. CASTING It All Upon the LORD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
CASTING It All Upon the LORD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  196. The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah in Karunya University | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah in Karunya University | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  197. Your Reputation is in GOD's Hands | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Reputation is in GOD's Hands | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  198. Decision-Making - Being led by your Personal Conviction | John Giftah
Decision-Making - Being led by your Personal Conviction | John Giftah
  199. Stumbling into Your Destiny | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Stumbling into Your Destiny | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  200. Reasons Why your Life isn't going as Planned | John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part III) | Christian Discussion
Reasons Why your Life isn't going as Planned | John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part III) | Christian Discussion
  201. Scooby Doo Fans & JESUS Followers | Scooby’s 52nd Birthday Special | John Giftah with Wendy Brydge
Scooby Doo Fans & JESUS Followers | Scooby’s 52nd Birthday Special | John Giftah with Wendy Brydge
  202. Tired of not being able to Convince People? - John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Tired of not being able to Convince People? - John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  203. Surrounded and Cornered by Your Enemies? | GOD Knows How to Protect You Right Under their Nose! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Serm
Surrounded and Cornered by Your Enemies? | GOD Knows How to Protect You Right Under their Nose! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Serm
  204. Take a Chance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Take a Chance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  205. What if I Take a Wrong Step Thinking it was GOD Leading Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What if I Take a Wrong Step Thinking it was GOD Leading Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  206. Faith / Trusting GOD - Root or Fruit? | Practical Key to Grow Your Faith | John Giftah
Faith / Trusting GOD - Root or Fruit? | Practical Key to Grow Your Faith | John Giftah
  207. Don’t Despise Small Beginnings | John Giftah
Don’t Despise Small Beginnings | John Giftah
  208. Your Enemy is Scared of You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Enemy is Scared of You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  209. Practical Reason Why we Struggle to Trust GOD in something even though we have experienced Him in a different area of our lives? John Giftah
Practical Reason Why we Struggle to Trust GOD in something even though we have experienced Him in a different area of our lives? John Giftah
  210. What to do when you don't have Clarity for your Life? John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part IV) | Christian Discussion (Epi. 211)
What to do when you don't have Clarity for your Life? John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part IV) | Christian Discussion (Epi. 211)
  211. The Mountain is a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
The Mountain is a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  212. Be Careful with who you share your Divine Dreams and Visions | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be Careful with who you share your Divine Dreams and Visions | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  213. Your Abundance of Rain is Speeding towards You! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Abundance of Rain is Speeding towards You! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  214. John Giftah International Ministries 9th. Anniversary Special (feat. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Rev. Paul Royappa & Prophet Joshua)
John Giftah International Ministries 9th. Anniversary Special (feat. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Rev. Paul Royappa & Prophet Joshua)
  215. What is COURAGE and Why be COURAGEOUS? | (Feat. Lesson from Scooby Doo meets Courage the Cowardly Dog) | COURAGE SERIES PART 1 | John Giftah
What is COURAGE and Why be COURAGEOUS? | (Feat. Lesson from Scooby Doo meets Courage the Cowardly Dog) | COURAGE SERIES PART 1 | John Giftah
  216. The Courage to Obey GOD | COURAGE SERIES PART 2 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Courage to Obey GOD | COURAGE SERIES PART 2 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  217. Building Your Ark on Time | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Building Your Ark on Time | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  218. Hit a Rock Bottom? - Listen Your Way Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Hit a Rock Bottom? - Listen Your Way Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  219. The Courage to Let Go | COURAGE SERIES PART 3 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Courage to Let Go | COURAGE SERIES PART 3 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  220. Faith VS Fear - Which Realm are you Operating in? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Faith VS Fear - Which Realm are you Operating in? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  221. Their Faithlessness CANNOT Cancel GOD's Faithful Promises over your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Their Faithlessness CANNOT Cancel GOD's Faithful Promises over your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  222. Are You Weary? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Weary? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  223. Slow and Steady makes Better Headlines | TITANIC Sermon | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Slow and Steady makes Better Headlines | TITANIC Sermon | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  224. The Courage to Say what is Right by Faith | COURAGE SERIES PART 4 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Courage to Say what is Right by Faith | COURAGE SERIES PART 4 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  225. The Courage to Wait when GOD does not Show up in your Expected Time | COURAGE SERIES PART 5 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Courage to Wait when GOD does not Show up in your Expected Time | COURAGE SERIES PART 5 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  226. Do You Feel like you are in the Wrong Place? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Do You Feel like you are in the Wrong Place? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  227. Walking in What GOD has Already Planned for us in Advance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Walking in What GOD has Already Planned for us in Advance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  228. Understanding Who is the HOLY SPIRIT and TRINITY | Aware of Who's in You | John Giftah
Understanding Who is the HOLY SPIRIT and TRINITY | Aware of Who's in You | John Giftah
  229. Are you being OVERLOOKED? | What is meant to be yours will be yours! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are you being OVERLOOKED? | What is meant to be yours will be yours! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  230. The Time In Between - The Word Released and Your Lazarus Coming Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Time In Between - The Word Released and Your Lazarus Coming Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  231. The FAVOR that will take you places you cannot go on your own | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The FAVOR that will take you places you cannot go on your own | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  232. FAVOR Only in your FIELD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
FAVOR Only in your FIELD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  233. The FAVOR of Closed Doors | Reasons why GOD Closes Doors | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The FAVOR of Closed Doors | Reasons why GOD Closes Doors | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  234. Trusting and Obeying GOD when His Guidance does not Logically Make Sense | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Trusting and Obeying GOD when His Guidance does not Logically Make Sense | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  235. Are You a Problem-Causer or a Problem-Solver? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You a Problem-Causer or a Problem-Solver? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  236. GOD is your DAD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD is your DAD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  237. The FAVOR that sets you Apart | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The FAVOR that sets you Apart | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  238. Why Do You Have Special Treatment and FAVOR? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why Do You Have Special Treatment and FAVOR? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  239. Graduate from "I Hope" to "I Know" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Graduate from "I Hope" to "I Know" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  240. Get Over the "What About ME?" Attitude | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Get Over the "What About ME?" Attitude | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  241. The WHY behind your WHAT | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The WHY behind your WHAT | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  242. Reality of the Pain of BETRAYAL and HURT by Close Friends | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Reality of the Pain of BETRAYAL and HURT by Close Friends | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  243. Don’t Keep Going over Old-History - Betrayal and Hurt | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Podcast
Don’t Keep Going over Old-History - Betrayal and Hurt | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Podcast
  244. Betrayal and Hurt - Making Peace with your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Betrayal and Hurt - Making Peace with your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  245. Betrayal and Hurt - Guarding Your Heart | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Betrayal and Hurt - Guarding Your Heart | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  246. Betrayal and Hurt - Transformation of your Prayers | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Betrayal and Hurt - Transformation of your Prayers | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  247. Betrayal and Hurt - How to FORGIVE them? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Betrayal and Hurt - How to FORGIVE them? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  248. Putting Yourself Out There | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Putting Yourself Out There | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  249. Trick or Retreat | Reality of the Demonic Realm | John Giftah
Trick or Retreat | Reality of the Demonic Realm | John Giftah
  250. John Giftah with Hannah Elizabeth Mathews | Episode #250 Special
John Giftah with Hannah Elizabeth Mathews | Episode #250 Special
  251. When the Holy Spirit leads you in a way which seems like a Contradiction | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When the Holy Spirit leads you in a way which seems like a Contradiction | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  252. Sticking to Your Area of Burden even when it Contradicts the Popular Belief and the Naturally Accepted Code | John Giftah | Inspirational Ch
Sticking to Your Area of Burden even when it Contradicts the Popular Belief and the Naturally Accepted Code | John Giftah | Inspirational Ch
  253. What to do when your Spiritual Life is Down? | Stella Ramola on John Giftah Podcast (Snippet) (Low Moment with GOD)
What to do when your Spiritual Life is Down? | Stella Ramola on John Giftah Podcast (Snippet) (Low Moment with GOD)
  254. The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | COURAGE SERIES PART 6 | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | COURAGE SERIES PART 6 | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  255. Why do you want what you want? (Dreams, Promises, Miracles, New Levels, Promotion, Breakthroughs) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Se
Why do you want what you want? (Dreams, Promises, Miracles, New Levels, Promotion, Breakthroughs) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Se
  256. Understanding that GOD is your SOURCE | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Understanding that GOD is your SOURCE | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  257. GOD is your SOURCE but You have a ROLE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD is your SOURCE but You have a ROLE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  258. Who Said? (Internal Enemy) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Who Said? (Internal Enemy) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  259. Who Said? (External Voices) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Who Said? (External Voices) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  260. When you are Mocked and Ridiculed for your Beliefs | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When you are Mocked and Ridiculed for your Beliefs | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  261. What to do when you are Belittled and Put Down in front of others? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What to do when you are Belittled and Put Down in front of others? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  262. What can you do about it? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What can you do about it? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  263. Don’t Limit What GOD Wants to do through You Because of your AGE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Limit What GOD Wants to do through You Because of your AGE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  264. Why Can’t I See the Manifestation of GOD's Power? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why Can’t I See the Manifestation of GOD's Power? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  265. Feeling like a Hypocrite for Ministering while you are still Hurting | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Feeling like a Hypocrite for Ministering while you are still Hurting | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  266. Don't do this with your Missed Opportunities | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don't do this with your Missed Opportunities | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  267. Are You Waiting for THE "PERFECT" TIME? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Podcast
Are You Waiting for THE "PERFECT" TIME? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Podcast
  268. Discern Before You Help | 1 Kings 2 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Discern Before You Help | 1 Kings 2 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  269. The Blessing of a GOODBYE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Blessing of a GOODBYE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  270. GOD is NOT Looking for mere ROBOTS | John Giftah
GOD is NOT Looking for mere ROBOTS | John Giftah
  271. Season of SUDDENLY | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Season of SUDDENLY | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  272. Why Am I NOT Seeing Visible Progress in my Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why Am I NOT Seeing Visible Progress in my Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  273. The Element of Process | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Element of Process | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  274. Why Am I Going Down in life? | ACCLIMATISE - Mount Everest Anecdote | John Giftah
Why Am I Going Down in life? | ACCLIMATISE - Mount Everest Anecdote | John Giftah
  275. Are You Making this Mistake with the Fruit of the Spirit? | John Giftah
Are You Making this Mistake with the Fruit of the Spirit? | John Giftah
  276. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 1 - The Desire | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 1 - The Desire | John Giftah
  277. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 2 - The Commitment | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 2 - The Commitment | John Giftah
  278. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 3 - Your Heart and Your Desires | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 3 - Your Heart and Your Desires | John Giftah
  279. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 4 - Link Between Your Desires and GOD's Will | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 4 - Link Between Your Desires and GOD's Will | John Giftah
  280. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 5 - How to Channelise Your Desires? | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 5 - How to Channelise Your Desires? | John Giftah
  281. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 6 - GOD's Will WILL Align with GOD's Word | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 6 - GOD's Will WILL Align with GOD's Word | John Giftah
  282. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 7 - The Aspect of WISDOM | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 7 - The Aspect of WISDOM | John Giftah
  283. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 8 - The Aspect of COMMON SENSE | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 8 - The Aspect of COMMON SENSE | John Giftah
  284. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 9 - Obsession with your Desires? What to do? | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 9 - Obsession with your Desires? What to do? | John Giftah
  285. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 10 - GOD's Will and the Unfair things in your Life | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 10 - GOD's Will and the Unfair things in your Life | John Giftah
  286. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 11 - GOD's Will through Unchanging Circumstances | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 11 - GOD's Will through Unchanging Circumstances | John Giftah
  287. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 12 - GOD's Will through Storms | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 12 - GOD's Will through Storms | John Giftah
  288. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 13 - GOD's Will and Closed Doors | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 13 - GOD's Will and Closed Doors | John Giftah
  289. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 14 - GOD's Will and His Peace | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 14 - GOD's Will and His Peace | John Giftah
  290. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 15 - A Sense of INNER KNOWING | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 15 - A Sense of INNER KNOWING | John Giftah
  291. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 16 - Don’t Neglect the Aspect of SIGNS | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 16 - Don’t Neglect the Aspect of SIGNS | John Giftah
  292. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 17 - Pay Attention to your DREAMS | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 17 - Pay Attention to your DREAMS | John Giftah
  293. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 18 - Direction Through VISIONS | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 18 - Direction Through VISIONS | John Giftah
  294. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 19 - Listen to GOD's Voice | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 19 - Listen to GOD's Voice | John Giftah
  295. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 20 - Being Led by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 20 - Being Led by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
  296. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 21 - Lifestyle of Walking in the Spirit | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 21 - Lifestyle of Walking in the Spirit | John Giftah
  297. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 22 - Still Don’t Have CLARITY? - What to do? | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 22 - Still Don’t Have CLARITY? - What to do? | John Giftah
  298. Knowing GOD's Will - SERIES SUMMARY | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - SERIES SUMMARY | John Giftah
  299. Make the Most of Your TIME | John Giftah
Make the Most of Your TIME | John Giftah
  300. Episode #300 - Courage to Give your "Little and Insignificant" things to GOD | John Giftah
Episode #300 - Courage to Give your "Little and Insignificant" things to GOD | John Giftah
  301. Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Regret from Past Mistakes | Andrew F Carter & John Giftah (Snippet)
Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Regret from Past Mistakes | Andrew F Carter & John Giftah (Snippet)
  302. What if I miss GOD's Call? - GOD Knows how to get your Attention | John Giftah
What if I miss GOD's Call? - GOD Knows how to get your Attention | John Giftah
  303. Why Isn’t GOD Showing Up yet? | John Giftah
Why Isn’t GOD Showing Up yet? | John Giftah
  304. Christmas - The Story of Great Risk | John Giftah | Christmas Sermon 2021
Christmas - The Story of Great Risk | John Giftah | Christmas Sermon 2021
  305. 'GOD-ORDAINED RIGHT people will Believe and Support you EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
'GOD-ORDAINED RIGHT people will Believe and Support you EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
  306. Praying when your Mind is Preoccupied | Throwback Episode | John Giftah
Praying when your Mind is Preoccupied | Throwback Episode | John Giftah
  307. Going Back to your Old Way of Life | John Giftah
Going Back to your Old Way of Life | John Giftah
  308. Would You Give Up Your Boats in Obedience? | John Giftah
Would You Give Up Your Boats in Obedience? | John Giftah
  309. Dealing with the Disappointment of Unfulfilled Prayers and Wishes in 2021 | John Giftah
Dealing with the Disappointment of Unfulfilled Prayers and Wishes in 2021 | John Giftah
  310. Reviewing Year of UNVEIL - 2021 | Word of Encouragement + Poem | John Giftah
Reviewing Year of UNVEIL - 2021 | Word of Encouragement + Poem | John Giftah
  311. 2022 - FAVOR-FILLED Year! | John Giftah
2022 - FAVOR-FILLED Year! | John Giftah
  312. RADIO SHOW UPDATE!!! | Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah Radio Show
RADIO SHOW UPDATE!!! | Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah Radio Show
  313. Don’t Cancel your Blessings by your Words | John Giftah
Don’t Cancel your Blessings by your Words | John Giftah
  314. Don’t Wait for a Personal Invitation to Take-Up Opportunities | John Giftah
Don’t Wait for a Personal Invitation to Take-Up Opportunities | John Giftah
  315. Nothing Happens by Chance | John Giftah
Nothing Happens by Chance | John Giftah
  316. Allowing the Holy Spirit to Change Your Plans | John Giftah
Allowing the Holy Spirit to Change Your Plans | John Giftah
  317. Discerning the Promises of GOD | John Giftah
Discerning the Promises of GOD | John Giftah
  318. GOD's Goodness is "PURSUING" You | John Giftah
GOD's Goodness is "PURSUING" You | John Giftah
  319. Breaking Out from the spirit of Comparison | John Giftah
Breaking Out from the spirit of Comparison | John Giftah
  320. What does "Finished Work of JESUS" Mean? (New Covenant) | Ps. Joyson Dayalan on John Giftah Podcast
What does "Finished Work of JESUS" Mean? (New Covenant) | Ps. Joyson Dayalan on John Giftah Podcast
  321. Be Cautious of Dream-Killers | John Giftah
Be Cautious of Dream-Killers | John Giftah
  322. Receiving from GOD - It’s Every Man for Himself | John Giftah
Receiving from GOD - It’s Every Man for Himself | John Giftah
  323. Autographed by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
Autographed by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
  324. GOD is too Committed to Not Show Up | John Giftah
GOD is too Committed to Not Show Up | John Giftah
  325. But, GOD... | John Giftah
But, GOD... | John Giftah
  326. Embarrassment of Closed Doors | (Throwback Episode) | John Giftah
Embarrassment of Closed Doors | (Throwback Episode) | John Giftah
  327. Have You Lost Something that You Never Expected? - Dealing with Loss | John Giftah
Have You Lost Something that You Never Expected? - Dealing with Loss | John Giftah
  328. Why did I Fail in such an Easy and Simple Thing? | John Giftah
Why did I Fail in such an Easy and Simple Thing? | John Giftah
  329. Don’t Force GOD to do it your Way! | John Giftah
Don’t Force GOD to do it your Way! | John Giftah
  330. Take Steps Before Things Go Out of Control | John Giftah
Take Steps Before Things Go Out of Control | John Giftah
  331. Are You Overwhelmed by FEAR? | John Giftah
Are You Overwhelmed by FEAR? | John Giftah
  332. Has your Love towards GOD taken a Backseat? | John Giftah
Has your Love towards GOD taken a Backseat? | John Giftah
  333. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 1 - INTRO + Is EVERYONE GIFTED?
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 1 - INTRO + Is EVERYONE GIFTED?
  334. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 2 - The Source of Your GIFTS | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 2 - The Source of Your GIFTS | John Giftah
  335. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 3 - You CANNOT Imbibe GIFTS and Talents from Outside Force and Expectations | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 3 - You CANNOT Imbibe GIFTS and Talents from Outside Force and Expectations | John Giftah
  336. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 4 - Making the Most of your Time with Your GIFTS | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 4 - Making the Most of your Time with Your GIFTS | John Giftah
  337. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 5 - Using your GIFTS to SERVE | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 5 - Using your GIFTS to SERVE | John Giftah
  338. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 6 - The Link Between GOD's Favor and Your Gifts | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 6 - The Link Between GOD's Favor and Your Gifts | John Giftah
  339. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 7 - Is GOD Unfair and Partial in Giving More Talents to some People? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 7 - Is GOD Unfair and Partial in Giving More Talents to some People? | John Giftah
  340. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 8 - Why am I "Not" good enough in my Gifts and Talents? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 8 - Why am I "Not" good enough in my Gifts and Talents? | John Giftah
  341. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 9 - Set Time and Opportunity to Showcase your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 9 - Set Time and Opportunity to Showcase your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  342. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 10 - What were you inclined to do when you were YOUNG? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 10 - What were you inclined to do when you were YOUNG? | John Giftah
  343. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 11 - What were your Dreams and Aspirations when You were Young? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 11 - What were your Dreams and Aspirations when You were Young? | John Giftah
  344. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 12 - Seasonal Gifts and What comes Naturally to you in this Season? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 12 - Seasonal Gifts and What comes Naturally to you in this Season? | John Giftah
  345. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 13 - Basics of INBORN GOD-Given Talents VS Externally Acquired Skills | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 13 - Basics of INBORN GOD-Given Talents VS Externally Acquired Skills | John Giftah
  346. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 14 - Why Should You Specifically Focus on Your Natural GOD-Given Talent? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 14 - Why Should You Specifically Focus on Your Natural GOD-Given Talent? | John Giftah
  347. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 15 - CERTIFICATIONS, GIFTS and STANDING OUT | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 15 - CERTIFICATIONS, GIFTS and STANDING OUT | John Giftah
  348. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 16 - Your Gifts and Supernatural Courage and Boldness | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 16 - Your Gifts and Supernatural Courage and Boldness | John Giftah
  349. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 17 - Your Gifts and the Burning Passion and Fire | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 17 - Your Gifts and the Burning Passion and Fire | John Giftah
  350. John Giftah with Milena - EPISODE #350 SPECIAL
John Giftah with Milena - EPISODE #350 SPECIAL
  351. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 18 - Your Circumstances shedding light into your GIFTS and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 18 - Your Circumstances shedding light into your GIFTS and Talents | John Giftah
  352. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 19 - COMPARING your GIFTS and Talents (Part 1 - With Different Talents) | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 19 - COMPARING your GIFTS and Talents (Part 1 - With Different Talents) | John Giftah
  353. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 20 - COMPARING your GIFTS and Talents (Part 2 - With Same Talents) | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 20 - COMPARING your GIFTS and Talents (Part 2 - With Same Talents) | John Giftah
  354. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 21 - Being Confident in your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 21 - Being Confident in your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  355. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 22 - Hierarchy in Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 22 - Hierarchy in Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  356. Encouragement for fellow CHRISTIAN SINGLES | Valentines Day Special BONUS Episode | John Giftah
Encouragement for fellow CHRISTIAN SINGLES | Valentines Day Special BONUS Episode | John Giftah
  357. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 23 - Uniqueness in your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 23 - Uniqueness in your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  358. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 24 - Do you need a "Calling" to use your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 24 - Do you need a "Calling" to use your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  359. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 25 - Breaking your Head on the Formula/Strategy to use your Gifts and Talents? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 25 - Breaking your Head on the Formula/Strategy to use your Gifts and Talents? | John Giftah
  360. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 26 - Don’t Have Clarity? - Try Things Out | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 26 - Don’t Have Clarity? - Try Things Out | John Giftah
  361. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 27 - Your Days of Small Beginnings | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 27 - Your Days of Small Beginnings | John Giftah
  362. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 28 - It’s OKAY if you Fail and Make Mistakes | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 28 - It’s OKAY if you Fail and Make Mistakes | John Giftah
  363. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 29 - Putting Unrealistic Expectations on your Outputs | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 29 - Putting Unrealistic Expectations on your Outputs | John Giftah
  364. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 30 - CONTINUING What you Started CONSISTENTLY | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 30 - CONTINUING What you Started CONSISTENTLY | John Giftah
  365. Series Summary - Discovering Your GIFTS and Talents | John Giftah
Series Summary - Discovering Your GIFTS and Talents | John Giftah
  366. (Intro+) Why do we Struggle to FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
(Intro+) Why do we Struggle to FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  367. Season of Mourning - Time to Grieve | John Giftah
Season of Mourning - Time to Grieve | John Giftah
  368. What does FAVOR of GOD mean? | Tapping into the Favor of GOD | John Giftah
What does FAVOR of GOD mean? | Tapping into the Favor of GOD | John Giftah
  369. Are You Resisting the Holy Spirit? | John Giftah
Are You Resisting the Holy Spirit? | John Giftah
  370. Balancing FINISHED WORK OF JESUS & OUR ROLE (New Covenant) | Ps. Joyson Dayalan & Evg. John Giftah (Part 2)
Balancing FINISHED WORK OF JESUS & OUR ROLE (New Covenant) | Ps. Joyson Dayalan & Evg. John Giftah (Part 2)
  371. A Message from my Heart + Prayer for the Current Situation in Ukraine and Russia | John Giftah
A Message from my Heart + Prayer for the Current Situation in Ukraine and Russia | John Giftah
  372. Why Should We FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series (Part 2) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
Why Should We FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series (Part 2) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  373. Ash Wednesday Special - Where is your Heart? | John Giftah
Ash Wednesday Special - Where is your Heart? | John Giftah
  374. Are you Sloppy? | John Giftah
Are you Sloppy? | John Giftah
  375. Be Careful What You Meditate and Speak into your Life | John Giftah
Be Careful What You Meditate and Speak into your Life | John Giftah
  376. Engulfed by the Failures of your Past? | John Giftah
Engulfed by the Failures of your Past? | John Giftah
  377. Why didn’t GOD Give me that Promise Earlier? | Fulfilment of Promise VS Promise Given | John Giftah
Why didn’t GOD Give me that Promise Earlier? | Fulfilment of Promise VS Promise Given | John Giftah
  378. Clear Hand of GOD | John Giftah
Clear Hand of GOD | John Giftah
  379. Don’t let anyone Silence You | Women's Day Special | John Giftah
Don’t let anyone Silence You | Women's Day Special | John Giftah
  380. The Mountain is a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
The Mountain is a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
  381. Practically How to FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series (Part 3) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
Practically How to FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series (Part 3) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  382. Why do you have Special Treatment and FAVOR? | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
Why do you have Special Treatment and FAVOR? | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
  383. Are You Helpless and Hopeless? | John Giftah
Are You Helpless and Hopeless? | John Giftah
  384. You Can CHEW ALL the Time | Secondary Task | GOD's Word | John Giftah
You Can CHEW ALL the Time | Secondary Task | GOD's Word | John Giftah
  385. You CANNOT Fake it till You Make it | John Giftah
You CANNOT Fake it till You Make it | John Giftah
  386. How to Heal from the Emotional Hurt caused by Someone? | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 4) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
How to Heal from the Emotional Hurt caused by Someone? | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 4) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  387. Are You Still Expecting Your "Potiphar" to Unlock Your Prison Doors? | John Giftah
Are You Still Expecting Your "Potiphar" to Unlock Your Prison Doors? | John Giftah
  388. Intensity of your Life-changing Opportunity - Do or Die | John Giftah
Intensity of your Life-changing Opportunity - Do or Die | John Giftah
  389. Which Side Are You In? | John Giftah
Which Side Are You In? | John Giftah
  390. The FAVOR that SETS YOU APART and Helps you STAND OUT | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
The FAVOR that SETS YOU APART and Helps you STAND OUT | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
  391. Obeying GOD when it does not Make Sense | John Giftah (LIVE Sermon Segment)
Obeying GOD when it does not Make Sense | John Giftah (LIVE Sermon Segment)
  392. When You Feel Inadequate or that You Don’t Have What it Takes | John Giftah
When You Feel Inadequate or that You Don’t Have What it Takes | John Giftah
  393. Overcoming Grudges as a Melancholic Person | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 5) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
Overcoming Grudges as a Melancholic Person | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 5) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  394. If GOD is with Me, Why isn't He Showing Himself Up in my Life? | John Giftah
If GOD is with Me, Why isn't He Showing Himself Up in my Life? | John Giftah
  395. If it is Meant to be YOURS - GOD WILL Bring it to You! | Testimonial Sermon | John Giftah
If it is Meant to be YOURS - GOD WILL Bring it to You! | Testimonial Sermon | John Giftah
  396. From WORRIER to Prayer-WARRIOR | John Giftah
From WORRIER to Prayer-WARRIOR | John Giftah
  397. FAVOR ONLY in the FIELD | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
FAVOR ONLY in the FIELD | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
  398. Having SOUND MIND when you are Not in the FRAME of MIND | John Giftah
Having SOUND MIND when you are Not in the FRAME of MIND | John Giftah
  399. Don’t Kill Your "Isaac's" | John Giftah
Don’t Kill Your "Isaac's" | John Giftah
  400. John Giftah with Saleena Justine | Episode #400 Special
John Giftah with Saleena Justine | Episode #400 Special
  401. Feeling like You Don’t have Strength to Wait Any More? | John Giftah
Feeling like You Don’t have Strength to Wait Any More? | John Giftah
  402. According to Your Faith | John Giftah
According to Your Faith | John Giftah
  403. Am I in the Right Field? | FAVOR Only in the FIELD | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
Am I in the Right Field? | FAVOR Only in the FIELD | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
  404. Enjoying Your Life | John Giftah
Enjoying Your Life | John Giftah
  405. Don’t Forget to LAUGH | John Giftah
Don’t Forget to LAUGH | John Giftah
  406. Don’t Close a Chapter till GOD Says It’s Over | John Giftah
Don’t Close a Chapter till GOD Says It’s Over | John Giftah
  407. How to Forgive Yourself? | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 6) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
How to Forgive Yourself? | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 6) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  408. Where did they Go? | Dumped and Abandoned by People | John Giftah
Where did they Go? | Dumped and Abandoned by People | John Giftah
  409. Get Some Experience | John Giftah
Get Some Experience | John Giftah
  410. How Far would you go to a Smelly Place? | John Giftah
How Far would you go to a Smelly Place? | John Giftah
  411. Be Bold and Face Your Jerusalem | John Giftah
Be Bold and Face Your Jerusalem | John Giftah
  412. Palm Sunday - Have You Welcomed JESUS?
Palm Sunday - Have You Welcomed JESUS?
  413. Discerning the Right Time | John Giftah
Discerning the Right Time | John Giftah
  414. Should We TOIL? | Finished Work of JESUS Series | Ps. Joyson Dayalan on John Giftah Podcast (Part 3)
Should We TOIL? | Finished Work of JESUS Series | Ps. Joyson Dayalan on John Giftah Podcast (Part 3)
  415. Is the Weight of your Calling too Much? | John Giftah
Is the Weight of your Calling too Much? | John Giftah
  416. So Close Physically Yet Disconnected | John Giftah
So Close Physically Yet Disconnected | John Giftah
  417. The Essence of Good Friday | John Giftah
The Essence of Good Friday | John Giftah
  418. The Time InBetween | John Giftah
The Time InBetween | John Giftah
  419. Resurrection Sunday TV Program - RESURRECTION POWER | John Giftah (With Song Feat. Ps. Simon Johney)
Resurrection Sunday TV Program - RESURRECTION POWER | John Giftah (With Song Feat. Ps. Simon Johney)
  420. It’s "IN STORE" | John Giftah
It’s "IN STORE" | John Giftah
  421. Their Faithlessness CANNOT Cancel GOD's Faithful Promises over your Life | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
Their Faithlessness CANNOT Cancel GOD's Faithful Promises over your Life | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
  422. Being Angry with GOD as a Christian | Milena and John Giftah (Snippet)
Being Angry with GOD as a Christian | Milena and John Giftah (Snippet)
  423. Deal with Your Unbelief | John Giftah
Deal with Your Unbelief | John Giftah
  424. Recognising GOD's Voice | John Giftah (With Demonstration)
Recognising GOD's Voice | John Giftah (With Demonstration)
  425. Your Trouble is Temporary | John Giftah
Your Trouble is Temporary | John Giftah
  426. Have You Prepared your Horses? | John Giftah
Have You Prepared your Horses? | John Giftah
  427. Heart Check - Idols of our Heart | John Giftah
Heart Check - Idols of our Heart | John Giftah
  428. You Don’t Belong to Yourself | John Giftah
You Don’t Belong to Yourself | John Giftah
  429. Running Every Step with Purpose | John Giftah
Running Every Step with Purpose | John Giftah
  430. How to Overcome Betrayal and Hurt as a Christian? | (Ft. Milena)
How to Overcome Betrayal and Hurt as a Christian? | (Ft. Milena)
  431. Have a Bigger Vision for your Life | John Giftah
Have a Bigger Vision for your Life | John Giftah
  432. The Right People will Believe and Support You EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
The Right People will Believe and Support You EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
  433. Success is NOT About Numbers | John Giftah
Success is NOT About Numbers | John Giftah
  434. Be Careful How You Treat Those Under You | John Giftah
Be Careful How You Treat Those Under You | John Giftah
  435. Don’t Limit GOD on How He Should Speak to You | John Giftah
Don’t Limit GOD on How He Should Speak to You | John Giftah
  436. Stop Running and Face Your Fears | John Giftah
Stop Running and Face Your Fears | John Giftah
  437. Obedience to the Faith | John Giftah
Obedience to the Faith | John Giftah
  438. Are You Crying Over the Unfair Things in Your Life? | John Giftah
Are You Crying Over the Unfair Things in Your Life? | John Giftah
  439. Your Mountain will become a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah
Your Mountain will become a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah
  440. Don’t Judge Your yesterday based on Today's Wisdom | John Giftah
Don’t Judge Your yesterday based on Today's Wisdom | John Giftah
  441. The Mature Way to Deal with People You Don’t Agree with | John Giftah
The Mature Way to Deal with People You Don’t Agree with | John Giftah
  442. When the Enemy attacks you at the Wrong Time - Why is everything bad happening all at once? | John Giftah
When the Enemy attacks you at the Wrong Time - Why is everything bad happening all at once? | John Giftah
  443. GOD is too Committed to Not Show Up | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
GOD is too Committed to Not Show Up | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
  444. Strength as per your Days | John Giftah
Strength as per your Days | John Giftah
  445. This is why you are not receiving from GOD | John Giftah
This is why you are not receiving from GOD | John Giftah
  446. Moving when GOD hasn’t given you All the Details | John Giftah
Moving when GOD hasn’t given you All the Details | John Giftah
  447. GOD is Practical + He'll Do it Again | John Giftah
GOD is Practical + He'll Do it Again | John Giftah
  448. We are just Vessels in GOD's Hands | John Giftah
We are just Vessels in GOD's Hands | John Giftah
  449. Help Coming to You from Outside Your Contact List | John Giftah
Help Coming to You from Outside Your Contact List | John Giftah
  450. Episode #450 - Don’t Wait to Become "Perfect" to Start | John Giftah (Ft. Rev. Stephen Bennie)
Episode #450 - Don’t Wait to Become "Perfect" to Start | John Giftah (Ft. Rev. Stephen Bennie)
  451. Are You Overlooking some Amazing Presents GOD has Kept in Front of You? | John Giftah
Are You Overlooking some Amazing Presents GOD has Kept in Front of You? | John Giftah
  452. Don’t Forget that You Have Supernatural Advantage | John Giftah
Don’t Forget that You Have Supernatural Advantage | John Giftah
  453. Why am I going down in Life? | Understanding the PROCESS | John Giftah
Why am I going down in Life? | Understanding the PROCESS | John Giftah
  454. Solving a Physical Problem with a Spiritual Solution | John Giftah
Solving a Physical Problem with a Spiritual Solution | John Giftah
  455. Your Acceptance Comes Before Your Performance | John Giftah
Your Acceptance Comes Before Your Performance | John Giftah
  456. Don’t Sneer Just Because You Don’t Understand | John Giftah
Don’t Sneer Just Because You Don’t Understand | John Giftah
  457. The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | John Giftah
The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | John Giftah
  458. Protected Right Under Your Enemy’s Nose | John Giftah
Protected Right Under Your Enemy’s Nose | John Giftah
  459. Just Because it Happened to them, It Won’t Happen to You! | John Giftah
Just Because it Happened to them, It Won’t Happen to You! | John Giftah
  460. You Cannot FAKE it till You MAKE it | John Giftah
You Cannot FAKE it till You MAKE it | John Giftah
  461. So what if no one else has done it before? | Mount Everest Day | John Giftah
So what if no one else has done it before? | Mount Everest Day | John Giftah
  462. The Danger of Being a People-Pleaser | John Giftah
The Danger of Being a People-Pleaser | John Giftah
  463. Don’t just "Pray" - Believe | John Giftah
Don’t just "Pray" - Believe | John Giftah
  464. Avoid the Trap of Isolating Yourself | John Giftah
Avoid the Trap of Isolating Yourself | John Giftah
  465. Don’t Fall for the Enemy's Lies of Exaggeration | John Giftah
Don’t Fall for the Enemy's Lies of Exaggeration | John Giftah
  466. Welcome the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
Welcome the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
  467. Why Am I Unable to Live a Victorious Christian life? | John Giftah
Why Am I Unable to Live a Victorious Christian life? | John Giftah
  468. Pentacost Sunday - How the Holy Spirit will Help you | John Giftah
Pentacost Sunday - How the Holy Spirit will Help you | John Giftah
  469. How to be led by the Holy Spirit Practically? | John Giftah
How to be led by the Holy Spirit Practically? | John Giftah
  470. Are you Walking in Integrity? | John Giftah
Are you Walking in Integrity? | John Giftah
  471. Praying in the Spirit | John Giftah
Praying in the Spirit | John Giftah
  472. Resting in the Shadow of the Almighty | John Giftah
Resting in the Shadow of the Almighty | John Giftah
  473. Why Should I "Welcome" the Holy Spirit if He is Always with Me? | John Giftah
Why Should I "Welcome" the Holy Spirit if He is Always with Me? | John Giftah
  474. Powerless Prayer VS True Prayer | John Giftah
Powerless Prayer VS True Prayer | John Giftah
  475. Tapping into the Power of Prayer | John Giftah
Tapping into the Power of Prayer | John Giftah
  476. Using Whatever you have to Get whatever you Need to Glorify GOD | John Giftah
Using Whatever you have to Get whatever you Need to Glorify GOD | John Giftah
  477. Your Last Resort? - GOD will Intervene when You least Expect | John Giftah
Your Last Resort? - GOD will Intervene when You least Expect | John Giftah
  478. Why didn’t I think of that before? | John Giftah
Why didn’t I think of that before? | John Giftah
  479. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit took Over the Recording) | John Giftah
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit took Over the Recording) | John Giftah
  480. International Joke Day Special Episode - Standup Comedy + Message on LABELS and LAUGHTER | John Giftah
International Joke Day Special Episode - Standup Comedy + Message on LABELS and LAUGHTER | John Giftah
  481. Embracing the Valley | John Giftah
Embracing the Valley | John Giftah
  482. Don’t be Hard on Yourself to hit the Ideal Spot | John Giftah
Don’t be Hard on Yourself to hit the Ideal Spot | John Giftah
  483. Is Unforgiveness Your Fuel? (Radio Show Excerpt) | Special Prayer to Break Free | John Giftah
Is Unforgiveness Your Fuel? (Radio Show Excerpt) | Special Prayer to Break Free | John Giftah
  484. Risky Associations | John Giftah
Risky Associations | John Giftah
  485. Don’t waste Your Life in Unforgiveness (Radio Show Excerpt) | John Giftah
Don’t waste Your Life in Unforgiveness (Radio Show Excerpt) | John Giftah
  486. What can you say about what you have done today? | John Giftah
What can you say about what you have done today? | John Giftah
  487. How to Pray when your Mind is Preoccupied? | John Giftah
How to Pray when your Mind is Preoccupied? | John Giftah
  488. Lean NOT on Your Own Understanding | John Giftah
Lean NOT on Your Own Understanding | John Giftah
  489. Acknowledging GOD in EVERYTHING You Do | John Giftah
Acknowledging GOD in EVERYTHING You Do | John Giftah
  490. Have You Truly Forgiven Them? (Radio Show Excerpt) | John Giftah
Have You Truly Forgiven Them? (Radio Show Excerpt) | John Giftah
  491. "GOD, take me Seriously and Don’t Procrastinate" | A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
"GOD, take me Seriously and Don’t Procrastinate" | A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
  492. Who told those Accusing Voices that this is Your End? | John Giftah
Who told those Accusing Voices that this is Your End? | John Giftah
  493. Don’t Give Power to Your FEARS | John Giftah
Don’t Give Power to Your FEARS | John Giftah
  494. How GOD will Cover Your Flaws | John Giftah
How GOD will Cover Your Flaws | John Giftah
  495. What do you Hear? | John Giftah
What do you Hear? | John Giftah
  496. When GOD Makes it Happen | John Giftah
When GOD Makes it Happen | John Giftah
  497. A Short Word and Prayer for You to be Set Free and Experience Liberation | John Giftah
A Short Word and Prayer for You to be Set Free and Experience Liberation | John Giftah
  498. Run such that You Win | (LIVE Sermon Excerpt) | John Giftah
Run such that You Win | (LIVE Sermon Excerpt) | John Giftah
  499. Recent Podcast Milestone + A Challenging Word | John Giftah
Recent Podcast Milestone + A Challenging Word | John Giftah
  500. Give what is in your hands into GOD's Hands | John Giftah
Give what is in your hands into GOD's Hands | John Giftah
  501. Don’t Fall for it just because something Different grabs your Attention | John Giftah
Don’t Fall for it just because something Different grabs your Attention | John Giftah
  502. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran with John Giftah - 500 Episodes Milestone Celebration
Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran with John Giftah - 500 Episodes Milestone Celebration
  503. Living the Balanced Life | John Giftah
Living the Balanced Life | John Giftah
  504. Are You Really Ready for Your Dream Opportunities? | John Giftah
Are You Really Ready for Your Dream Opportunities? | John Giftah
  505. Graduate from "I Hope" to "I Know" | John Giftah
Graduate from "I Hope" to "I Know" | John Giftah
  506. How GOD Guides Us through the Best Path for our Life | John Giftah
How GOD Guides Us through the Best Path for our Life | John Giftah
  507. Your "Messy" Life will Inspire Others | John Giftah
Your "Messy" Life will Inspire Others | John Giftah
  508. Are My Prayers Really Effective? | John Giftah | How to Pray Sermon Series
Are My Prayers Really Effective? | John Giftah | How to Pray Sermon Series
  509. Get back in the Game | John Giftah
Get back in the Game | John Giftah
  510. Walk in your Calling | Samuel Dhinakaran and John Giftah | Snippet
Walk in your Calling | Samuel Dhinakaran and John Giftah | Snippet
  511. Prompted by Faith - Powered by GOD | John Giftah
Prompted by Faith - Powered by GOD | John Giftah
  512. Be Open to GOD Using Means to Give You the Answer | John Giftah
Be Open to GOD Using Means to Give You the Answer | John Giftah
  513. You Can Bank Upon GOD's Unshakable Promises | John Giftah
You Can Bank Upon GOD's Unshakable Promises | John Giftah
  514. Today WHEN You Hear His Voice... | John Giftah
Today WHEN You Hear His Voice... | John Giftah
  515. Accepting Yourself just as you are | Stella Ramola and John Giftah (Snippet)
Accepting Yourself just as you are | Stella Ramola and John Giftah (Snippet)
  516. Why did they leave me? | John Giftah
Why did they leave me? | John Giftah
  517. What will they think of me? | Opinion of People | John Giftah
What will they think of me? | Opinion of People | John Giftah
  518. Being Your Best when your Life is at its Worst | Samuel Dhinakaran and John Giftah | Podcast Snippet
Being Your Best when your Life is at its Worst | Samuel Dhinakaran and John Giftah | Podcast Snippet
  519. You Don’t Have to Understand the Process | John Giftah
You Don’t Have to Understand the Process | John Giftah
  520. Stumbling into Your Destiny | John Giftah
Stumbling into Your Destiny | John Giftah
  521. Feeling Like a FAILURE + Dealing with a FAILURE | John Giftah
Feeling Like a FAILURE + Dealing with a FAILURE | John Giftah
  522. How Should We Pray? | What’s the Right Formula to Pray? | John Giftah | How to Pray Sermon Series
How Should We Pray? | What’s the Right Formula to Pray? | John Giftah | How to Pray Sermon Series
  523. Are You Missing Out on the Sons Already in the House? | John Giftah
Are You Missing Out on the Sons Already in the House? | John Giftah
  524. Neglecting Community and Fellowship | John Giftah
Neglecting Community and Fellowship | John Giftah
  525. Have You Washed Your Nets? | John Giftah
Have You Washed Your Nets? | John Giftah
  526. Will my Efforts go in Vain? | John Giftah
Will my Efforts go in Vain? | John Giftah
  527. When You Lost Something in your Life.... | John Giftah
When You Lost Something in your Life.... | John Giftah
  528. Trusting GOD's Timing when there's a Delay | John Giftah (Sermon Snippet)
Trusting GOD's Timing when there's a Delay | John Giftah (Sermon Snippet)
  529. The Guilt of Messing Up Open Doors | John Giftah
The Guilt of Messing Up Open Doors | John Giftah
  530. Zoom IN for DAILY Direction | John Giftah
Zoom IN for DAILY Direction | John Giftah
  531. The Principle of Sabbath | Rest Day | John Giftah
The Principle of Sabbath | Rest Day | John Giftah
  532. The Free Ride to Get back on Track | John Giftah
The Free Ride to Get back on Track | John Giftah
  533. INTANGIBLE to TANGIBLE | Power of The Word | John Giftah
INTANGIBLE to TANGIBLE | Power of The Word | John Giftah
  534. Delighting in GOD's Will | John Giftah
Delighting in GOD's Will | John Giftah
  535. Just For You | John Giftah
Just For You | John Giftah
  536. Birthday Special - Take Selfies | John Giftah
Birthday Special - Take Selfies | John Giftah
  537. Don't Even Trouble your Mind Over It | Hearing GOD | John Giftah
Don't Even Trouble your Mind Over It | Hearing GOD | John Giftah
  538. Making a Mistake in Hearing GOD - How GOD Will Warn You | John Giftah
Making a Mistake in Hearing GOD - How GOD Will Warn You | John Giftah
  539. You're Not just a Face in the Crowd | John Giftah
You're Not just a Face in the Crowd | John Giftah
  540. A Word from Luke 1:37-38 | John Giftah
A Word from Luke 1:37-38 | John Giftah
  541. Why Am I not Experiencing Life and Peace? | John Giftah
Why Am I not Experiencing Life and Peace? | John Giftah
  542. But, I have such a Strong Urge to do it! | John Giftah
But, I have such a Strong Urge to do it! | John Giftah
  543. Are you being OVERLOOKED? | What is meant to be yours will be yours! | John Giftah
Are you being OVERLOOKED? | What is meant to be yours will be yours! | John Giftah
  544. Decision-Making - What’s Your Conviction? | John Giftah
Decision-Making - What’s Your Conviction? | John Giftah
  545. The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah | LIVE from Karunya University
The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah | LIVE from Karunya University
  546. Facing the Seasons of Testing Alone | John Giftah
Facing the Seasons of Testing Alone | John Giftah
  547. GOD is Strategic with your Life | John Giftah
GOD is Strategic with your Life | John Giftah
  548. Don’t Wear Yourself Out | John Giftah
Don’t Wear Yourself Out | John Giftah
  549. Don’t Neglect Your Desires | John Giftah
Don’t Neglect Your Desires | John Giftah
  550. Mark Angel Comedy Lead Actor BAZE 10 and John Giftah | Celebrating 550 Episodes
Mark Angel Comedy Lead Actor BAZE 10 and John Giftah | Celebrating 550 Episodes
  551. Are You Taking Precautions? | John Giftah
Are You Taking Precautions? | John Giftah
  552. Who are your Friends? | John Giftah
Who are your Friends? | John Giftah
  553. Channelising Evil Desires | John Giftah
Channelising Evil Desires | John Giftah
  554. What are you Waiting on? | John Giftah
What are you Waiting on? | John Giftah
  555. Crippled by Your "What If's" | John Giftah
Crippled by Your "What If's" | John Giftah
  556. Have You Sharpened Your Axe? | John Giftah
Have You Sharpened Your Axe? | John Giftah
  557. Just Focus on What You are Supposed to do | John Giftah
Just Focus on What You are Supposed to do | John Giftah
  558. Don’t Suppress Your Emotions | John Giftah
Don’t Suppress Your Emotions | John Giftah
  559. Lifestyle of Surrender to GOD | John Giftah
Lifestyle of Surrender to GOD | John Giftah
  560. Being Sensitive to Other's Mental and Emotional State | John Giftah
Being Sensitive to Other's Mental and Emotional State | John Giftah
  561. Taunted by Others? | John Giftah
Taunted by Others? | John Giftah
  562. It’s GOD's Job to Remind Your Cupbearer About You | John Giftah
It’s GOD's Job to Remind Your Cupbearer About You | John Giftah
  563. Are you Idle? | John Giftah
Are you Idle? | John Giftah
  564. At the Right Time, the LORD WILL Make it Happen | John Giftah
At the Right Time, the LORD WILL Make it Happen | John Giftah
  565. How Faithful Are You? | John Giftah
How Faithful Are You? | John Giftah
  566. Scooby Doo's 53rd Birthday Special - Fun + Life Lessons - (Also Ft. Nikki Blake, JayBee, Cameron Bates and Wendy Brydge
Scooby Doo's 53rd Birthday Special - Fun + Life Lessons - (Also Ft. Nikki Blake, JayBee, Cameron Bates and Wendy Brydge
  567. Invite JESUS Before Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah
Invite JESUS Before Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah
  568. Trust the Sovereign Ways of the LORD | John Giftah
Trust the Sovereign Ways of the LORD | John Giftah
  569. Are you Humble enough to receive Advice, Correction and Constructive Criticism? | John Giftah
Are you Humble enough to receive Advice, Correction and Constructive Criticism? | John Giftah
  570. Set Apart and Left Out from the Crowd | John Giftah
Set Apart and Left Out from the Crowd | John Giftah
  571. You are Favoured to Serve His Purpose | John Giftah
You are Favoured to Serve His Purpose | John Giftah
  572. Their Experiences are NOT your Standard | John Giftah
Their Experiences are NOT your Standard | John Giftah
  573. Keep Your Ultimate Mission in Mind | John Giftah
Keep Your Ultimate Mission in Mind | John Giftah
  574. Stop Expecting Your Red Sea to Part Again for You | John Giftah
Stop Expecting Your Red Sea to Part Again for You | John Giftah
  575. Walking in Love VS Showing Love/ Expressing Love | John Giftah
Walking in Love VS Showing Love/ Expressing Love | John Giftah
  576. UPDATE - PODCAST AWARD NOMINATION - Requesting You to VOTE for the Podcast
UPDATE - PODCAST AWARD NOMINATION - Requesting You to VOTE for the Podcast
  577. Coming to terms with an Unexpected Loss | John Giftah
Coming to terms with an Unexpected Loss | John Giftah
  578. How Will GOD Hide Details From You? - The GOD who Reveals | John Giftah
How Will GOD Hide Details From You? - The GOD who Reveals | John Giftah
  579. Are You Praying for and Blessing Others? | John Giftah
Are You Praying for and Blessing Others? | John Giftah
  580. Overwhelmed by the Duration of your Trials? - Take it One Day at a Time | John Giftah
Overwhelmed by the Duration of your Trials? - Take it One Day at a Time | John Giftah
  581. Are You Nursing Hatred in Your Hearts? | John Giftah
Are You Nursing Hatred in Your Hearts? | John Giftah
  582. Let Your Intentions Be Clearly Seen | John Giftah
Let Your Intentions Be Clearly Seen | John Giftah
  583. So, You Want to just be like them? | John Giftah
So, You Want to just be like them? | John Giftah
  584. Guard Your Words! | John Giftah
Guard Your Words! | John Giftah
  585. How are you Different? | John Giftah
How are you Different? | John Giftah
  586. Your Weakness is a Platform for GOD | John Giftah
Your Weakness is a Platform for GOD | John Giftah
  587. Are You Acknowledging GOD in Everything? | John Giftah
Are You Acknowledging GOD in Everything? | John Giftah
  588. It Doesn’t Matter How You Missed It | John Giftah
It Doesn’t Matter How You Missed It | John Giftah
  589. Don’t just settle for what’s Available - Pursue GOD's Leading | John Giftah
Don’t just settle for what’s Available - Pursue GOD's Leading | John Giftah
  590. GOD will Amplify what you have | John Giftah
GOD will Amplify what you have | John Giftah
  591. Risky Associations | John Giftah
Risky Associations | John Giftah
  592. How badly do you want to Hear GOD? | John Giftah
How badly do you want to Hear GOD? | John Giftah
  593. Are You Doubting GOD's Leading over your life? | John Giftah
Are You Doubting GOD's Leading over your life? | John Giftah
  594. When You Feel like you don’t Stand a Chance | John Giftah
When You Feel like you don’t Stand a Chance | John Giftah
  595. Me and My BIIIG Mouth | John Giftah
Me and My BIIIG Mouth | John Giftah
  596. Waiting Patiently Trusting GOD's Timing | John Giftah
Waiting Patiently Trusting GOD's Timing | John Giftah
  597. How Long will You Mourn? | John Giftah
How Long will You Mourn? | John Giftah
  598. How to Forget the Past? | John Giftah
How to Forget the Past? | John Giftah
  599. Living in Default Mode? | John Giftah
Living in Default Mode? | John Giftah
  600. Disney and Hollywood Actress/Voiceover Artist GABRIELLA GRAVES with JOHN GIFTAH | 600 Episodes Milestone
Disney and Hollywood Actress/Voiceover Artist GABRIELLA GRAVES with JOHN GIFTAH | 600 Episodes Milestone
  601. The Right People will Believe and Support You EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
The Right People will Believe and Support You EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
  602. GOD will Convince the Right People at the Right Time | John Giftah
GOD will Convince the Right People at the Right Time | John Giftah
  603. The Power of Consistency | John Giftah
The Power of Consistency | John Giftah
  604. The Size of your Field Doesn’t Matter | John Giftah
The Size of your Field Doesn’t Matter | John Giftah
  605. Why Am I Chained? | John Giftah
Why Am I Chained? | John Giftah
  606. How to Deal with Hopelessness as a Christian? (2017 TV Program Snippet | John Giftah
How to Deal with Hopelessness as a Christian? (2017 TV Program Snippet | John Giftah
  607. Don't Quit working on it because of a Bad Experience | John Giftah
Don't Quit working on it because of a Bad Experience | John Giftah
  608. Will that Happen to Me too? | John Giftah
Will that Happen to Me too? | John Giftah
  609. Don’t Miss Great Opportunities because of this | John Giftah
Don’t Miss Great Opportunities because of this | John Giftah
  610. How Approachable is GOD? | John Giftah
How Approachable is GOD? | John Giftah
  611. Why does GOD's Promises come much before their Manifestation? | John Giftah
Why does GOD's Promises come much before their Manifestation? | John Giftah
  612. You are GOD's Representative | John Giftah
You are GOD's Representative | John Giftah
  613. You are a Work-In-Progress | John Giftah
You are a Work-In-Progress | John Giftah
  614. Running with Purpose in EVERY STEP | John Giftah
Running with Purpose in EVERY STEP | John Giftah
  615. UnIntentional Training | John Giftah
UnIntentional Training | John Giftah
  616. Zoom in for DAILY Direction | John Giftah
Zoom in for DAILY Direction | John Giftah
  617. Your Mistakes CANNOT Revoke Your Call | John Giftah
Your Mistakes CANNOT Revoke Your Call | John Giftah
  618. The Password to His Presence | John Giftah
The Password to His Presence | John Giftah
  619. Stop Going Back to What GOD Delivered You From | John Giftah
Stop Going Back to What GOD Delivered You From | John Giftah
  620. Worked-Up by Your Disappointments? - A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
Worked-Up by Your Disappointments? - A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
  621. What You Do Has a Rippling Effect on Others | John Giftah
What You Do Has a Rippling Effect on Others | John Giftah
  622. Rejoicing in GOD's Strength | John Giftah
Rejoicing in GOD's Strength | John Giftah
  623. Are You on the Right Side of History? | John Giftah
Are You on the Right Side of History? | John Giftah
  624. Given Up on Something Because You Thought it's Never Meant to Be? | John Giftah
Given Up on Something Because You Thought it's Never Meant to Be? | John Giftah
  625. Start with What You Have | John Giftah
Start with What You Have | John Giftah
  626. When was the last time you Gave? | John Giftah
When was the last time you Gave? | John Giftah
  627. Are You Making the Most of EVERY OPPORTUNITY? | John Giftah
Are You Making the Most of EVERY OPPORTUNITY? | John Giftah
  628. How to Pray when You don’t have the Strength to Pray? | John Giftah
How to Pray when You don’t have the Strength to Pray? | John Giftah
  629. A Lead to your Calling | John Giftah
A Lead to your Calling | John Giftah
  630. Why Can’t they See my Real Value? | HANNAH MONTANA Lesson | John Giftah
Why Can’t they See my Real Value? | HANNAH MONTANA Lesson | John Giftah
  631. Working on the Base of Your Miracle | John Giftah
Working on the Base of Your Miracle | John Giftah
  632. Give it Some Time | John Giftah
Give it Some Time | John Giftah
  633. Stick to Your Job - GOD will do the Rest | John Giftah
Stick to Your Job - GOD will do the Rest | John Giftah
  634. Stella Ramola with John Giftah
Stella Ramola with John Giftah
  635. Invite JESUS "Before" Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah (YouTube Excerpt) | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Invite JESUS "Before" Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah (YouTube Excerpt) | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  636. You're the One for the Job | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You're the One for the Job | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  637. Feeling like a Mis-Fit? | John Giftah
Feeling like a Mis-Fit? | John Giftah
  638. Are You Building People Up or Are You Tearing Them Down? | John Giftah
Are You Building People Up or Are You Tearing Them Down? | John Giftah
  639. Who was CAIN's WIFE? Why is the Bible Silent about these Details? | John Giftah
Who was CAIN's WIFE? Why is the Bible Silent about these Details? | John Giftah
  640. The Right Perspective for ThanksGiving | John Giftah
The Right Perspective for ThanksGiving | John Giftah
  641. Feeling Lifeless? | John Giftah
Feeling Lifeless? | John Giftah
  642. Showing Grace to Others | John Giftah
Showing Grace to Others | John Giftah
  643. Expecting Some "First-Time" Miracles | John Giftah
Expecting Some "First-Time" Miracles | John Giftah
  644. Don’t Be Restricted to Your Certificates and Formal Education | John Giftah
Don’t Be Restricted to Your Certificates and Formal Education | John Giftah
  645. Stop Looking Back and Start Moving Forward | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon From YouTube
Stop Looking Back and Start Moving Forward | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon From YouTube
  646. Nothing Can Restrict You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Nothing Can Restrict You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  647. You Don’t Belong to Yourself | John Giftah
You Don’t Belong to Yourself | John Giftah
  648. When You Feel like You Don’t Have What it Takes or that You are just Lowly | John Giftah
When You Feel like You Don’t Have What it Takes or that You are just Lowly | John Giftah
  649. It's a Question of "Are You Available?" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It's a Question of "Are You Available?" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  650. Are You Adamant to Have it Your Way? | John Giftah
Are You Adamant to Have it Your Way? | John Giftah
  651. Why Can’t They Understand and Change? | John Giftah
Why Can’t They Understand and Change? | John Giftah
  652. How to Know that This is GOD's Leading? | John Giftah
How to Know that This is GOD's Leading? | John Giftah
  653. Are You Neglecting the Holy Spirit? | John Giftah
Are You Neglecting the Holy Spirit? | John Giftah
  654. Don't Miss Great Opportunities Because of This... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon (YouTube)
Don't Miss Great Opportunities Because of This... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon (YouTube)
  655. You Are GOD's Favorite Flavor | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You Are GOD's Favorite Flavor | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  656. GOD Delights in EVERY Detail of Your Life | John Giftah
GOD Delights in EVERY Detail of Your Life | John Giftah
  657. An Encouragement for You if You are facing an Impossible Situation | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
An Encouragement for You if You are facing an Impossible Situation | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  658. Principle for Financial Stability from GOD's Word | John Giftah
Principle for Financial Stability from GOD's Word | John Giftah
  659. Wait for the Official Call | John Giftah
Wait for the Official Call | John Giftah
  660. Don’t Keep Your Blessing to Yourself | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Keep Your Blessing to Yourself | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  661. Finding it Hard to Accept What is Different about You? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Finding it Hard to Accept What is Different about You? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  662. Belittling Your Little | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Belittling Your Little | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  663. Fight for What Belongs to You | John Giftah
Fight for What Belongs to You | John Giftah
  664. Lack of People Support? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Lack of People Support? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  665. Christian Singles and Dating | 4 Reasons that are NOT Good Enough for You to get Married / Enter a Relationship | John Giftah
Christian Singles and Dating | 4 Reasons that are NOT Good Enough for You to get Married / Enter a Relationship | John Giftah
  666. Don't Worry about the Labels People Put on You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don't Worry about the Labels People Put on You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  667. Biblical and Practical Reasons Why You Should NOT Marry an Unbeliever | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
Biblical and Practical Reasons Why You Should NOT Marry an Unbeliever | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
  668. Be Loud about your Testimonies | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be Loud about your Testimonies | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  669. Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 1) - SPIRITUALLY ALIGNED | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 1) - SPIRITUALLY ALIGNED | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
  670. You're NOT Too Early Nor Too Late | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You're NOT Too Early Nor Too Late | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  671. Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 2) - PURPOSE-COMPATIBILITY | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 2) - PURPOSE-COMPATIBILITY | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
  672. GOD will Speak to you at your Level | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD will Speak to you at your Level | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  673. Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 3) - GET TO KNOW THEM | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 3) - GET TO KNOW THEM | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
  674. Are You Still Whining? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Still Whining? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  675. What are you Gifting the Birthday Boy? | John Giftah | Christmas 2022
What are you Gifting the Birthday Boy? | John Giftah | Christmas 2022
  676. Stay in Hope | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Stay in Hope | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  677. Pay Attention to Your Infatuations | Christian Singles and Dating | John Giftah
Pay Attention to Your Infatuations | Christian Singles and Dating | John Giftah
  678. LIVE Demonstration for Hearing GOD's Voice | John Giftah
LIVE Demonstration for Hearing GOD's Voice | John Giftah
  679. Practical and Biblical Steps to Find Your Life Partner | Christian Singles and Dating | John Giftah
Practical and Biblical Steps to Find Your Life Partner | Christian Singles and Dating | John Giftah
  680. When GOD makes it Happen | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When GOD makes it Happen | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  681. John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Samuel Dhinakaran (Jesus Calls Ministry)
John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Samuel Dhinakaran (Jesus Calls Ministry)
  682. Don’t Kill Your "Isaacs" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Kill Your "Isaacs" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  683. John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Baze10 (Mark Angel Comedy Lead Actor)
John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Baze10 (Mark Angel Comedy Lead Actor)
  684. Worried about 2023? - It’s Going to be Brighter! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Worried about 2023? - It’s Going to be Brighter! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  685. John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Gabriella Graves (Hollywood/Disney Actress & Voiceover Artist)
John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Gabriella Graves (Hollywood/Disney Actress & Voiceover Artist)
  686. Ending 2022 on a Good Note | John Giftah
Ending 2022 on a Good Note | John Giftah
  687. Thank You for Listening | Final Thoughts for 2022 | Updates
Thank You for Listening | Final Thoughts for 2022 | Updates
  688. Year of the OVERFLOW | The Criteria to Live the Overflow Life | John Giftah | (TV Sermon Excerpt)
Year of the OVERFLOW | The Criteria to Live the Overflow Life | John Giftah | (TV Sermon Excerpt)
  689. Are You Fed up of "New Year Promise Messages"? | John Giftah
Are You Fed up of "New Year Promise Messages"? | John Giftah
  690. Are You Saying, "I Don’t Need the 'Overflow' Life - Normal Life is Enough"? | John Giftah
Are You Saying, "I Don’t Need the 'Overflow' Life - Normal Life is Enough"? | John Giftah
  691. It's a Fact | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It's a Fact | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  692. Things Don’t Have a Way of Working Themselves Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Things Don’t Have a Way of Working Themselves Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  693. The Misconception Regarding the "Holy" GOD when we sin | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Misconception Regarding the "Holy" GOD when we sin | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  694. Have You Been Settled Down? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Have You Been Settled Down? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  695. Taking a Break and Introspecting (A LIVE YouTube Video) | John Giftah
Taking a Break and Introspecting (A LIVE YouTube Video) | John Giftah
  696. It’s GOD's Job to "Preserve" It | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It’s GOD's Job to "Preserve" It | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  697. How to Know if it's of GOD? | John Giftah
How to Know if it's of GOD? | John Giftah
  698. Friends Like Family | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Friends Like Family | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  699. Involving the Holy Spirit - COMFORTER & STRENGTHENER | John Giftah
Involving the Holy Spirit - COMFORTER & STRENGTHENER | John Giftah
  700. Involving the Holy Spirit - Teacher of ALL Things | John Giftah
Involving the Holy Spirit - Teacher of ALL Things | John Giftah
  701. Quit the Blame-Game | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Quit the Blame-Game | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  702. Accessing GOD's Protection | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Accessing GOD's Protection | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  703. GOD is "LONGING" to be Gracious to You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD is "LONGING" to be Gracious to You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  704. Trusting GOD to Close Some Doors in Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Trusting GOD to Close Some Doors in Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  705. When Should You Come Out of Your Ark? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When Should You Come Out of Your Ark? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  706. Lost Your Strength? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Lost Your Strength? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  707. Is Your Hurt Withholding You from Ministering to Others? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Is Your Hurt Withholding You from Ministering to Others? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  708. Are You under the Spell of 'Fear of Man'? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You under the Spell of 'Fear of Man'? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  709. This is why it is better that you wait for it.... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
This is why it is better that you wait for it.... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  710. Decision Making - What does your Conscience say? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Decision Making - What does your Conscience say? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  711. Mental and Emotional Battles VS Physical Expectations - Can You Balance? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Mental and Emotional Battles VS Physical Expectations - Can You Balance? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  712. Did that Door Close Because of Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Did that Door Close Because of Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  713. Don’t Limit GOD on How He Should Speak to You | John Giftah
Don’t Limit GOD on How He Should Speak to You | John Giftah
  714. Are You TrustWorthy? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You TrustWorthy? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  715. Can GOD Truly Trust You? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Can GOD Truly Trust You? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  716. Gaining People's Trust | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Gaining People's Trust | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  717. Why aren’t they Trusting Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why aren’t they Trusting Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  718. 2023 Has Been Bad so Far? | Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
2023 Has Been Bad so Far? | Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
  719. Praying the Word of GOD | Praying according to GOD's Will | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Praying the Word of GOD | Praying according to GOD's Will | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  720. The Power of the Word of GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Power of the Word of GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  721. Holy Spirit + Bible = Clarity and Direction | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Holy Spirit + Bible = Clarity and Direction | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  722. Because You Say So | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Because You Say So | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  723. Their Experiences are NOT your Standard | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Their Experiences are NOT your Standard | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  724. Don’t CONCEAL and Hide Your Issues | John Giftah
Don’t CONCEAL and Hide Your Issues | John Giftah
  725. The Sooner You Deal with Your Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Sooner You Deal with Your Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  726. Pray for Turkey and Syria | Special Prayer | John Giftah
Pray for Turkey and Syria | Special Prayer | John Giftah
  727. Don’t Write Yourself Off because of your Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Write Yourself Off because of your Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  728. The Trick of the Enemy about your Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Trick of the Enemy about your Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  729. Talking About Your Root Issues | How it Helps? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Talking About Your Root Issues | How it Helps? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  730. There's Nothing Wrong in Taking Help through Means | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
There's Nothing Wrong in Taking Help through Means | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  731. Being Radical about Change | Overcoming Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Being Radical about Change | Overcoming Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  732. The One Person Most Christians Forget to Love... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The One Person Most Christians Forget to Love... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  733. Are You Truly WALKING in LOVE? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Truly WALKING in LOVE? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  734. Couple Truth and Love in your Speech | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Couple Truth and Love in your Speech | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  735. Displaying Patience | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Displaying Patience | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  736. Showing KINDNESS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Showing KINDNESS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  737. Are You Jealous? (Part 1) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Jealous? (Part 1) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  738. Why is JEALOUSY Dangerous? (Jealousy Part 2) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why is JEALOUSY Dangerous? (Jealousy Part 2) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  739. True Love DOES NOT EXPOSE | Being a Mature Christian | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
True Love DOES NOT EXPOSE | Being a Mature Christian | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  740. Disagreeing with Maturity | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Disagreeing with Maturity | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  741. Taking the Right Advice | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Taking the Right Advice | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  742. Chained Yet Unstoppable | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Chained Yet Unstoppable | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  743. Are You Stabbing People? John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Stabbing People? John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  744. Be a CHEERLEADER | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be a CHEERLEADER | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  745. It's Coming Your Way | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It's Coming Your Way | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  746. SIZE of your FIELD DOES NOT MATTER | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
SIZE of your FIELD DOES NOT MATTER | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  747. How Hungry are You for GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How Hungry are You for GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  748. Instant Connections | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Instant Connections | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  749. Random Yet GOD Thoughts | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Random Yet GOD Thoughts | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  750. Freedom from the Guilt of Your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Freedom from the Guilt of Your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  751. GOD WILL Take Care of You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD WILL Take Care of You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  752. Discern Who's Speaking into your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Discern Who's Speaking into your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  753. The Wisdom of Avoiding Unnecessary Controversy | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Wisdom of Avoiding Unnecessary Controversy | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  754. GOD Will Personally Guide You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD Will Personally Guide You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  755. Why Can’t I Hear GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why Can’t I Hear GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  756. You are not Running Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You are not Running Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  757. When You Can't See GOD's Favor Upon My Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When You Can't See GOD's Favor Upon My Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  758. Keeping Your Intentions Clear | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Keeping Your Intentions Clear | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  759. GOD and Physical Attractiveness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD and Physical Attractiveness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  760. What’s the Use of Praying when ultimately Only GOD's Will will Happen? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What’s the Use of Praying when ultimately Only GOD's Will will Happen? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  761. GOD Will Definitely Vindicate You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD Will Definitely Vindicate You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  762. Good Old Days | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Good Old Days | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  763. When People Belittle You... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When People Belittle You... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  764. Life Lessons from Ruth 3 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Life Lessons from Ruth 3 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  765. Rebellious Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Rebellious Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  766. Being Steady in Your Walk | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Being Steady in Your Walk | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  767. Being Successful in a Place you didn’t ask for in Life | Success in a Christian Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Being Successful in a Place you didn’t ask for in Life | Success in a Christian Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  768. Are You Using Everything that GOD has given you? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Using Everything that GOD has given you? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  769. Have You Consulted the LORD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Have You Consulted the LORD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  770. John Giftah Interviewing USA #1 Bestselling Author Angela Lalande
John Giftah Interviewing USA #1 Bestselling Author Angela Lalande
  771. The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon (Throwback Sermon)
The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon (Throwback Sermon)
  772. A Word of Encouragement if You are not able to see a Progress in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
A Word of Encouragement if You are not able to see a Progress in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  773. The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah | LIVE from Karunya University
The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah | LIVE from Karunya University
  774. Have You Synced with GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Have You Synced with GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  775. Do You Have the Stamina for the Next Level of Your Destiny? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Do You Have the Stamina for the Next Level of Your Destiny? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  776. Purposeful Life VS Life of Purpose - Your Purpose is Specific | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Purposeful Life VS Life of Purpose - Your Purpose is Specific | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  777. Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  778. How to Overcome the Fear of the Future? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to Overcome the Fear of the Future? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  779. Your Mountain will become a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Mountain will become a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  780. Why is NO ONE Helping Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why is NO ONE Helping Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  781. How to Overcome the Fear of Accidents (Dystychiphobia) and Bad things happening? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to Overcome the Fear of Accidents (Dystychiphobia) and Bad things happening? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  782. How are you Different? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How are you Different? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  783. This is why you are not Receiving from GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
This is why you are not Receiving from GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  784. Relentless Commitment | John Giftah |
Relentless Commitment | John Giftah |
  785. The Essence of Good Friday | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Essence of Good Friday | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  786. Time In Between | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Time In Between | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  787. Living the Resurrection Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Living the Resurrection Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  788. Praying when you don’t have Strength to Pray | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Praying when you don’t have Strength to Pray | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  789. TITANIC SERMON 1 - Where is your Confidence? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 1 - Where is your Confidence? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  790. TITANIC SERMON 2 - How PRIDE Comes Before Destruction | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 2 - How PRIDE Comes Before Destruction | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  791. TITANIC SERMON 3 - Take it Slow | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 3 - Take it Slow | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  792. TITANIC SERMON 4 - Comparison Kills | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 4 - Comparison Kills | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  793. TITANIC SERMON 5 - Act of Prayer VS Man of Prayer | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 5 - Act of Prayer VS Man of Prayer | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  794. TITANIC SERMON 6 - Are You Ready to Face Icebergs in Life? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 6 - Are You Ready to Face Icebergs in Life? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  795. Knowing Whom to Respond to | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Knowing Whom to Respond to | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  796. Who was CAIN's WIFE? Why is the Bible Silent about these Details? | John Giftah
Who was CAIN's WIFE? Why is the Bible Silent about these Details? | John Giftah
  797. Emotional Ties | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Emotional Ties | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  798. Invite JESUS "Before" Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah (YouTube Excerpt) | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Invite JESUS "Before" Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah (YouTube Excerpt) | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  799. With GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
With GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  800. Feeling Weak, Tried and Exhausted? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Feeling Weak, Tried and Exhausted? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  801. GOD will change what they hear about you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD will change what they hear about you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  802. Why GOD Leads us Step-by-Step? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why GOD Leads us Step-by-Step? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  803. GOD will Guide you AT THE RIGHT TIME in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD will Guide you AT THE RIGHT TIME in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  804. Feeling Unworthy - Why am I Not Being Used by GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Feeling Unworthy - Why am I Not Being Used by GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  805. This is Nothing Compared to what's in store | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
This is Nothing Compared to what's in store | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  806. Experiencing GOD's Favor and Living Sacrifice | John Giftah
Experiencing GOD's Favor and Living Sacrifice | John Giftah
  807. You are SO PRECIOUS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You are SO PRECIOUS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  808. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 1 - The DESIRE | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 1 - The DESIRE | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  809. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 2 - The COMMITMENT | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 2 - The COMMITMENT | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  810. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 3 - Your HEART and your DESIRES | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 3 - Your HEART and your DESIRES | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  811. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 4 - The The Link Between Your Desire and GOD's Will | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 4 - The The Link Between Your Desire and GOD's Will | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  812. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 5 - Channelising Your Desires | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 5 - Channelising Your Desires | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  813. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 6 - GOD's Will and GOD's Word | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 6 - GOD's Will and GOD's Word | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  814. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 7 - The Aspect of Wisdom | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 7 - The Aspect of Wisdom | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  815. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 8 - The Aspect of COMMON SENSE | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 8 - The Aspect of COMMON SENSE | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  816. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 9 - Obsessed with your Desires? What to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 9 - Obsessed with your Desires? What to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  817. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 10 - GOD's Will and the Unfair Things in your Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 10 - GOD's Will and the Unfair Things in your Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  818. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 11 - GOD's Will through Unchanging Circumstances | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 11 - GOD's Will through Unchanging Circumstances | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  819. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 12 - GOD's Will through Storms in Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 12 - GOD's Will through Storms in Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  820. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 13 - GOD's Will and Closed Doors | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 13 - GOD's Will and Closed Doors | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  821. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 14 - GOD's Will and His Peace | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 14 - GOD's Will and His Peace | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  822. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 15 - A Sense of Inner Knowing | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 15 - A Sense of Inner Knowing | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  823. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 16 - Don’t Neglect SIGNS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 16 - Don’t Neglect SIGNS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  824. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 17 - Pay Attention to your DREAMS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 17 - Pay Attention to your DREAMS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  825. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 18 - Direction through VISIONS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 18 - Direction through VISIONS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  826. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 19 - Listen to GOD's Voice | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 19 - Listen to GOD's Voice | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  827. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 20 - Being Led by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 20 - Being Led by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  828. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 21 - The Lifestyle of Walking in the Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 21 - The Lifestyle of Walking in the Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  829. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 22 - Still No Clarity? - What to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 22 - Still No Clarity? - What to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  830. 2 Reasons why GOD Closed Doors in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
2 Reasons why GOD Closed Doors in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  831. You are GOD's Favourite Flavour | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You are GOD's Favourite Flavour | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  832. How to be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
How to be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  833. Expecting Some "First Time" Miracles | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Expecting Some "First Time" Miracles | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  834. Being Filled with the Holy Spirit | Pentecost Sunday | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Being Filled with the Holy Spirit | Pentecost Sunday | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  835. Are you Really Ready for the Promised Land? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are you Really Ready for the Promised Land? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  836. Don't Wear Yourself Out | John Giftah
Don't Wear Yourself Out | John Giftah
  837. Are You Disappointed by People? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Are You Disappointed by People? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  838. Are You nursing Hatred in your Heart? | John Giftah
Are You nursing Hatred in your Heart? | John Giftah
  839. Are You Saying, "I Don’t Need the 'Overflow' Life - Normal Life is Enough"? | John Giftah
Are You Saying, "I Don’t Need the 'Overflow' Life - Normal Life is Enough"? | John Giftah
  840. Living the Worry-Free Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Living the Worry-Free Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  841. "GOD, take me Seriously and Don’t Procrastinate" | A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
"GOD, take me Seriously and Don’t Procrastinate" | A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
  842. How to get Connected with the Divine-Right People in our Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to get Connected with the Divine-Right People in our Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  843. GOD's Guidance to an Extent or to the Full Extent? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
GOD's Guidance to an Extent or to the Full Extent? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  844. Don’t Keep the Blessing to Yourself | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Keep the Blessing to Yourself | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  845. You are Favoured to Serve His Purpose | John Giftah
You are Favoured to Serve His Purpose | John Giftah
  846. Discerning and Yielding to CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM | John Giftah
Discerning and Yielding to CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM | John Giftah
  847. Need Guidance from GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon + Special Prayer
Need Guidance from GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon + Special Prayer
  848. Made Mistakes? | GOD will still Speak to you! | John Giftah
Made Mistakes? | GOD will still Speak to you! | John Giftah
  849. Your Purpose for "THIS" Generation | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Purpose for "THIS" Generation | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  850. Don’t get Stuck Mentally in the Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t get Stuck Mentally in the Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  851. When was the last time you gave? | John Giftah
When was the last time you gave? | John Giftah
  852. Get Ready for your Second Laugh | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Get Ready for your Second Laugh | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  853. The Truth about Trouble | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Truth about Trouble | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  854. Dealing with Snarky Comments | John Giftah
Dealing with Snarky Comments | John Giftah
  855. Tasting GOD | John Giftah
Tasting GOD | John Giftah
  856. Feeling Invaluable? | Understanding how you are Chosen | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Feeling Invaluable? | Understanding how you are Chosen | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  857. "Seeking" GOD's Kingdom | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
"Seeking" GOD's Kingdom | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  858. How is your Fruit? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
How is your Fruit? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  859. Power of Letting Go even when you don’t know where you are going | John Giftah | Inspirational
Power of Letting Go even when you don’t know where you are going | John Giftah | Inspirational
  860. The Unusual Kindness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Unusual Kindness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  861. How to be a Witness amidst the Setbacks? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to be a Witness amidst the Setbacks? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  862. GOD will change their opinion of you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD will change their opinion of you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  863. Discerning the Right Time | Decision-making with the Holy Spirit | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Discerning the Right Time | Decision-making with the Holy Spirit | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  864. The "More than Enough" Mindset | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The "More than Enough" Mindset | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  865. Overcoming the 'What’s in it for me?' Attitude | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Overcoming the 'What’s in it for me?' Attitude | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  866. Trust the Sovereign ways of the LORD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Trust the Sovereign ways of the LORD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  867. Growing in Intimacy with GOD | Interview Excerpt ft. Hannah Elizabeth Mathews
Growing in Intimacy with GOD | Interview Excerpt ft. Hannah Elizabeth Mathews
  868. Reviewing the First Half of 2023 | John Giftah
Reviewing the First Half of 2023 | John Giftah
  869. The Gap between your Identity and your Credentials and Performance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Gap between your Identity and your Credentials and Performance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  870. Discerning your Season | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Discerning your Season | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  871. You will Out-Class Everyone Else | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You will Out-Class Everyone Else | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  872. COMMANDED and ORDERED to be Blessed | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
COMMANDED and ORDERED to be Blessed | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  873. Who are you Connected with? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Who are you Connected with? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  874. Being On-Guard | John Giftah
Being On-Guard | John Giftah
  875. Hannah Mathews Interview Excerpt | Receiving DREAMS from GOD | Christian | John Giftah
Hannah Mathews Interview Excerpt | Receiving DREAMS from GOD | Christian | John Giftah
  876. The Principle of Rest | John Giftah
The Principle of Rest | John Giftah
  877. Stop Putting the Ball on GOD's Court | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Stop Putting the Ball on GOD's Court | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  878. Decision-Making in Life? - Let GOD Say | John Giftah
Decision-Making in Life? - Let GOD Say | John Giftah
  879. Be Not Silent | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be Not Silent | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  880. Being an Encourager | John Giftah | Inspiration Christian Sermon
Being an Encourager | John Giftah | Inspiration Christian Sermon
  881. Dealing with a Bad Report | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Dealing with a Bad Report | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  882. An Important Truth about GOD's Favor | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
An Important Truth about GOD's Favor | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  883. Up Against a Big Obstacle? | Encouragement | John Giftah
Up Against a Big Obstacle? | Encouragement | John Giftah
  884. It need not be a problem for you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It need not be a problem for you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  885. Shaky Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Shaky Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  886. Why are you being Specifically Targeted? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why are you being Specifically Targeted? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  887. Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon | Throwback Thursday
Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon | Throwback Thursday
  888. 3 Things to Do about Your DESIRES | Christian Sermon | John Giftah (Are my Desires from GOD?)
3 Things to Do about Your DESIRES | Christian Sermon | John Giftah (Are my Desires from GOD?)
  889. You will get Selected IN SPITE of your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You will get Selected IN SPITE of your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  890. The Principle to Be Successful and Wealthy | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Principle to Be Successful and Wealthy | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  891. Understanding How GOD is Going to Make Your Crooked Paths Straight | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Understanding How GOD is Going to Make Your Crooked Paths Straight | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  892. GOD Knows Your Helplessness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD Knows Your Helplessness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  893. The Problems with Being Hasty | Waiting for GOD's Best | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Problems with Being Hasty | Waiting for GOD's Best | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  894. Moving when GOD hasn’t given you All the Details | John Giftah | Throwback Thursday
Moving when GOD hasn’t given you All the Details | John Giftah | Throwback Thursday
  895. Understanding the Depth of How GOD KNOWS You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Understanding the Depth of How GOD KNOWS You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  896. The Parallel Between Samson/David and Daniel | How GOD will Show Up Differently in Your Life | John Giftah
The Parallel Between Samson/David and Daniel | How GOD will Show Up Differently in Your Life | John Giftah
  897. Finding Safety in GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Finding Safety in GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  898. Consistency is NOT the Only Key | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Consistency is NOT the Only Key | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  899. Your Blessing Will Arrive Without an Announcement | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Blessing Will Arrive Without an Announcement | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  900. 900Th Podcast Episode | Interviewing Tash | John Giftah
900Th Podcast Episode | Interviewing Tash | John Giftah
  901. Are You a Lazybone? | John Giftah
Are You a Lazybone? | John Giftah
  902. Your Prayer WON'T Work | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Your Prayer WON'T Work | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  903. Andrew F Carter Interview Clip Throwback | Dealing with GUILT and SHAME | John Giftah
Andrew F Carter Interview Clip Throwback | Dealing with GUILT and SHAME | John Giftah
  904. Take Off the Load | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Take Off the Load | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  905. Anointed by GOD Yet Distanced from GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Anointed by GOD Yet Distanced from GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  906. Andrew F Carter | Powerful Christian Testimony | Prisoner to Pastor | John Giftah Podcast Throwback
Andrew F Carter | Powerful Christian Testimony | Prisoner to Pastor | John Giftah Podcast Throwback
  907. The Need to Care so much about your Image and Reputation over your Walk with GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Need to Care so much about your Image and Reputation over your Walk with GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  908. This is why you're being attacked.... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
This is why you're being attacked.... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  909. It’s okay if it hasn’t happened yet! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It’s okay if it hasn’t happened yet! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  910. From my Heart to You | Birthday Sermon | John Giftah
From my Heart to You | Birthday Sermon | John Giftah
  911. Keep Your Intentions Clear | John Giftah | Christian Sermon #Throwback
Keep Your Intentions Clear | John Giftah | Christian Sermon #Throwback
  912. Knowing Whom to Respond to | John Giftah
Knowing Whom to Respond to | John Giftah
  913. Facing LIONS in Life | Powerful Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Facing LIONS in Life | Powerful Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  914. What has the Holy Spirit Deposited in your Spirit? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
What has the Holy Spirit Deposited in your Spirit? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  915. Emotional Ties | John Giftah | Christian Sermon | Thursday Throwback
Emotional Ties | John Giftah | Christian Sermon | Thursday Throwback
  916. The Season of Obscurity | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Season of Obscurity | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  917. You are Just a Medium | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
You are Just a Medium | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  918. Are You Paying Attention to GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Are You Paying Attention to GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  919. Just "ONE" Encounter | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Just "ONE" Encounter | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  920. The Right People will Step into your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Right People will Step into your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  921. Just Ignore Them.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Just Ignore Them.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  922. Playing it Safe? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Playing it Safe? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  923. Feeling like You're Not doing anything Significant with your Life? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Feeling like You're Not doing anything Significant with your Life? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  924. Have They Left Yet? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Have They Left Yet? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  925. Instant Connections | John Giftah | Christian Sermon #Throwback
Instant Connections | John Giftah | Christian Sermon #Throwback
  926. Their Faithlessness WILL NOT Cancel GOD's Faithfulness | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Their Faithlessness WILL NOT Cancel GOD's Faithfulness | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  927. The Sad Truth about WORRY | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Sad Truth about WORRY | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  928. Run Every Step with Purpose | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Run Every Step with Purpose | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  929. Discerning the Advice you receive | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Discerning the Advice you receive | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  930. OBLIGATED / FORCED to do Something AGAINST YOUR WISH? | Powerful Christian Sermon | John Giftah
OBLIGATED / FORCED to do Something AGAINST YOUR WISH? | Powerful Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  931. The Strategy for your Generation | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Strategy for your Generation | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  932. The Seriousness of Being Unfaithful | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Seriousness of Being Unfaithful | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  933. Walking by Faith like Abraham | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Walking by Faith like Abraham | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  934. Samuel Dhinakaran | Seeking GOD's Call over your Life | John Giftah Podcast Interview Excerpt
Samuel Dhinakaran | Seeking GOD's Call over your Life | John Giftah Podcast Interview Excerpt
  935. Preparing for your Rain | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Preparing for your Rain | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  936. Is your Heart Sick in Hoplessness? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Is your Heart Sick in Hoplessness? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  937. Did GOD Lie? | 1 Samuel 16 | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Did GOD Lie? | 1 Samuel 16 | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  938. The Truth About 1 Peter 5:8 | John Giftah | Roaring Lion Christian Sermon
The Truth About 1 Peter 5:8 | John Giftah | Roaring Lion Christian Sermon
  939. 9/11 Anniversary | Are You Consumed by FEAR? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
9/11 Anniversary | Are You Consumed by FEAR? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  940. Living the Proverbs 3:6 Lifestyle | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Living the Proverbs 3:6 Lifestyle | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  941. Scooby Doo Birthday Sermon - Living Your Life on the Line | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Scooby Doo Birthday Sermon - Living Your Life on the Line | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  942. The Missing Trait of this Generation - Endurance | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Missing Trait of this Generation - Endurance | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  943. How GOD Answered my Prayers.... | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
How GOD Answered my Prayers.... | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  944. Knowing Your True VALUE | Short Christian Sermon | Inspirational and Powerful Message | John Giftah
Knowing Your True VALUE | Short Christian Sermon | Inspirational and Powerful Message | John Giftah
  945. Discerning GOD's Best Over Your Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Discerning GOD's Best Over Your Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  946. The Power of Your TESTIMONY | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Power of Your TESTIMONY | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  947. ONE IDEA - 11 Years Anniversary of John Giftah International Ministry
ONE IDEA - 11 Years Anniversary of John Giftah International Ministry
  948. GOD will change what they hear about you | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
GOD will change what they hear about you | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  949. Purpose of Life VS Life of Purpose | John Giftah | Throwback Sermon
Purpose of Life VS Life of Purpose | John Giftah | Throwback Sermon
  950. Don’t be Cold... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Don’t be Cold... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  951. GOD will give you the details you need when you need it.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
GOD will give you the details you need when you need it.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  952. Stop Putting Your Ultimate Confidence on Past Success | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Stop Putting Your Ultimate Confidence on Past Success | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  953. Nursing Hatred in Your Hearts? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Nursing Hatred in Your Hearts? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  954. It's already there.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
It's already there.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  955. Keep Saying It... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Keep Saying It... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  956. Connecting with the Right People | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Connecting with the Right People | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  957. Be Bold... GOD will use you through your Crudeness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be Bold... GOD will use you through your Crudeness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  958. Don’t Mess Your Life Because of This.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Don’t Mess Your Life Because of This.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  959. Can’t Understand what’s going on in your Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Can’t Understand what’s going on in your Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  960. Having a "Whatever Happens" Faith | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Having a "Whatever Happens" Faith | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  961. The Key to Stay Humble | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Key to Stay Humble | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  962. The Powerful Prayer | John Giftah | Christian Sermon | Praying in the Spirit
The Powerful Prayer | John Giftah | Christian Sermon | Praying in the Spirit
  963. Worry-Free Lifestyle | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Worry-Free Lifestyle | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  964. Your Relationship with GOD - Just Theoretical or Experiential? | Christian Sermon
Your Relationship with GOD - Just Theoretical or Experiential? | Christian Sermon
  965. Not Seeing Victory in Your Life? | Have you Prepared your Horses? | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Not Seeing Victory in Your Life? | Have you Prepared your Horses? | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  966. Freedom from Anxiety, Worry and Fear.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Freedom from Anxiety, Worry and Fear.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  967. How to be Mentally Healthy as a Christian? | Mental Health Day Special | LIVE Christian Sermon | John Giftah
How to be Mentally Healthy as a Christian? | Mental Health Day Special | LIVE Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  968. A Straight Talk on Mental Health | Mental Health Day | John Giftah
A Straight Talk on Mental Health | Mental Health Day | John Giftah
  969. Trying to Figure Out your Life? | Word of Encouragement | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Trying to Figure Out your Life? | Word of Encouragement | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  970. You're NOT just there.... You're there to STAND OUT | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You're NOT just there.... You're there to STAND OUT | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  971. The Commanded Blessings | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Commanded Blessings | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  972. Why is NO ONE Helping Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why is NO ONE Helping Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  973. Wearing Yourself Out? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Wearing Yourself Out? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  974. The Faith Comparison | Luke 1 | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Faith Comparison | Luke 1 | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  975. An Important Aspect about GOD's Word | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
An Important Aspect about GOD's Word | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  1. It’s Enough if you just do what you can do! | John Giftah
It’s Enough if you just do what you can do! | John Giftah
  3. Resurrection Sunday Word - Keep Moving - Your Stone will be Moved!
Resurrection Sunday Word - Keep Moving - Your Stone will be Moved!
  5. Why Does GOD Close Some Doors? #ClosedDoors
Why Does GOD Close Some Doors? #ClosedDoors
  7. Try to Understand the Reality of the Storm - Don't Generalize (Understanding the Sea of Galilee) #StormsofLife
Try to Understand the Reality of the Storm - Don't Generalize (Understanding the Sea of Galilee) #StormsofLife
  9. Reason why you are not Receiving from GOD - A very important Key to Receive from GOD
Reason why you are not Receiving from GOD - A very important Key to Receive from GOD
  11. Decision Making - The Word is more than enough for you to make a Choice!
Decision Making - The Word is more than enough for you to make a Choice!
  13. When nothing seems to be Working - Why isn’t GOD doing anything?
When nothing seems to be Working - Why isn’t GOD doing anything?
  15. How GOD Speaks in the Relevance of our Situation (Episode 15)
How GOD Speaks in the Relevance of our Situation (Episode 15)
  17. Your Message is Unique - Stick to your Voice and GOD Given Style and Burden - Purpose
Your Message is Unique - Stick to your Voice and GOD Given Style and Burden - Purpose
  19. This is why you are not seeing your Breakthrough - Waiting the Right way - Prayer Alone is NOT Enough
This is why you are not seeing your Breakthrough - Waiting the Right way - Prayer Alone is NOT Enough
  21. When the Simplest becomes the Hardest - Are you a PENINNAH or a HANNAH?
When the Simplest becomes the Hardest - Are you a PENINNAH or a HANNAH?
  23. TRANSITION SERIES - The Storm is the Litmus Test to Reveal Your True Circle of People
TRANSITION SERIES - The Storm is the Litmus Test to Reveal Your True Circle of People
  25. A Glimpse of my Journey to Encourage you to Live your Purpose - Budding Visionaries - John Giftah International Turns 8 (Episode 25)
A Glimpse of my Journey to Encourage you to Live your Purpose - Budding Visionaries - John Giftah International Turns 8 (Episode 25)
  27. Don't Overthink or Overanalyze your Miracle (Includes Exciting Updates)
Don't Overthink or Overanalyze your Miracle (Includes Exciting Updates)
  29. The Reality of Mental Health - Mental Health and Christianity - (Includes a Special Word of Prayer for Mental Health)
The Reality of Mental Health - Mental Health and Christianity - (Includes a Special Word of Prayer for Mental Health)
  31. Your Setback is actually a Set-up!
Your Setback is actually a Set-up!
  33. Trust GOD's Time
Trust GOD's Time
  35. Waiting Expectantly? (My Experience with meeting DON MOEN) (Epi. 35)
Waiting Expectantly? (My Experience with meeting DON MOEN) (Epi. 35)
  37. Decision Making - Who’s Advice are you Listening to?
Decision Making - Who’s Advice are you Listening to?
  39. Evangelist John Giftah with Pastor Tyler D. Smith (Searching for Seven Book Special)
Evangelist John Giftah with Pastor Tyler D. Smith (Searching for Seven Book Special)
  41. Halloween Special - Playing with the Occult
Halloween Special - Playing with the Occult
  43. 1000 Listens Milestone - Ultimate Vision VS Everyday Step
1000 Listens Milestone - Ultimate Vision VS Everyday Step
  45. A Strategy that will work for You TODAY!
A Strategy that will work for You TODAY!
  47. GOD knows the End; yet He cries with your Pain! (Episode 50)
GOD knows the End; yet He cries with your Pain! (Episode 50)
  49. The Real Issue with Jonah - The Power of Confrontation
The Real Issue with Jonah - The Power of Confrontation
  51. Make a Difference by being Different! - Embrace Your Uniqueness
Make a Difference by being Different! - Embrace Your Uniqueness
  53. How to be Thankful in Hard times?
How to be Thankful in Hard times?
  55. Do you know the impact of your Obedience? - Benny Hinn's Birthday Special
Do you know the impact of your Obedience? - Benny Hinn's Birthday Special
  57. WHERE you are doesn’t define WHO you are!
WHERE you are doesn’t define WHO you are!
  59. When GOD Suddenly Interrupts and Changes our plans
When GOD Suddenly Interrupts and Changes our plans
  61. Think it Over
Think it Over
  63. Where does your faith stand?
Where does your faith stand?
  65. GOD’s Plan VS Opportunities - Sinning is Easy - Lesson from Adam
GOD’s Plan VS Opportunities - Sinning is Easy - Lesson from Adam
  67. Goodbye 2020 - What did 2020 teach you?
Goodbye 2020 - What did 2020 teach you?
  69. Behind-the-scenes
  71. Pray and See
Pray and See
  73. Are You Throwing Down Your Nets?
Are You Throwing Down Your Nets?
  75. Don't write yourself off because of your Mistakes | Guilt and Regret
Don't write yourself off because of your Mistakes | Guilt and Regret
  77. What is in your Hand?
What is in your Hand?
  79. The Principle of Open Doors and Closed Doors | Noah and the Ark | John Giftah
The Principle of Open Doors and Closed Doors | Noah and the Ark | John Giftah
  81. The Reason for the Opposition | Move Forward | John Giftah
The Reason for the Opposition | Move Forward | John Giftah
  83. Are you making the most of your time? | Productivity and Social Media
Are you making the most of your time? | Productivity and Social Media
  85. Face Your Fears with your Father | Overcoming Fear | John Giftah
Face Your Fears with your Father | Overcoming Fear | John Giftah
  87. Casting Out Imaginations | How to overcome Worry, Anxiety and Depression? | John Giftah
Casting Out Imaginations | How to overcome Worry, Anxiety and Depression? | John Giftah
  89. Decision Making - Which One, LORD? | John Giftah
Decision Making - Which One, LORD? | John Giftah
  91. Protected because You are Special | Bible Study Exodus 2 1-2 | John Giftah
Protected because You are Special | Bible Study Exodus 2 1-2 | John Giftah
  93. Hearing GOD Every Step Along the Way | John Giftah
Hearing GOD Every Step Along the Way | John Giftah
  95. 2 Misconceptions on why JESUS died on the Cross for us | John Giftah
2 Misconceptions on why JESUS died on the Cross for us | John Giftah
  97. Season of Testing | John Giftah
Season of Testing | John Giftah
  99. 100Th Episode & 1 Year Anniversary of Fuel for the Soul Podcast | With Guest Speaker - Pastor Bernard David | GOD of Great News
100Th Episode & 1 Year Anniversary of Fuel for the Soul Podcast | With Guest Speaker - Pastor Bernard David | GOD of Great News
  101. Mission Andrew | John Giftah
Mission Andrew | John Giftah
  103. Decision Making - Let Peace be your Umpire
Decision Making - Let Peace be your Umpire
  105. Stay Where GOD has Called You to Stay - Your Provision will come Your Way | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Stay Where GOD has Called You to Stay - Your Provision will come Your Way | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  107. You will have the Final Laugh | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
You will have the Final Laugh | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  109. Crowned With Favor | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Crowned With Favor | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  111. GOD's Protection (Part 2) | Are You just Visiting the Secret Place? | Psalm 91:1 Study | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
GOD's Protection (Part 2) | Are You just Visiting the Secret Place? | Psalm 91:1 Study | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  113. Pentecost Sunday - Church, Arise from your Slumber! | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Pentecost Sunday - Church, Arise from your Slumber! | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  115. Why LORD, Why? - When Life does not make Sense | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Why LORD, Why? - When Life does not make Sense | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  117. Obeying GOD when it does not make Sense | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Obeying GOD when it does not make Sense | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  119. Powerless Prayer and What is Prayer? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Powerless Prayer and What is Prayer? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  121. How to Pray when your Mind is Preoccupied? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
How to Pray when your Mind is Preoccupied? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  123. USE them or LOSE them | John Giftah | Christian Sermons (Your Gifts, Resources, Opportunities, Connections, Talents, etc.)
USE them or LOSE them | John Giftah | Christian Sermons (Your Gifts, Resources, Opportunities, Connections, Talents, etc.)
  125. Are you Upset, Disappointed and Angry with GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Are you Upset, Disappointed and Angry with GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  127. GOD will Vindicate you for every word spoken against you | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
GOD will Vindicate you for every word spoken against you | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  129. Don't be Intimidated with what you have | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Don't be Intimidated with what you have | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  131. You have been CUNNINGLY Fashioned | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You have been CUNNINGLY Fashioned | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  133. How to Deal with Hopelessness as a Christian? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
How to Deal with Hopelessness as a Christian? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  135. The Master Orchestrator | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
The Master Orchestrator | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  137. Grieving the Loss of a Loved One | John Giftah
Grieving the Loss of a Loved One | John Giftah
  139. It's Only a Threat | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
It's Only a Threat | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  141. How to Trust GOD when He does not give you all the details? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to Trust GOD when He does not give you all the details? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  143. This is why you shouldn't go by what GOD told you | Why should you have Constant Fellowship with GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
This is why you shouldn't go by what GOD told you | Why should you have Constant Fellowship with GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  145. Waste Time in GOD's Presence | How to Pray for Long? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Waste Time in GOD's Presence | How to Pray for Long? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  147. Deal with your Root Issues (Why did the TITANIC Sink? - TITANIC Cover-up Lesson) | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Deal with your Root Issues (Why did the TITANIC Sink? - TITANIC Cover-up Lesson) | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  149. When You are Facing a Challenge or a Difficult Situation | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
When You are Facing a Challenge or a Difficult Situation | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  151. How does GOD see you? A Cluster or an Individual? - Inspiration from Ants | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How does GOD see you? A Cluster or an Individual? - Inspiration from Ants | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  153. Feeling Insecure? - Be Secured in the Palm of GOD's Hands | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
Feeling Insecure? - Be Secured in the Palm of GOD's Hands | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  155. How to Face and Overcome the Storms in Life? | Aircraft Turbulence | John Giftah
How to Face and Overcome the Storms in Life? | Aircraft Turbulence | John Giftah
  157. You're Not on Your Own | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You're Not on Your Own | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  159. How to Overcome the Fear of Accidents (Dystychiphobia) and bad things happening?
How to Overcome the Fear of Accidents (Dystychiphobia) and bad things happening?
  161. How to Overcome Sin? - Practical Key to Overcome Temptation | John Giftah
How to Overcome Sin? - Practical Key to Overcome Temptation | John Giftah
  163. Are you putting off something that GOD has been asking you to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Are you putting off something that GOD has been asking you to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  165. Evangelist John Giftah with Pastor Andrew F Carter (Story + Christian Discussion)
Evangelist John Giftah with Pastor Andrew F Carter (Story + Christian Discussion)
  167. How does GOD's Word Sustain You? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
How does GOD's Word Sustain You? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  169. Evangelist John Giftah's Birthday Special - Word of Encouragement and Exhortation
Evangelist John Giftah's Birthday Special - Word of Encouragement and Exhortation
  171. The Right Perspective for your Blessings | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Right Perspective for your Blessings | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  173. John Giftah with Derick Samuel | WORSHIP - An In-depth Discussion
John Giftah with Derick Samuel | WORSHIP - An In-depth Discussion
  175. Meeting Other's Expectations VS Being Yourself | John Giftah with Stella Ramola
Meeting Other's Expectations VS Being Yourself | John Giftah with Stella Ramola
  177. Having a Sound Mind through the Hard times | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Having a Sound Mind through the Hard times | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  179. John Giftah with Holly Starr (Episode 180)
John Giftah with Holly Starr (Episode 180)
  181. Take The Limits Off Our GOD - John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Take The Limits Off Our GOD - John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  183. How to get VISIONS from GOD? | Evangelist John Giftah with Prophetess Shruthika Priscilla
How to get VISIONS from GOD? | Evangelist John Giftah with Prophetess Shruthika Priscilla
  185. How to Overcome the Feeling of not being Loved and Valued? | Andrew F Carter on John Giftah Podcast
How to Overcome the Feeling of not being Loved and Valued? | Andrew F Carter on John Giftah Podcast
  187. Being Sensitive - Show up but Shut up - Relationship Tip - John Giftah
Being Sensitive - Show up but Shut up - Relationship Tip - John Giftah
  189. GOD's Big Plans for You | Holly Starr on John Giftah Podcast
GOD's Big Plans for You | Holly Starr on John Giftah Podcast
  191. It's not what it seems like it is | John Giftah | Christian Sermon (2 Kings 2: 19-22)
It's not what it seems like it is | John Giftah | Christian Sermon (2 Kings 2: 19-22)
  193. The Holy Spirit wants to Teach you "ALL" Things | Teacher's Day Special Prayer for Teachers | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Holy Spirit wants to Teach you "ALL" Things | Teacher's Day Special Prayer for Teachers | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  195. CASTING It All Upon the LORD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
CASTING It All Upon the LORD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  197. Your Reputation is in GOD's Hands | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Reputation is in GOD's Hands | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  199. Stumbling into Your Destiny | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Stumbling into Your Destiny | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  201. Scooby Doo Fans & JESUS Followers | Scooby’s 52nd Birthday Special | John Giftah with Wendy Brydge
Scooby Doo Fans & JESUS Followers | Scooby’s 52nd Birthday Special | John Giftah with Wendy Brydge
  203. Surrounded and Cornered by Your Enemies? | GOD Knows How to Protect You Right Under their Nose! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Serm
Surrounded and Cornered by Your Enemies? | GOD Knows How to Protect You Right Under their Nose! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Serm
  205. What if I Take a Wrong Step Thinking it was GOD Leading Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What if I Take a Wrong Step Thinking it was GOD Leading Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  207. Don’t Despise Small Beginnings | John Giftah
Don’t Despise Small Beginnings | John Giftah
  209. Practical Reason Why we Struggle to Trust GOD in something even though we have experienced Him in a different area of our lives? John Giftah
Practical Reason Why we Struggle to Trust GOD in something even though we have experienced Him in a different area of our lives? John Giftah
  211. The Mountain is a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
The Mountain is a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  213. Your Abundance of Rain is Speeding towards You! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Abundance of Rain is Speeding towards You! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  215. What is COURAGE and Why be COURAGEOUS? | (Feat. Lesson from Scooby Doo meets Courage the Cowardly Dog) | COURAGE SERIES PART 1 | John Giftah
What is COURAGE and Why be COURAGEOUS? | (Feat. Lesson from Scooby Doo meets Courage the Cowardly Dog) | COURAGE SERIES PART 1 | John Giftah
  217. Building Your Ark on Time | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Building Your Ark on Time | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  219. The Courage to Let Go | COURAGE SERIES PART 3 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Courage to Let Go | COURAGE SERIES PART 3 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  221. Their Faithlessness CANNOT Cancel GOD's Faithful Promises over your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Their Faithlessness CANNOT Cancel GOD's Faithful Promises over your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  223. Slow and Steady makes Better Headlines | TITANIC Sermon | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Slow and Steady makes Better Headlines | TITANIC Sermon | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  225. The Courage to Wait when GOD does not Show up in your Expected Time | COURAGE SERIES PART 5 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Courage to Wait when GOD does not Show up in your Expected Time | COURAGE SERIES PART 5 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  227. Walking in What GOD has Already Planned for us in Advance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Walking in What GOD has Already Planned for us in Advance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  229. Are you being OVERLOOKED? | What is meant to be yours will be yours! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are you being OVERLOOKED? | What is meant to be yours will be yours! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  231. The FAVOR that will take you places you cannot go on your own | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The FAVOR that will take you places you cannot go on your own | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  233. The FAVOR of Closed Doors | Reasons why GOD Closes Doors | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The FAVOR of Closed Doors | Reasons why GOD Closes Doors | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  235. Are You a Problem-Causer or a Problem-Solver? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You a Problem-Causer or a Problem-Solver? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  237. The FAVOR that sets you Apart | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The FAVOR that sets you Apart | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  239. Graduate from "I Hope" to "I Know" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Graduate from "I Hope" to "I Know" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  241. The WHY behind your WHAT | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The WHY behind your WHAT | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  243. Don’t Keep Going over Old-History - Betrayal and Hurt | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Podcast
Don’t Keep Going over Old-History - Betrayal and Hurt | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Podcast
  245. Betrayal and Hurt - Guarding Your Heart | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Betrayal and Hurt - Guarding Your Heart | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  247. Betrayal and Hurt - How to FORGIVE them? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Betrayal and Hurt - How to FORGIVE them? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  249. Trick or Retreat | Reality of the Demonic Realm | John Giftah
Trick or Retreat | Reality of the Demonic Realm | John Giftah
  251. When the Holy Spirit leads you in a way which seems like a Contradiction | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When the Holy Spirit leads you in a way which seems like a Contradiction | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  253. What to do when your Spiritual Life is Down? | Stella Ramola on John Giftah Podcast (Snippet) (Low Moment with GOD)
What to do when your Spiritual Life is Down? | Stella Ramola on John Giftah Podcast (Snippet) (Low Moment with GOD)
  255. Why do you want what you want? (Dreams, Promises, Miracles, New Levels, Promotion, Breakthroughs) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Se
Why do you want what you want? (Dreams, Promises, Miracles, New Levels, Promotion, Breakthroughs) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Se
  257. GOD is your SOURCE but You have a ROLE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD is your SOURCE but You have a ROLE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  259. Who Said? (External Voices) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Who Said? (External Voices) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  261. What to do when you are Belittled and Put Down in front of others? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What to do when you are Belittled and Put Down in front of others? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  263. Don’t Limit What GOD Wants to do through You Because of your AGE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Limit What GOD Wants to do through You Because of your AGE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  265. Feeling like a Hypocrite for Ministering while you are still Hurting | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Feeling like a Hypocrite for Ministering while you are still Hurting | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  267. Are You Waiting for THE "PERFECT" TIME? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Podcast
Are You Waiting for THE "PERFECT" TIME? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Podcast
  269. The Blessing of a GOODBYE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Blessing of a GOODBYE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  271. Season of SUDDENLY | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Season of SUDDENLY | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  273. The Element of Process | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Element of Process | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  275. Are You Making this Mistake with the Fruit of the Spirit? | John Giftah
Are You Making this Mistake with the Fruit of the Spirit? | John Giftah
  277. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 2 - The Commitment | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 2 - The Commitment | John Giftah
  279. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 4 - Link Between Your Desires and GOD's Will | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 4 - Link Between Your Desires and GOD's Will | John Giftah
  281. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 6 - GOD's Will WILL Align with GOD's Word | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 6 - GOD's Will WILL Align with GOD's Word | John Giftah
  283. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 8 - The Aspect of COMMON SENSE | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 8 - The Aspect of COMMON SENSE | John Giftah
  285. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 10 - GOD's Will and the Unfair things in your Life | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 10 - GOD's Will and the Unfair things in your Life | John Giftah
  287. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 12 - GOD's Will through Storms | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 12 - GOD's Will through Storms | John Giftah
  289. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 14 - GOD's Will and His Peace | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 14 - GOD's Will and His Peace | John Giftah
  291. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 16 - Don’t Neglect the Aspect of SIGNS | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 16 - Don’t Neglect the Aspect of SIGNS | John Giftah
  293. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 18 - Direction Through VISIONS | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 18 - Direction Through VISIONS | John Giftah
  295. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 20 - Being Led by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 20 - Being Led by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
  297. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 22 - Still Don’t Have CLARITY? - What to do? | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 22 - Still Don’t Have CLARITY? - What to do? | John Giftah
  299. Make the Most of Your TIME | John Giftah
Make the Most of Your TIME | John Giftah
  301. Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Regret from Past Mistakes | Andrew F Carter & John Giftah (Snippet)
Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Regret from Past Mistakes | Andrew F Carter & John Giftah (Snippet)
  303. Why Isn’t GOD Showing Up yet? | John Giftah
Why Isn’t GOD Showing Up yet? | John Giftah
  305. 'GOD-ORDAINED RIGHT people will Believe and Support you EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
'GOD-ORDAINED RIGHT people will Believe and Support you EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
  307. Going Back to your Old Way of Life | John Giftah
Going Back to your Old Way of Life | John Giftah
  309. Dealing with the Disappointment of Unfulfilled Prayers and Wishes in 2021 | John Giftah
Dealing with the Disappointment of Unfulfilled Prayers and Wishes in 2021 | John Giftah
  311. 2022 - FAVOR-FILLED Year! | John Giftah
2022 - FAVOR-FILLED Year! | John Giftah
  313. Don’t Cancel your Blessings by your Words | John Giftah
Don’t Cancel your Blessings by your Words | John Giftah
  315. Nothing Happens by Chance | John Giftah
Nothing Happens by Chance | John Giftah
  317. Discerning the Promises of GOD | John Giftah
Discerning the Promises of GOD | John Giftah
  319. Breaking Out from the spirit of Comparison | John Giftah
Breaking Out from the spirit of Comparison | John Giftah
  321. Be Cautious of Dream-Killers | John Giftah
Be Cautious of Dream-Killers | John Giftah
  323. Autographed by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
Autographed by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
  325. But, GOD... | John Giftah
But, GOD... | John Giftah
  327. Have You Lost Something that You Never Expected? - Dealing with Loss | John Giftah
Have You Lost Something that You Never Expected? - Dealing with Loss | John Giftah
  329. Don’t Force GOD to do it your Way! | John Giftah
Don’t Force GOD to do it your Way! | John Giftah
  331. Are You Overwhelmed by FEAR? | John Giftah
Are You Overwhelmed by FEAR? | John Giftah
  333. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 1 - INTRO + Is EVERYONE GIFTED?
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 1 - INTRO + Is EVERYONE GIFTED?
  335. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 3 - You CANNOT Imbibe GIFTS and Talents from Outside Force and Expectations | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 3 - You CANNOT Imbibe GIFTS and Talents from Outside Force and Expectations | John Giftah
  337. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 5 - Using your GIFTS to SERVE | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 5 - Using your GIFTS to SERVE | John Giftah
  339. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 7 - Is GOD Unfair and Partial in Giving More Talents to some People? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 7 - Is GOD Unfair and Partial in Giving More Talents to some People? | John Giftah
  341. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 9 - Set Time and Opportunity to Showcase your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 9 - Set Time and Opportunity to Showcase your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  343. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 11 - What were your Dreams and Aspirations when You were Young? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 11 - What were your Dreams and Aspirations when You were Young? | John Giftah
  345. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 13 - Basics of INBORN GOD-Given Talents VS Externally Acquired Skills | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 13 - Basics of INBORN GOD-Given Talents VS Externally Acquired Skills | John Giftah
  347. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 15 - CERTIFICATIONS, GIFTS and STANDING OUT | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 15 - CERTIFICATIONS, GIFTS and STANDING OUT | John Giftah
  349. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 17 - Your Gifts and the Burning Passion and Fire | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 17 - Your Gifts and the Burning Passion and Fire | John Giftah
  351. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 18 - Your Circumstances shedding light into your GIFTS and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 18 - Your Circumstances shedding light into your GIFTS and Talents | John Giftah
  353. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 20 - COMPARING your GIFTS and Talents (Part 2 - With Same Talents) | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 20 - COMPARING your GIFTS and Talents (Part 2 - With Same Talents) | John Giftah
  355. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 22 - Hierarchy in Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 22 - Hierarchy in Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  357. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 23 - Uniqueness in your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 23 - Uniqueness in your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  359. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 25 - Breaking your Head on the Formula/Strategy to use your Gifts and Talents? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 25 - Breaking your Head on the Formula/Strategy to use your Gifts and Talents? | John Giftah
  361. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 27 - Your Days of Small Beginnings | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 27 - Your Days of Small Beginnings | John Giftah
  363. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 29 - Putting Unrealistic Expectations on your Outputs | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 29 - Putting Unrealistic Expectations on your Outputs | John Giftah
  365. Series Summary - Discovering Your GIFTS and Talents | John Giftah
Series Summary - Discovering Your GIFTS and Talents | John Giftah
  367. Season of Mourning - Time to Grieve | John Giftah
Season of Mourning - Time to Grieve | John Giftah
  369. Are You Resisting the Holy Spirit? | John Giftah
Are You Resisting the Holy Spirit? | John Giftah
  371. A Message from my Heart + Prayer for the Current Situation in Ukraine and Russia | John Giftah
A Message from my Heart + Prayer for the Current Situation in Ukraine and Russia | John Giftah
  373. Ash Wednesday Special - Where is your Heart? | John Giftah
Ash Wednesday Special - Where is your Heart? | John Giftah
  375. Be Careful What You Meditate and Speak into your Life | John Giftah
Be Careful What You Meditate and Speak into your Life | John Giftah
  377. Why didn’t GOD Give me that Promise Earlier? | Fulfilment of Promise VS Promise Given | John Giftah
Why didn’t GOD Give me that Promise Earlier? | Fulfilment of Promise VS Promise Given | John Giftah
  379. Don’t let anyone Silence You | Women's Day Special | John Giftah
Don’t let anyone Silence You | Women's Day Special | John Giftah
  381. Practically How to FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series (Part 3) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
Practically How to FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series (Part 3) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  383. Are You Helpless and Hopeless? | John Giftah
Are You Helpless and Hopeless? | John Giftah
  385. You CANNOT Fake it till You Make it | John Giftah
You CANNOT Fake it till You Make it | John Giftah
  387. Are You Still Expecting Your "Potiphar" to Unlock Your Prison Doors? | John Giftah
Are You Still Expecting Your "Potiphar" to Unlock Your Prison Doors? | John Giftah
  389. Which Side Are You In? | John Giftah
Which Side Are You In? | John Giftah
  391. Obeying GOD when it does not Make Sense | John Giftah (LIVE Sermon Segment)
Obeying GOD when it does not Make Sense | John Giftah (LIVE Sermon Segment)
  393. Overcoming Grudges as a Melancholic Person | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 5) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
Overcoming Grudges as a Melancholic Person | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 5) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  395. If it is Meant to be YOURS - GOD WILL Bring it to You! | Testimonial Sermon | John Giftah
If it is Meant to be YOURS - GOD WILL Bring it to You! | Testimonial Sermon | John Giftah
  397. FAVOR ONLY in the FIELD | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
FAVOR ONLY in the FIELD | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
  399. Don’t Kill Your "Isaac's" | John Giftah
Don’t Kill Your "Isaac's" | John Giftah
  401. Feeling like You Don’t have Strength to Wait Any More? | John Giftah
Feeling like You Don’t have Strength to Wait Any More? | John Giftah
  403. Am I in the Right Field? | FAVOR Only in the FIELD | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
Am I in the Right Field? | FAVOR Only in the FIELD | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
  405. Don’t Forget to LAUGH | John Giftah
Don’t Forget to LAUGH | John Giftah
  407. How to Forgive Yourself? | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 6) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
How to Forgive Yourself? | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 6) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  409. Get Some Experience | John Giftah
Get Some Experience | John Giftah
  411. Be Bold and Face Your Jerusalem | John Giftah
Be Bold and Face Your Jerusalem | John Giftah
  413. Discerning the Right Time | John Giftah
Discerning the Right Time | John Giftah
  415. Is the Weight of your Calling too Much? | John Giftah
Is the Weight of your Calling too Much? | John Giftah
  417. The Essence of Good Friday | John Giftah
The Essence of Good Friday | John Giftah
  419. Resurrection Sunday TV Program - RESURRECTION POWER | John Giftah (With Song Feat. Ps. Simon Johney)
Resurrection Sunday TV Program - RESURRECTION POWER | John Giftah (With Song Feat. Ps. Simon Johney)
  421. Their Faithlessness CANNOT Cancel GOD's Faithful Promises over your Life | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
Their Faithlessness CANNOT Cancel GOD's Faithful Promises over your Life | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
  423. Deal with Your Unbelief | John Giftah
Deal with Your Unbelief | John Giftah
  425. Your Trouble is Temporary | John Giftah
Your Trouble is Temporary | John Giftah
  427. Heart Check - Idols of our Heart | John Giftah
Heart Check - Idols of our Heart | John Giftah
  429. Running Every Step with Purpose | John Giftah
Running Every Step with Purpose | John Giftah
  431. Have a Bigger Vision for your Life | John Giftah
Have a Bigger Vision for your Life | John Giftah
  433. Success is NOT About Numbers | John Giftah
Success is NOT About Numbers | John Giftah
  435. Don’t Limit GOD on How He Should Speak to You | John Giftah
Don’t Limit GOD on How He Should Speak to You | John Giftah
  437. Obedience to the Faith | John Giftah
Obedience to the Faith | John Giftah
  439. Your Mountain will become a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah
Your Mountain will become a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah
  441. The Mature Way to Deal with People You Don’t Agree with | John Giftah
The Mature Way to Deal with People You Don’t Agree with | John Giftah
  443. GOD is too Committed to Not Show Up | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
GOD is too Committed to Not Show Up | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
  445. This is why you are not receiving from GOD | John Giftah
This is why you are not receiving from GOD | John Giftah
  447. GOD is Practical + He'll Do it Again | John Giftah
GOD is Practical + He'll Do it Again | John Giftah
  449. Help Coming to You from Outside Your Contact List | John Giftah
Help Coming to You from Outside Your Contact List | John Giftah
  451. Are You Overlooking some Amazing Presents GOD has Kept in Front of You? | John Giftah
Are You Overlooking some Amazing Presents GOD has Kept in Front of You? | John Giftah
  453. Why am I going down in Life? | Understanding the PROCESS | John Giftah
Why am I going down in Life? | Understanding the PROCESS | John Giftah
  455. Your Acceptance Comes Before Your Performance | John Giftah
Your Acceptance Comes Before Your Performance | John Giftah
  457. The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | John Giftah
The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | John Giftah
  459. Just Because it Happened to them, It Won’t Happen to You! | John Giftah
Just Because it Happened to them, It Won’t Happen to You! | John Giftah
  461. So what if no one else has done it before? | Mount Everest Day | John Giftah
So what if no one else has done it before? | Mount Everest Day | John Giftah
  463. Don’t just "Pray" - Believe | John Giftah
Don’t just "Pray" - Believe | John Giftah
  465. Don’t Fall for the Enemy's Lies of Exaggeration | John Giftah
Don’t Fall for the Enemy's Lies of Exaggeration | John Giftah
  467. Why Am I Unable to Live a Victorious Christian life? | John Giftah
Why Am I Unable to Live a Victorious Christian life? | John Giftah
  469. How to be led by the Holy Spirit Practically? | John Giftah
How to be led by the Holy Spirit Practically? | John Giftah
  471. Praying in the Spirit | John Giftah
Praying in the Spirit | John Giftah
  473. Why Should I "Welcome" the Holy Spirit if He is Always with Me? | John Giftah
Why Should I "Welcome" the Holy Spirit if He is Always with Me? | John Giftah
  475. Tapping into the Power of Prayer | John Giftah
Tapping into the Power of Prayer | John Giftah
  477. Your Last Resort? - GOD will Intervene when You least Expect | John Giftah
Your Last Resort? - GOD will Intervene when You least Expect | John Giftah
  479. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit took Over the Recording) | John Giftah
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit took Over the Recording) | John Giftah
  481. Embracing the Valley | John Giftah
Embracing the Valley | John Giftah
  483. Is Unforgiveness Your Fuel? (Radio Show Excerpt) | Special Prayer to Break Free | John Giftah
Is Unforgiveness Your Fuel? (Radio Show Excerpt) | Special Prayer to Break Free | John Giftah
  485. Don’t waste Your Life in Unforgiveness (Radio Show Excerpt) | John Giftah
Don’t waste Your Life in Unforgiveness (Radio Show Excerpt) | John Giftah
  487. How to Pray when your Mind is Preoccupied? | John Giftah
How to Pray when your Mind is Preoccupied? | John Giftah
  489. Acknowledging GOD in EVERYTHING You Do | John Giftah
Acknowledging GOD in EVERYTHING You Do | John Giftah
  491. "GOD, take me Seriously and Don’t Procrastinate" | A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
"GOD, take me Seriously and Don’t Procrastinate" | A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
  493. Don’t Give Power to Your FEARS | John Giftah
Don’t Give Power to Your FEARS | John Giftah
  495. What do you Hear? | John Giftah
What do you Hear? | John Giftah
  497. A Short Word and Prayer for You to be Set Free and Experience Liberation | John Giftah
A Short Word and Prayer for You to be Set Free and Experience Liberation | John Giftah
  499. Recent Podcast Milestone + A Challenging Word | John Giftah
Recent Podcast Milestone + A Challenging Word | John Giftah
  501. Don’t Fall for it just because something Different grabs your Attention | John Giftah
Don’t Fall for it just because something Different grabs your Attention | John Giftah
  503. Living the Balanced Life | John Giftah
Living the Balanced Life | John Giftah
  505. Graduate from "I Hope" to "I Know" | John Giftah
Graduate from "I Hope" to "I Know" | John Giftah
  507. Your "Messy" Life will Inspire Others | John Giftah
Your "Messy" Life will Inspire Others | John Giftah
  509. Get back in the Game | John Giftah
Get back in the Game | John Giftah
  511. Prompted by Faith - Powered by GOD | John Giftah
Prompted by Faith - Powered by GOD | John Giftah
  513. You Can Bank Upon GOD's Unshakable Promises | John Giftah
You Can Bank Upon GOD's Unshakable Promises | John Giftah
  515. Accepting Yourself just as you are | Stella Ramola and John Giftah (Snippet)
Accepting Yourself just as you are | Stella Ramola and John Giftah (Snippet)
  517. What will they think of me? | Opinion of People | John Giftah
What will they think of me? | Opinion of People | John Giftah
  519. You Don’t Have to Understand the Process | John Giftah
You Don’t Have to Understand the Process | John Giftah
  521. Feeling Like a FAILURE + Dealing with a FAILURE | John Giftah
Feeling Like a FAILURE + Dealing with a FAILURE | John Giftah
  523. Are You Missing Out on the Sons Already in the House? | John Giftah
Are You Missing Out on the Sons Already in the House? | John Giftah
  525. Have You Washed Your Nets? | John Giftah
Have You Washed Your Nets? | John Giftah
  527. When You Lost Something in your Life.... | John Giftah
When You Lost Something in your Life.... | John Giftah
  529. The Guilt of Messing Up Open Doors | John Giftah
The Guilt of Messing Up Open Doors | John Giftah
  531. The Principle of Sabbath | Rest Day | John Giftah
The Principle of Sabbath | Rest Day | John Giftah
  533. INTANGIBLE to TANGIBLE | Power of The Word | John Giftah
INTANGIBLE to TANGIBLE | Power of The Word | John Giftah
  535. Just For You | John Giftah
Just For You | John Giftah
  537. Don't Even Trouble your Mind Over It | Hearing GOD | John Giftah
Don't Even Trouble your Mind Over It | Hearing GOD | John Giftah
  539. You're Not just a Face in the Crowd | John Giftah
You're Not just a Face in the Crowd | John Giftah
  541. Why Am I not Experiencing Life and Peace? | John Giftah
Why Am I not Experiencing Life and Peace? | John Giftah
  543. Are you being OVERLOOKED? | What is meant to be yours will be yours! | John Giftah
Are you being OVERLOOKED? | What is meant to be yours will be yours! | John Giftah
  545. The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah | LIVE from Karunya University
The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah | LIVE from Karunya University
  547. GOD is Strategic with your Life | John Giftah
GOD is Strategic with your Life | John Giftah
  549. Don’t Neglect Your Desires | John Giftah
Don’t Neglect Your Desires | John Giftah
  551. Are You Taking Precautions? | John Giftah
Are You Taking Precautions? | John Giftah
  553. Channelising Evil Desires | John Giftah
Channelising Evil Desires | John Giftah
  555. Crippled by Your "What If's" | John Giftah
Crippled by Your "What If's" | John Giftah
  557. Just Focus on What You are Supposed to do | John Giftah
Just Focus on What You are Supposed to do | John Giftah
  559. Lifestyle of Surrender to GOD | John Giftah
Lifestyle of Surrender to GOD | John Giftah
  561. Taunted by Others? | John Giftah
Taunted by Others? | John Giftah
  563. Are you Idle? | John Giftah
Are you Idle? | John Giftah
  565. How Faithful Are You? | John Giftah
How Faithful Are You? | John Giftah
  567. Invite JESUS Before Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah
Invite JESUS Before Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah
  569. Are you Humble enough to receive Advice, Correction and Constructive Criticism? | John Giftah
Are you Humble enough to receive Advice, Correction and Constructive Criticism? | John Giftah
  571. You are Favoured to Serve His Purpose | John Giftah
You are Favoured to Serve His Purpose | John Giftah
  573. Keep Your Ultimate Mission in Mind | John Giftah
Keep Your Ultimate Mission in Mind | John Giftah
  575. Walking in Love VS Showing Love/ Expressing Love | John Giftah
Walking in Love VS Showing Love/ Expressing Love | John Giftah
  577. Coming to terms with an Unexpected Loss | John Giftah
Coming to terms with an Unexpected Loss | John Giftah
  579. Are You Praying for and Blessing Others? | John Giftah
Are You Praying for and Blessing Others? | John Giftah
  581. Are You Nursing Hatred in Your Hearts? | John Giftah
Are You Nursing Hatred in Your Hearts? | John Giftah
  583. So, You Want to just be like them? | John Giftah
So, You Want to just be like them? | John Giftah
  585. How are you Different? | John Giftah
How are you Different? | John Giftah
  587. Are You Acknowledging GOD in Everything? | John Giftah
Are You Acknowledging GOD in Everything? | John Giftah
  589. Don’t just settle for what’s Available - Pursue GOD's Leading | John Giftah
Don’t just settle for what’s Available - Pursue GOD's Leading | John Giftah
  591. Risky Associations | John Giftah
Risky Associations | John Giftah
  593. Are You Doubting GOD's Leading over your life? | John Giftah
Are You Doubting GOD's Leading over your life? | John Giftah
  595. Me and My BIIIG Mouth | John Giftah
Me and My BIIIG Mouth | John Giftah
  597. How Long will You Mourn? | John Giftah
How Long will You Mourn? | John Giftah
  599. Living in Default Mode? | John Giftah
Living in Default Mode? | John Giftah
  601. The Right People will Believe and Support You EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
The Right People will Believe and Support You EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
  603. The Power of Consistency | John Giftah
The Power of Consistency | John Giftah
  605. Why Am I Chained? | John Giftah
Why Am I Chained? | John Giftah
  607. Don't Quit working on it because of a Bad Experience | John Giftah
Don't Quit working on it because of a Bad Experience | John Giftah
  609. Don’t Miss Great Opportunities because of this | John Giftah
Don’t Miss Great Opportunities because of this | John Giftah
  611. Why does GOD's Promises come much before their Manifestation? | John Giftah
Why does GOD's Promises come much before their Manifestation? | John Giftah
  613. You are a Work-In-Progress | John Giftah
You are a Work-In-Progress | John Giftah
  615. UnIntentional Training | John Giftah
UnIntentional Training | John Giftah
  617. Your Mistakes CANNOT Revoke Your Call | John Giftah
Your Mistakes CANNOT Revoke Your Call | John Giftah
  619. Stop Going Back to What GOD Delivered You From | John Giftah
Stop Going Back to What GOD Delivered You From | John Giftah
  621. What You Do Has a Rippling Effect on Others | John Giftah
What You Do Has a Rippling Effect on Others | John Giftah
  623. Are You on the Right Side of History? | John Giftah
Are You on the Right Side of History? | John Giftah
  625. Start with What You Have | John Giftah
Start with What You Have | John Giftah
  627. Are You Making the Most of EVERY OPPORTUNITY? | John Giftah
Are You Making the Most of EVERY OPPORTUNITY? | John Giftah
  629. A Lead to your Calling | John Giftah
A Lead to your Calling | John Giftah
  631. Working on the Base of Your Miracle | John Giftah
Working on the Base of Your Miracle | John Giftah
  633. Stick to Your Job - GOD will do the Rest | John Giftah
Stick to Your Job - GOD will do the Rest | John Giftah
  635. Invite JESUS "Before" Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah (YouTube Excerpt) | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Invite JESUS "Before" Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah (YouTube Excerpt) | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  637. Feeling like a Mis-Fit? | John Giftah
Feeling like a Mis-Fit? | John Giftah
  639. Who was CAIN's WIFE? Why is the Bible Silent about these Details? | John Giftah
Who was CAIN's WIFE? Why is the Bible Silent about these Details? | John Giftah
  641. Feeling Lifeless? | John Giftah
Feeling Lifeless? | John Giftah
  643. Expecting Some "First-Time" Miracles | John Giftah
Expecting Some "First-Time" Miracles | John Giftah
  645. Stop Looking Back and Start Moving Forward | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon From YouTube
Stop Looking Back and Start Moving Forward | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon From YouTube
  647. You Don’t Belong to Yourself | John Giftah
You Don’t Belong to Yourself | John Giftah
  649. It's a Question of "Are You Available?" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It's a Question of "Are You Available?" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  651. Why Can’t They Understand and Change? | John Giftah
Why Can’t They Understand and Change? | John Giftah
  653. Are You Neglecting the Holy Spirit? | John Giftah
Are You Neglecting the Holy Spirit? | John Giftah
  655. You Are GOD's Favorite Flavor | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You Are GOD's Favorite Flavor | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  657. An Encouragement for You if You are facing an Impossible Situation | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
An Encouragement for You if You are facing an Impossible Situation | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  659. Wait for the Official Call | John Giftah
Wait for the Official Call | John Giftah
  661. Finding it Hard to Accept What is Different about You? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Finding it Hard to Accept What is Different about You? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  663. Fight for What Belongs to You | John Giftah
Fight for What Belongs to You | John Giftah
  665. Christian Singles and Dating | 4 Reasons that are NOT Good Enough for You to get Married / Enter a Relationship | John Giftah
Christian Singles and Dating | 4 Reasons that are NOT Good Enough for You to get Married / Enter a Relationship | John Giftah
  667. Biblical and Practical Reasons Why You Should NOT Marry an Unbeliever | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
Biblical and Practical Reasons Why You Should NOT Marry an Unbeliever | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
  669. Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 1) - SPIRITUALLY ALIGNED | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 1) - SPIRITUALLY ALIGNED | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
  671. Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 2) - PURPOSE-COMPATIBILITY | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 2) - PURPOSE-COMPATIBILITY | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
  673. Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 3) - GET TO KNOW THEM | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
Characteristics of a LIFE PARTNER (Part 3) - GET TO KNOW THEM | John Giftah | Christian Singles and Dating
  675. What are you Gifting the Birthday Boy? | John Giftah | Christmas 2022
What are you Gifting the Birthday Boy? | John Giftah | Christmas 2022
  677. Pay Attention to Your Infatuations | Christian Singles and Dating | John Giftah
Pay Attention to Your Infatuations | Christian Singles and Dating | John Giftah
  679. Practical and Biblical Steps to Find Your Life Partner | Christian Singles and Dating | John Giftah
Practical and Biblical Steps to Find Your Life Partner | Christian Singles and Dating | John Giftah
  681. John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Samuel Dhinakaran (Jesus Calls Ministry)
John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Samuel Dhinakaran (Jesus Calls Ministry)
  683. John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Baze10 (Mark Angel Comedy Lead Actor)
John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Baze10 (Mark Angel Comedy Lead Actor)
  685. John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Gabriella Graves (Hollywood/Disney Actress & Voiceover Artist)
John Giftah Top Exclusive Interviews 2022 | Gabriella Graves (Hollywood/Disney Actress & Voiceover Artist)
  687. Thank You for Listening | Final Thoughts for 2022 | Updates
Thank You for Listening | Final Thoughts for 2022 | Updates
  689. Are You Fed up of "New Year Promise Messages"? | John Giftah
Are You Fed up of "New Year Promise Messages"? | John Giftah
  691. It's a Fact | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It's a Fact | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  693. The Misconception Regarding the "Holy" GOD when we sin | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Misconception Regarding the "Holy" GOD when we sin | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  695. Taking a Break and Introspecting (A LIVE YouTube Video) | John Giftah
Taking a Break and Introspecting (A LIVE YouTube Video) | John Giftah
  697. How to Know if it's of GOD? | John Giftah
How to Know if it's of GOD? | John Giftah
  699. Involving the Holy Spirit - COMFORTER & STRENGTHENER | John Giftah
Involving the Holy Spirit - COMFORTER & STRENGTHENER | John Giftah
  701. Quit the Blame-Game | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Quit the Blame-Game | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  703. GOD is "LONGING" to be Gracious to You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD is "LONGING" to be Gracious to You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  705. When Should You Come Out of Your Ark? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When Should You Come Out of Your Ark? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  707. Is Your Hurt Withholding You from Ministering to Others? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Is Your Hurt Withholding You from Ministering to Others? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  709. This is why it is better that you wait for it.... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
This is why it is better that you wait for it.... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  711. Mental and Emotional Battles VS Physical Expectations - Can You Balance? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Mental and Emotional Battles VS Physical Expectations - Can You Balance? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  713. Don’t Limit GOD on How He Should Speak to You | John Giftah
Don’t Limit GOD on How He Should Speak to You | John Giftah
  715. Can GOD Truly Trust You? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Can GOD Truly Trust You? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  717. Why aren’t they Trusting Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why aren’t they Trusting Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  719. Praying the Word of GOD | Praying according to GOD's Will | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Praying the Word of GOD | Praying according to GOD's Will | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  721. Holy Spirit + Bible = Clarity and Direction | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Holy Spirit + Bible = Clarity and Direction | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  723. Their Experiences are NOT your Standard | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Their Experiences are NOT your Standard | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  725. The Sooner You Deal with Your Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Sooner You Deal with Your Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  727. Don’t Write Yourself Off because of your Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Write Yourself Off because of your Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  729. Talking About Your Root Issues | How it Helps? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Talking About Your Root Issues | How it Helps? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  731. Being Radical about Change | Overcoming Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Being Radical about Change | Overcoming Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  733. Are You Truly WALKING in LOVE? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Truly WALKING in LOVE? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  735. Displaying Patience | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Displaying Patience | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  737. Are You Jealous? (Part 1) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Jealous? (Part 1) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  739. True Love DOES NOT EXPOSE | Being a Mature Christian | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
True Love DOES NOT EXPOSE | Being a Mature Christian | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  741. Taking the Right Advice | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Taking the Right Advice | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  743. Are You Stabbing People? John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Stabbing People? John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  745. It's Coming Your Way | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It's Coming Your Way | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  747. How Hungry are You for GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How Hungry are You for GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  749. Random Yet GOD Thoughts | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Random Yet GOD Thoughts | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  751. GOD WILL Take Care of You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD WILL Take Care of You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  753. The Wisdom of Avoiding Unnecessary Controversy | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Wisdom of Avoiding Unnecessary Controversy | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  755. Why Can’t I Hear GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why Can’t I Hear GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  757. When You Can't See GOD's Favor Upon My Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When You Can't See GOD's Favor Upon My Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  759. GOD and Physical Attractiveness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD and Physical Attractiveness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  761. GOD Will Definitely Vindicate You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD Will Definitely Vindicate You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  763. When People Belittle You... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When People Belittle You... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  765. Rebellious Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Rebellious Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  767. Being Successful in a Place you didn’t ask for in Life | Success in a Christian Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Being Successful in a Place you didn’t ask for in Life | Success in a Christian Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  769. Have You Consulted the LORD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Have You Consulted the LORD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  771. The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon (Throwback Sermon)
The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon (Throwback Sermon)
  773. The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah | LIVE from Karunya University
The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah | LIVE from Karunya University
  775. Do You Have the Stamina for the Next Level of Your Destiny? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Do You Have the Stamina for the Next Level of Your Destiny? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  777. Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  779. Your Mountain will become a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Mountain will become a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  781. How to Overcome the Fear of Accidents (Dystychiphobia) and Bad things happening? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to Overcome the Fear of Accidents (Dystychiphobia) and Bad things happening? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  783. This is why you are not Receiving from GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
This is why you are not Receiving from GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  785. The Essence of Good Friday | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Essence of Good Friday | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  787. Living the Resurrection Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Living the Resurrection Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  789. TITANIC SERMON 1 - Where is your Confidence? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 1 - Where is your Confidence? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  791. TITANIC SERMON 3 - Take it Slow | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 3 - Take it Slow | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  793. TITANIC SERMON 5 - Act of Prayer VS Man of Prayer | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 5 - Act of Prayer VS Man of Prayer | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  795. Knowing Whom to Respond to | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Knowing Whom to Respond to | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  797. Emotional Ties | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Emotional Ties | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  799. With GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
With GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  801. GOD will change what they hear about you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD will change what they hear about you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  803. GOD will Guide you AT THE RIGHT TIME in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD will Guide you AT THE RIGHT TIME in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  805. This is Nothing Compared to what's in store | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
This is Nothing Compared to what's in store | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  807. You are SO PRECIOUS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You are SO PRECIOUS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  809. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 2 - The COMMITMENT | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 2 - The COMMITMENT | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  811. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 4 - The The Link Between Your Desire and GOD's Will | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 4 - The The Link Between Your Desire and GOD's Will | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  813. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 6 - GOD's Will and GOD's Word | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 6 - GOD's Will and GOD's Word | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  815. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 8 - The Aspect of COMMON SENSE | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 8 - The Aspect of COMMON SENSE | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  817. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 10 - GOD's Will and the Unfair Things in your Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 10 - GOD's Will and the Unfair Things in your Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  819. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 12 - GOD's Will through Storms in Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 12 - GOD's Will through Storms in Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  821. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 14 - GOD's Will and His Peace | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 14 - GOD's Will and His Peace | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  823. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 16 - Don’t Neglect SIGNS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 16 - Don’t Neglect SIGNS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  825. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 18 - Direction through VISIONS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 18 - Direction through VISIONS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  827. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 20 - Being Led by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 20 - Being Led by the Holy Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  829. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 22 - Still No Clarity? - What to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 22 - Still No Clarity? - What to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  831. You are GOD's Favourite Flavour | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You are GOD's Favourite Flavour | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  833. Expecting Some "First Time" Miracles | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Expecting Some "First Time" Miracles | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  835. Are you Really Ready for the Promised Land? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are you Really Ready for the Promised Land? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  837. Are You Disappointed by People? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Are You Disappointed by People? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  839. Are You Saying, "I Don’t Need the 'Overflow' Life - Normal Life is Enough"? | John Giftah
Are You Saying, "I Don’t Need the 'Overflow' Life - Normal Life is Enough"? | John Giftah
  841. "GOD, take me Seriously and Don’t Procrastinate" | A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
"GOD, take me Seriously and Don’t Procrastinate" | A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
  843. GOD's Guidance to an Extent or to the Full Extent? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
GOD's Guidance to an Extent or to the Full Extent? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  845. You are Favoured to Serve His Purpose | John Giftah
You are Favoured to Serve His Purpose | John Giftah
  847. Need Guidance from GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon + Special Prayer
Need Guidance from GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon + Special Prayer
  849. Your Purpose for "THIS" Generation | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Purpose for "THIS" Generation | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  851. When was the last time you gave? | John Giftah
When was the last time you gave? | John Giftah
  853. The Truth about Trouble | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Truth about Trouble | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  855. Tasting GOD | John Giftah
Tasting GOD | John Giftah
  857. "Seeking" GOD's Kingdom | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
"Seeking" GOD's Kingdom | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  859. Power of Letting Go even when you don’t know where you are going | John Giftah | Inspirational
Power of Letting Go even when you don’t know where you are going | John Giftah | Inspirational
  861. How to be a Witness amidst the Setbacks? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to be a Witness amidst the Setbacks? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  863. Discerning the Right Time | Decision-making with the Holy Spirit | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Discerning the Right Time | Decision-making with the Holy Spirit | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  865. Overcoming the 'What’s in it for me?' Attitude | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Overcoming the 'What’s in it for me?' Attitude | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  867. Growing in Intimacy with GOD | Interview Excerpt ft. Hannah Elizabeth Mathews
Growing in Intimacy with GOD | Interview Excerpt ft. Hannah Elizabeth Mathews
  869. The Gap between your Identity and your Credentials and Performance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Gap between your Identity and your Credentials and Performance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  871. You will Out-Class Everyone Else | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You will Out-Class Everyone Else | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  873. Who are you Connected with? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Who are you Connected with? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  875. Hannah Mathews Interview Excerpt | Receiving DREAMS from GOD | Christian | John Giftah
Hannah Mathews Interview Excerpt | Receiving DREAMS from GOD | Christian | John Giftah
  877. Stop Putting the Ball on GOD's Court | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Stop Putting the Ball on GOD's Court | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  879. Be Not Silent | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be Not Silent | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  881. Dealing with a Bad Report | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Dealing with a Bad Report | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  883. Up Against a Big Obstacle? | Encouragement | John Giftah
Up Against a Big Obstacle? | Encouragement | John Giftah
  885. Shaky Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Shaky Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  887. Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon | Throwback Thursday
Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon | Throwback Thursday
  889. You will get Selected IN SPITE of your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You will get Selected IN SPITE of your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  891. Understanding How GOD is Going to Make Your Crooked Paths Straight | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Understanding How GOD is Going to Make Your Crooked Paths Straight | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  893. The Problems with Being Hasty | Waiting for GOD's Best | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Problems with Being Hasty | Waiting for GOD's Best | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  895. Understanding the Depth of How GOD KNOWS You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Understanding the Depth of How GOD KNOWS You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  897. Finding Safety in GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Finding Safety in GOD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  899. Your Blessing Will Arrive Without an Announcement | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Blessing Will Arrive Without an Announcement | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  901. Are You a Lazybone? | John Giftah
Are You a Lazybone? | John Giftah
  903. Andrew F Carter Interview Clip Throwback | Dealing with GUILT and SHAME | John Giftah
Andrew F Carter Interview Clip Throwback | Dealing with GUILT and SHAME | John Giftah
  905. Anointed by GOD Yet Distanced from GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Anointed by GOD Yet Distanced from GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  907. The Need to Care so much about your Image and Reputation over your Walk with GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Need to Care so much about your Image and Reputation over your Walk with GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  909. It’s okay if it hasn’t happened yet! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It’s okay if it hasn’t happened yet! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  911. Keep Your Intentions Clear | John Giftah | Christian Sermon #Throwback
Keep Your Intentions Clear | John Giftah | Christian Sermon #Throwback
  913. Facing LIONS in Life | Powerful Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Facing LIONS in Life | Powerful Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  915. Emotional Ties | John Giftah | Christian Sermon | Thursday Throwback
Emotional Ties | John Giftah | Christian Sermon | Thursday Throwback
  917. You are Just a Medium | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
You are Just a Medium | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  919. Just "ONE" Encounter | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Just "ONE" Encounter | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  921. Just Ignore Them.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Just Ignore Them.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  923. Feeling like You're Not doing anything Significant with your Life? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Feeling like You're Not doing anything Significant with your Life? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  925. Instant Connections | John Giftah | Christian Sermon #Throwback
Instant Connections | John Giftah | Christian Sermon #Throwback
  927. The Sad Truth about WORRY | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Sad Truth about WORRY | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  929. Discerning the Advice you receive | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Discerning the Advice you receive | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  931. The Strategy for your Generation | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Strategy for your Generation | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  933. Walking by Faith like Abraham | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Walking by Faith like Abraham | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  935. Preparing for your Rain | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Preparing for your Rain | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  937. Did GOD Lie? | 1 Samuel 16 | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Did GOD Lie? | 1 Samuel 16 | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  939. 9/11 Anniversary | Are You Consumed by FEAR? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
9/11 Anniversary | Are You Consumed by FEAR? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  941. Scooby Doo Birthday Sermon - Living Your Life on the Line | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Scooby Doo Birthday Sermon - Living Your Life on the Line | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  943. How GOD Answered my Prayers.... | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
How GOD Answered my Prayers.... | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  945. Discerning GOD's Best Over Your Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Discerning GOD's Best Over Your Life | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  947. ONE IDEA - 11 Years Anniversary of John Giftah International Ministry
ONE IDEA - 11 Years Anniversary of John Giftah International Ministry
  949. Purpose of Life VS Life of Purpose | John Giftah | Throwback Sermon
Purpose of Life VS Life of Purpose | John Giftah | Throwback Sermon
  951. GOD will give you the details you need when you need it.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
GOD will give you the details you need when you need it.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  953. Nursing Hatred in Your Hearts? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Nursing Hatred in Your Hearts? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  955. Keep Saying It... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Keep Saying It... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  957. Be Bold... GOD will use you through your Crudeness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be Bold... GOD will use you through your Crudeness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  959. Can’t Understand what’s going on in your Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Can’t Understand what’s going on in your Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  961. The Key to Stay Humble | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Key to Stay Humble | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  963. Worry-Free Lifestyle | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Worry-Free Lifestyle | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  965. Not Seeing Victory in Your Life? | Have you Prepared your Horses? | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Not Seeing Victory in Your Life? | Have you Prepared your Horses? | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  967. How to be Mentally Healthy as a Christian? | Mental Health Day Special | LIVE Christian Sermon | John Giftah
How to be Mentally Healthy as a Christian? | Mental Health Day Special | LIVE Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  969. Trying to Figure Out your Life? | Word of Encouragement | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Trying to Figure Out your Life? | Word of Encouragement | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  971. The Commanded Blessings | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Commanded Blessings | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  973. Wearing Yourself Out? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Wearing Yourself Out? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  975. An Important Aspect about GOD's Word | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
An Important Aspect about GOD's Word | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  2. Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons (Trailer)
Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons (Trailer)
  4. Be Bold and Face your Jerusalem
Be Bold and Face your Jerusalem
  6. One Act of Kindness
One Act of Kindness
  8. Why will some people hate you even when you did nothing but good? #LifeofPurpose
Why will some people hate you even when you did nothing but good? #LifeofPurpose
  10. Desperate about the things in life? - Seriousness of being Desperate! #DesperateMoves (Episode 10)
Desperate about the things in life? - Seriousness of being Desperate! #DesperateMoves (Episode 10)
  12. Prevent a Burnout - Don't Overburden Yourself with Commitments
Prevent a Burnout - Don't Overburden Yourself with Commitments
  14. Treasures in Unlikely places - Would you go to a Tanners House?
Treasures in Unlikely places - Would you go to a Tanners House?
  16. Are you crying and wondering why you are being attacked by the enemy?
Are you crying and wondering why you are being attacked by the enemy?
  18. Your Crowd is Different - Stick to your Area of Burden
Your Crowd is Different - Stick to your Area of Burden
  20. Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry
Dealing with WORRY and ANXIETY - PRACTICAL Key to Overcome Worry
  22. TRANSITION SERIES - Don't Wait for 'THE PERFECT TIME' to Make Your Move
TRANSITION SERIES - Don't Wait for 'THE PERFECT TIME' to Make Your Move
  24. How to Deal with MISSED OPPORTUNITIES?
  26. TRANSITION SERIES - Popular Trend/General Norm VS Spirit's Leading/GOD's Specific Instruction
TRANSITION SERIES - Popular Trend/General Norm VS Spirit's Leading/GOD's Specific Instruction
  28. Why Invest in Other's Dreams and Visions?
Why Invest in Other's Dreams and Visions?
  30. Be a Generational-Curse Breaker (Includes a Word of Prayer to break generational carryovers)
Be a Generational-Curse Breaker (Includes a Word of Prayer to break generational carryovers)
  32. Seeing the Sovereign Hand of GOD behind the scenes even in our worst seasons
Seeing the Sovereign Hand of GOD behind the scenes even in our worst seasons
  34. Why should you Forgive? - Importance of Forgiveness
Why should you Forgive? - Importance of Forgiveness
  36. Just for You!
Just for You!
  38. Why Acknowledge GOD in Everything?
Why Acknowledge GOD in Everything?
  40. Stick to your Specific Strategy
Stick to your Specific Strategy
  42. October is Over - But, GOD's Promises over 2020 aren't Over! (Includes Special Update on my Book)
October is Over - But, GOD's Promises over 2020 aren't Over! (Includes Special Update on my Book)
  44. Premature Blessings - Has your Saul started showing his real colors?
Premature Blessings - Has your Saul started showing his real colors?
  46. Keep Knocking
Keep Knocking
  48. Are you really in a Safe spot in Life? - SAFE AND SECURED
Are you really in a Safe spot in Life? - SAFE AND SECURED
  50. Would you dare to sleep?
Would you dare to sleep?
  52. Are you a Jonah or a JESUS? - A Storm Starter or a Storm Stopper?
Are you a Jonah or a JESUS? - A Storm Starter or a Storm Stopper?
  54. Where is GOD in my life now?
Where is GOD in my life now?
  56. The Fall of Man - Adam's Fault or Eve's Fault? | Why is Adam Blamed? | Don't Distort the Word
The Fall of Man - Adam's Fault or Eve's Fault? | Why is Adam Blamed? | Don't Distort the Word
  58. You did Nothing Wrong | How to Make Peace with your Past?
You did Nothing Wrong | How to Make Peace with your Past?
  60. John Giftah with Zion Sharma | Christian Discussion
John Giftah with Zion Sharma | Christian Discussion
  62. Seeing Carl Lentz through GOD’s Lens - A Christian Response to Hillsong Pastor's Act
Seeing Carl Lentz through GOD’s Lens - A Christian Response to Hillsong Pastor's Act
  64. 3 Reasons Why GOD does not Give us all the Details - Why doesn't GOD tell us all His plans?
3 Reasons Why GOD does not Give us all the Details - Why doesn't GOD tell us all His plans?
  66. How to Overcome Distractions? Practical Tips to Avoid Distractions - Utilise your Time Productively
How to Overcome Distractions? Practical Tips to Avoid Distractions - Utilise your Time Productively
  68. 2021 - Year of the UNVEIL - John Giftah International Prophetic Word for the Year
2021 - Year of the UNVEIL - John Giftah International Prophetic Word for the Year
  70. #2 Myths concerning WORRY
#2 Myths concerning WORRY
  72. Are You a WATER-WALKER?
  74. Success through Work of the Flesh | Feeling Broken? | Bible Study
Success through Work of the Flesh | Feeling Broken? | Bible Study
  76. Destiny Links (From Delivering Food to Delivering People)
Destiny Links (From Delivering Food to Delivering People)
  78. No Worry February Challenge - Commitment to Deal with Worry
No Worry February Challenge - Commitment to Deal with Worry
  80. Paying the Price - For your Sins or to GOD? | Bible Study | John Giftah
Paying the Price - For your Sins or to GOD? | Bible Study | John Giftah
  82. Balancing between Vocation and Purpose | John Giftah
Balancing between Vocation and Purpose | John Giftah
  84. Are you Brooding over your Past? | John Giftah
Are you Brooding over your Past? | John Giftah
  86. How to make the BIBLE Relatable? | Making the BIBLE come alive | Live out the BIBLE | John Giftah
How to make the BIBLE Relatable? | Making the BIBLE come alive | Live out the BIBLE | John Giftah
  88. What are you Declaring? | Power of Declaring the WORD of GOD | John Giftah
What are you Declaring? | Power of Declaring the WORD of GOD | John Giftah
  90. Do You REALLY want the Miracle? | Are You REALLY willing to Receive from GOD? |
Do You REALLY want the Miracle? | Are You REALLY willing to Receive from GOD? |
  92. Prepare Yourself | John Giftah
Prepare Yourself | John Giftah
  94. GOD's Definition of SUCCESS | What is SUCCESS as a Christian? | John Giftah
GOD's Definition of SUCCESS | What is SUCCESS as a Christian? | John Giftah
  96. What can You Learn from the Weapons Formed Against You? | John Giftah
What can You Learn from the Weapons Formed Against You? | John Giftah
  98. Run to Win | John Giftah
Run to Win | John Giftah
  100. Asking GOD for Signs when You're Not Sure | John Giftah
Asking GOD for Signs when You're Not Sure | John Giftah
  102. The Battle is with your Identity | John Giftah
The Battle is with your Identity | John Giftah
  104. Apps on your Phone | 3 Christian Life Lessons | John Giftah
Apps on your Phone | 3 Christian Life Lessons | John Giftah
  106. An Insensitive JESUS Follower | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
An Insensitive JESUS Follower | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  108. Missing Your Opportunities and Miracles because of Others | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Missing Your Opportunities and Miracles because of Others | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  110. The Link Between GOD's Protection and Our Obedience | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
The Link Between GOD's Protection and Our Obedience | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  112. Cost of Discipleship - Tumbling Relationships | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Cost of Discipleship - Tumbling Relationships | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  114. Purposeful Life VS Life of Purpose - Your Purpose is Specific | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
Purposeful Life VS Life of Purpose - Your Purpose is Specific | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  116. Visions From GOD | John Giftah with Shruthika Priscilla |Biblical Teaching
Visions From GOD | John Giftah with Shruthika Priscilla |Biblical Teaching
  118. GOD is going to EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS! | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
GOD is going to EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS! | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  120. How to Pray when you don't have the Strength to Pray? | The Groan-Mail | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
How to Pray when you don't have the Strength to Pray? | The Groan-Mail | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  122. Your Dreams, Visions and Desires will Manifest as a "BY-PRODUCT" | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Your Dreams, Visions and Desires will Manifest as a "BY-PRODUCT" | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  124. How to Pray when you don't know what is GOD's Will for the situation? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
How to Pray when you don't know what is GOD's Will for the situation? | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  126. What you SEE VS what you FORESEE | Decision-Making Key | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
What you SEE VS what you FORESEE | Decision-Making Key | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  128. Small Opportunities (Exciting Updates + Genavieve Linkowski's Story) | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
Small Opportunities (Exciting Updates + Genavieve Linkowski's Story) | John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  130. Walking in the Spirit | An in-depth study | John Giftah with Danston John | Christian Discussion
Walking in the Spirit | An in-depth study | John Giftah with Danston John | Christian Discussion
  132. The Truth about the Roaring Lion | 1 Peter 5:8 Explained | Scooby-Doo Lesson | John Giftah
The Truth about the Roaring Lion | 1 Peter 5:8 Explained | Scooby-Doo Lesson | John Giftah
  134. How to Deal with Pride? | The Real Key to Stay Humble - John Giftah | Christian Sermons
How to Deal with Pride? | The Real Key to Stay Humble - John Giftah | Christian Sermons
  136. Where is your Confidence? (Why was TITANIC called the 'Unsinkable' Ship? - TITANIC Lesson) | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Where is your Confidence? (Why was TITANIC called the 'Unsinkable' Ship? - TITANIC Lesson) | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  138. Love Like They Are Leaving | Tip for Relationships | John Giftah LIVE in Karunya University
Love Like They Are Leaving | Tip for Relationships | John Giftah LIVE in Karunya University
  140. Why Plan when GOD has Already Planned Your Life? | John Giftah with Chantal Njila | Christian Discussion
Why Plan when GOD has Already Planned Your Life? | John Giftah with Chantal Njila | Christian Discussion
  142. GOD Knows How to Connect the Dots in Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons | Karunya University
GOD Knows How to Connect the Dots in Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons | Karunya University
  144. Trusting GOD's Timing when there's a Delay | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
Trusting GOD's Timing when there's a Delay | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermons
  146. How to Align Our Plans with GODs Plans? | John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part II) | Christian Discussion
How to Align Our Plans with GODs Plans? | John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part II) | Christian Discussion
  148. Battling the Embarrassment of Closed Doors | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Battling the Embarrassment of Closed Doors | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  150. GOD's Autograph - The Source of Your VALUE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD's Autograph - The Source of Your VALUE | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  152. Bearing Fruit In Your SEASON | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Bearing Fruit In Your SEASON | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  154. GOD Accepts You as a Whole | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD Accepts You as a Whole | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  156. John Giftah with Stella Ramola Dhinakaran
John Giftah with Stella Ramola Dhinakaran
  158. Are You REALLY Ready for what you have been Praying for? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You REALLY Ready for what you have been Praying for? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  160. Don't Give Up | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don't Give Up | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  162. GOD wants to Speak to You | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
GOD wants to Speak to You | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  164. Get Back to the Water | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Get Back to the Water | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  166. The Right Competition | Being Comfortable and Confident in who GOD has Created you to be | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Right Competition | Being Comfortable and Confident in who GOD has Created you to be | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  168. Being a Christian Introvert - Evangelising as an Introvert | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Being a Christian Introvert - Evangelising as an Introvert | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  170. How long will you Mourn? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How long will you Mourn? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  172. Why are VISIONS from GOD Needed? | Evangelist John Giftah with Prophetess Shruthika Priscilla
Why are VISIONS from GOD Needed? | Evangelist John Giftah with Prophetess Shruthika Priscilla
  174. What is Different about you? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What is Different about you? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  176. When you don't have anyone to Encourage and Stand by you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When you don't have anyone to Encourage and Stand by you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  178. The Power of Your Words | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Power of Your Words | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  180. John Giftah LIVE in Karunya University - Being Invisible | Inspirational Christian Sermon
John Giftah LIVE in Karunya University - Being Invisible | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  182. You have no Idea of what GOD is doing BTS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You have no Idea of what GOD is doing BTS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  184. Are You Ready for your "Goliath" Opportunity? | John Giftah
Are You Ready for your "Goliath" Opportunity? | John Giftah
  186. Are You Wasting Time on something for which GOD has already given you the Instructions? | John Giftah
Are You Wasting Time on something for which GOD has already given you the Instructions? | John Giftah
  188. You will Conquer your Promised Land "Little-by-Little" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You will Conquer your Promised Land "Little-by-Little" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  190. Obligated to act against your Wish and GOD's Will | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon | 2 Kings 2
Obligated to act against your Wish and GOD's Will | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon | 2 Kings 2
  192. How to Overcome Identity Crisis & Accept Yourself? (Based on Holly Starr's Story of "Through My Father’s Eyes") | Holly Starr | John Giftah
How to Overcome Identity Crisis & Accept Yourself? (Based on Holly Starr's Story of "Through My Father’s Eyes") | Holly Starr | John Giftah
  194. Battling "I wish I had known / tried it earlier" thoughts | 2 Kings 4 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Battling "I wish I had known / tried it earlier" thoughts | 2 Kings 4 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  196. The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah in Karunya University | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The 2 "I"s of SUCCESS | John Giftah in Karunya University | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  198. Decision-Making - Being led by your Personal Conviction | John Giftah
Decision-Making - Being led by your Personal Conviction | John Giftah
  200. Reasons Why your Life isn't going as Planned | John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part III) | Christian Discussion
Reasons Why your Life isn't going as Planned | John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part III) | Christian Discussion
  202. Tired of not being able to Convince People? - John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Tired of not being able to Convince People? - John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  204. Take a Chance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Take a Chance | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  206. Faith / Trusting GOD - Root or Fruit? | Practical Key to Grow Your Faith | John Giftah
Faith / Trusting GOD - Root or Fruit? | Practical Key to Grow Your Faith | John Giftah
  208. Your Enemy is Scared of You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Your Enemy is Scared of You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  210. What to do when you don't have Clarity for your Life? John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part IV) | Christian Discussion (Epi. 211)
What to do when you don't have Clarity for your Life? John Giftah with Chantal Njila (Part IV) | Christian Discussion (Epi. 211)
  212. Be Careful with who you share your Divine Dreams and Visions | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be Careful with who you share your Divine Dreams and Visions | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  214. John Giftah International Ministries 9th. Anniversary Special (feat. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Rev. Paul Royappa & Prophet Joshua)
John Giftah International Ministries 9th. Anniversary Special (feat. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Rev. Paul Royappa & Prophet Joshua)
  216. The Courage to Obey GOD | COURAGE SERIES PART 2 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Courage to Obey GOD | COURAGE SERIES PART 2 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  218. Hit a Rock Bottom? - Listen Your Way Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Hit a Rock Bottom? - Listen Your Way Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  220. Faith VS Fear - Which Realm are you Operating in? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Faith VS Fear - Which Realm are you Operating in? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  222. Are You Weary? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Weary? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  224. The Courage to Say what is Right by Faith | COURAGE SERIES PART 4 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Courage to Say what is Right by Faith | COURAGE SERIES PART 4 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  226. Do You Feel like you are in the Wrong Place? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Do You Feel like you are in the Wrong Place? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  228. Understanding Who is the HOLY SPIRIT and TRINITY | Aware of Who's in You | John Giftah
Understanding Who is the HOLY SPIRIT and TRINITY | Aware of Who's in You | John Giftah
  230. The Time In Between - The Word Released and Your Lazarus Coming Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Time In Between - The Word Released and Your Lazarus Coming Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  232. FAVOR Only in your FIELD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
FAVOR Only in your FIELD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  234. Trusting and Obeying GOD when His Guidance does not Logically Make Sense | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Trusting and Obeying GOD when His Guidance does not Logically Make Sense | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  236. GOD is your DAD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD is your DAD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  238. Why Do You Have Special Treatment and FAVOR? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why Do You Have Special Treatment and FAVOR? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  240. Get Over the "What About ME?" Attitude | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Get Over the "What About ME?" Attitude | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  242. Reality of the Pain of BETRAYAL and HURT by Close Friends | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Reality of the Pain of BETRAYAL and HURT by Close Friends | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  244. Betrayal and Hurt - Making Peace with your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Betrayal and Hurt - Making Peace with your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  246. Betrayal and Hurt - Transformation of your Prayers | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Betrayal and Hurt - Transformation of your Prayers | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  248. Putting Yourself Out There | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Putting Yourself Out There | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  250. John Giftah with Hannah Elizabeth Mathews | Episode #250 Special
John Giftah with Hannah Elizabeth Mathews | Episode #250 Special
  252. Sticking to Your Area of Burden even when it Contradicts the Popular Belief and the Naturally Accepted Code | John Giftah | Inspirational Ch
Sticking to Your Area of Burden even when it Contradicts the Popular Belief and the Naturally Accepted Code | John Giftah | Inspirational Ch
  254. The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | COURAGE SERIES PART 6 | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
The Courage to Trust GOD for your Victory | COURAGE SERIES PART 6 | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  256. Understanding that GOD is your SOURCE | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Understanding that GOD is your SOURCE | Inspirational Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  258. Who Said? (Internal Enemy) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Who Said? (Internal Enemy) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  260. When you are Mocked and Ridiculed for your Beliefs | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When you are Mocked and Ridiculed for your Beliefs | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  262. What can you do about it? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What can you do about it? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  264. Why Can’t I See the Manifestation of GOD's Power? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why Can’t I See the Manifestation of GOD's Power? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  266. Don't do this with your Missed Opportunities | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don't do this with your Missed Opportunities | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  268. Discern Before You Help | 1 Kings 2 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Discern Before You Help | 1 Kings 2 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  270. GOD is NOT Looking for mere ROBOTS | John Giftah
GOD is NOT Looking for mere ROBOTS | John Giftah
  272. Why Am I NOT Seeing Visible Progress in my Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why Am I NOT Seeing Visible Progress in my Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  274. Why Am I Going Down in life? | ACCLIMATISE - Mount Everest Anecdote | John Giftah
Why Am I Going Down in life? | ACCLIMATISE - Mount Everest Anecdote | John Giftah
  276. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 1 - The Desire | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 1 - The Desire | John Giftah
  278. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 3 - Your Heart and Your Desires | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 3 - Your Heart and Your Desires | John Giftah
  280. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 5 - How to Channelise Your Desires? | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 5 - How to Channelise Your Desires? | John Giftah
  282. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 7 - The Aspect of WISDOM | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 7 - The Aspect of WISDOM | John Giftah
  284. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 9 - Obsession with your Desires? What to do? | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 9 - Obsession with your Desires? What to do? | John Giftah
  286. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 11 - GOD's Will through Unchanging Circumstances | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 11 - GOD's Will through Unchanging Circumstances | John Giftah
  288. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 13 - GOD's Will and Closed Doors | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 13 - GOD's Will and Closed Doors | John Giftah
  290. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 15 - A Sense of INNER KNOWING | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 15 - A Sense of INNER KNOWING | John Giftah
  292. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 17 - Pay Attention to your DREAMS | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 17 - Pay Attention to your DREAMS | John Giftah
  294. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 19 - Listen to GOD's Voice | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 19 - Listen to GOD's Voice | John Giftah
  296. Knowing GOD's Will - Part 21 - Lifestyle of Walking in the Spirit | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - Part 21 - Lifestyle of Walking in the Spirit | John Giftah
  298. Knowing GOD's Will - SERIES SUMMARY | John Giftah
Knowing GOD's Will - SERIES SUMMARY | John Giftah
  300. Episode #300 - Courage to Give your "Little and Insignificant" things to GOD | John Giftah
Episode #300 - Courage to Give your "Little and Insignificant" things to GOD | John Giftah
  302. What if I miss GOD's Call? - GOD Knows how to get your Attention | John Giftah
What if I miss GOD's Call? - GOD Knows how to get your Attention | John Giftah
  304. Christmas - The Story of Great Risk | John Giftah | Christmas Sermon 2021
Christmas - The Story of Great Risk | John Giftah | Christmas Sermon 2021
  306. Praying when your Mind is Preoccupied | Throwback Episode | John Giftah
Praying when your Mind is Preoccupied | Throwback Episode | John Giftah
  308. Would You Give Up Your Boats in Obedience? | John Giftah
Would You Give Up Your Boats in Obedience? | John Giftah
  310. Reviewing Year of UNVEIL - 2021 | Word of Encouragement + Poem | John Giftah
Reviewing Year of UNVEIL - 2021 | Word of Encouragement + Poem | John Giftah
  312. RADIO SHOW UPDATE!!! | Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah Radio Show
RADIO SHOW UPDATE!!! | Fuel for the Soul with John Giftah Radio Show
  314. Don’t Wait for a Personal Invitation to Take-Up Opportunities | John Giftah
Don’t Wait for a Personal Invitation to Take-Up Opportunities | John Giftah
  316. Allowing the Holy Spirit to Change Your Plans | John Giftah
Allowing the Holy Spirit to Change Your Plans | John Giftah
  318. GOD's Goodness is "PURSUING" You | John Giftah
GOD's Goodness is "PURSUING" You | John Giftah
  320. What does "Finished Work of JESUS" Mean? (New Covenant) | Ps. Joyson Dayalan on John Giftah Podcast
What does "Finished Work of JESUS" Mean? (New Covenant) | Ps. Joyson Dayalan on John Giftah Podcast
  322. Receiving from GOD - It’s Every Man for Himself | John Giftah
Receiving from GOD - It’s Every Man for Himself | John Giftah
  324. GOD is too Committed to Not Show Up | John Giftah
GOD is too Committed to Not Show Up | John Giftah
  326. Embarrassment of Closed Doors | (Throwback Episode) | John Giftah
Embarrassment of Closed Doors | (Throwback Episode) | John Giftah
  328. Why did I Fail in such an Easy and Simple Thing? | John Giftah
Why did I Fail in such an Easy and Simple Thing? | John Giftah
  330. Take Steps Before Things Go Out of Control | John Giftah
Take Steps Before Things Go Out of Control | John Giftah
  332. Has your Love towards GOD taken a Backseat? | John Giftah
Has your Love towards GOD taken a Backseat? | John Giftah
  334. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 2 - The Source of Your GIFTS | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 2 - The Source of Your GIFTS | John Giftah
  336. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 4 - Making the Most of your Time with Your GIFTS | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 4 - Making the Most of your Time with Your GIFTS | John Giftah
  338. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 6 - The Link Between GOD's Favor and Your Gifts | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 6 - The Link Between GOD's Favor and Your Gifts | John Giftah
  340. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 8 - Why am I "Not" good enough in my Gifts and Talents? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 8 - Why am I "Not" good enough in my Gifts and Talents? | John Giftah
  342. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 10 - What were you inclined to do when you were YOUNG? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 10 - What were you inclined to do when you were YOUNG? | John Giftah
  344. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 12 - Seasonal Gifts and What comes Naturally to you in this Season? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 12 - Seasonal Gifts and What comes Naturally to you in this Season? | John Giftah
  346. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 14 - Why Should You Specifically Focus on Your Natural GOD-Given Talent? | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 14 - Why Should You Specifically Focus on Your Natural GOD-Given Talent? | John Giftah
  348. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 16 - Your Gifts and Supernatural Courage and Boldness | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 16 - Your Gifts and Supernatural Courage and Boldness | John Giftah
  350. John Giftah with Milena - EPISODE #350 SPECIAL
John Giftah with Milena - EPISODE #350 SPECIAL
  352. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 19 - COMPARING your GIFTS and Talents (Part 1 - With Different Talents) | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 19 - COMPARING your GIFTS and Talents (Part 1 - With Different Talents) | John Giftah
  354. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 21 - Being Confident in your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 21 - Being Confident in your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  356. Encouragement for fellow CHRISTIAN SINGLES | Valentines Day Special BONUS Episode | John Giftah
Encouragement for fellow CHRISTIAN SINGLES | Valentines Day Special BONUS Episode | John Giftah
  358. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 24 - Do you need a "Calling" to use your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 24 - Do you need a "Calling" to use your Gifts and Talents | John Giftah
  360. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 26 - Don’t Have Clarity? - Try Things Out | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 26 - Don’t Have Clarity? - Try Things Out | John Giftah
  362. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 28 - It’s OKAY if you Fail and Make Mistakes | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 28 - It’s OKAY if you Fail and Make Mistakes | John Giftah
  364. Discover Your GIFTS - Part 30 - CONTINUING What you Started CONSISTENTLY | John Giftah
Discover Your GIFTS - Part 30 - CONTINUING What you Started CONSISTENTLY | John Giftah
  366. (Intro+) Why do we Struggle to FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
(Intro+) Why do we Struggle to FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  368. What does FAVOR of GOD mean? | Tapping into the Favor of GOD | John Giftah
What does FAVOR of GOD mean? | Tapping into the Favor of GOD | John Giftah
  370. Balancing FINISHED WORK OF JESUS & OUR ROLE (New Covenant) | Ps. Joyson Dayalan & Evg. John Giftah (Part 2)
Balancing FINISHED WORK OF JESUS & OUR ROLE (New Covenant) | Ps. Joyson Dayalan & Evg. John Giftah (Part 2)
  372. Why Should We FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series (Part 2) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
Why Should We FORGIVE? | Forgiveness Series (Part 2) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  374. Are you Sloppy? | John Giftah
Are you Sloppy? | John Giftah
  376. Engulfed by the Failures of your Past? | John Giftah
Engulfed by the Failures of your Past? | John Giftah
  378. Clear Hand of GOD | John Giftah
Clear Hand of GOD | John Giftah
  380. The Mountain is a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
The Mountain is a Molehill ONLY for You | John Giftah (Throwback Episode)
  382. Why do you have Special Treatment and FAVOR? | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
Why do you have Special Treatment and FAVOR? | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
  384. You Can CHEW ALL the Time | Secondary Task | GOD's Word | John Giftah
You Can CHEW ALL the Time | Secondary Task | GOD's Word | John Giftah
  386. How to Heal from the Emotional Hurt caused by Someone? | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 4) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
How to Heal from the Emotional Hurt caused by Someone? | How to FORGIVE Series (Part 4) | John Giftah with Dr. Joan Weathersbee
  388. Intensity of your Life-changing Opportunity - Do or Die | John Giftah
Intensity of your Life-changing Opportunity - Do or Die | John Giftah
  390. The FAVOR that SETS YOU APART and Helps you STAND OUT | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
The FAVOR that SETS YOU APART and Helps you STAND OUT | FAVOR of GOD Sermon Series | John Giftah
  392. When You Feel Inadequate or that You Don’t Have What it Takes | John Giftah
When You Feel Inadequate or that You Don’t Have What it Takes | John Giftah
  394. If GOD is with Me, Why isn't He Showing Himself Up in my Life? | John Giftah
If GOD is with Me, Why isn't He Showing Himself Up in my Life? | John Giftah
  396. From WORRIER to Prayer-WARRIOR | John Giftah
From WORRIER to Prayer-WARRIOR | John Giftah
  398. Having SOUND MIND when you are Not in the FRAME of MIND | John Giftah
Having SOUND MIND when you are Not in the FRAME of MIND | John Giftah
  400. John Giftah with Saleena Justine | Episode #400 Special
John Giftah with Saleena Justine | Episode #400 Special
  402. According to Your Faith | John Giftah
According to Your Faith | John Giftah
  404. Enjoying Your Life | John Giftah
Enjoying Your Life | John Giftah
  406. Don’t Close a Chapter till GOD Says It’s Over | John Giftah
Don’t Close a Chapter till GOD Says It’s Over | John Giftah
  408. Where did they Go? | Dumped and Abandoned by People | John Giftah
Where did they Go? | Dumped and Abandoned by People | John Giftah
  410. How Far would you go to a Smelly Place? | John Giftah
How Far would you go to a Smelly Place? | John Giftah
  412. Palm Sunday - Have You Welcomed JESUS?
Palm Sunday - Have You Welcomed JESUS?
  414. Should We TOIL? | Finished Work of JESUS Series | Ps. Joyson Dayalan on John Giftah Podcast (Part 3)
Should We TOIL? | Finished Work of JESUS Series | Ps. Joyson Dayalan on John Giftah Podcast (Part 3)
  416. So Close Physically Yet Disconnected | John Giftah
So Close Physically Yet Disconnected | John Giftah
  418. The Time InBetween | John Giftah
The Time InBetween | John Giftah
  420. It’s "IN STORE" | John Giftah
It’s "IN STORE" | John Giftah
  422. Being Angry with GOD as a Christian | Milena and John Giftah (Snippet)
Being Angry with GOD as a Christian | Milena and John Giftah (Snippet)
  424. Recognising GOD's Voice | John Giftah (With Demonstration)
Recognising GOD's Voice | John Giftah (With Demonstration)
  426. Have You Prepared your Horses? | John Giftah
Have You Prepared your Horses? | John Giftah
  428. You Don’t Belong to Yourself | John Giftah
You Don’t Belong to Yourself | John Giftah
  430. How to Overcome Betrayal and Hurt as a Christian? | (Ft. Milena)
How to Overcome Betrayal and Hurt as a Christian? | (Ft. Milena)
  432. The Right People will Believe and Support You EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
The Right People will Believe and Support You EFFORTLESSLY | John Giftah
  434. Be Careful How You Treat Those Under You | John Giftah
Be Careful How You Treat Those Under You | John Giftah
  436. Stop Running and Face Your Fears | John Giftah
Stop Running and Face Your Fears | John Giftah
  438. Are You Crying Over the Unfair Things in Your Life? | John Giftah
Are You Crying Over the Unfair Things in Your Life? | John Giftah
  440. Don’t Judge Your yesterday based on Today's Wisdom | John Giftah
Don’t Judge Your yesterday based on Today's Wisdom | John Giftah
  442. When the Enemy attacks you at the Wrong Time - Why is everything bad happening all at once? | John Giftah
When the Enemy attacks you at the Wrong Time - Why is everything bad happening all at once? | John Giftah
  444. Strength as per your Days | John Giftah
Strength as per your Days | John Giftah
  446. Moving when GOD hasn’t given you All the Details | John Giftah
Moving when GOD hasn’t given you All the Details | John Giftah
  448. We are just Vessels in GOD's Hands | John Giftah
We are just Vessels in GOD's Hands | John Giftah
  450. Episode #450 - Don’t Wait to Become "Perfect" to Start | John Giftah (Ft. Rev. Stephen Bennie)
Episode #450 - Don’t Wait to Become "Perfect" to Start | John Giftah (Ft. Rev. Stephen Bennie)
  452. Don’t Forget that You Have Supernatural Advantage | John Giftah
Don’t Forget that You Have Supernatural Advantage | John Giftah
  454. Solving a Physical Problem with a Spiritual Solution | John Giftah
Solving a Physical Problem with a Spiritual Solution | John Giftah
  456. Don’t Sneer Just Because You Don’t Understand | John Giftah
Don’t Sneer Just Because You Don’t Understand | John Giftah
  458. Protected Right Under Your Enemy’s Nose | John Giftah
Protected Right Under Your Enemy’s Nose | John Giftah
  460. You Cannot FAKE it till You MAKE it | John Giftah
You Cannot FAKE it till You MAKE it | John Giftah
  462. The Danger of Being a People-Pleaser | John Giftah
The Danger of Being a People-Pleaser | John Giftah
  464. Avoid the Trap of Isolating Yourself | John Giftah
Avoid the Trap of Isolating Yourself | John Giftah
  466. Welcome the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
Welcome the Holy Spirit | John Giftah
  468. Pentacost Sunday - How the Holy Spirit will Help you | John Giftah
Pentacost Sunday - How the Holy Spirit will Help you | John Giftah
  470. Are you Walking in Integrity? | John Giftah
Are you Walking in Integrity? | John Giftah
  472. Resting in the Shadow of the Almighty | John Giftah
Resting in the Shadow of the Almighty | John Giftah
  474. Powerless Prayer VS True Prayer | John Giftah
Powerless Prayer VS True Prayer | John Giftah
  476. Using Whatever you have to Get whatever you Need to Glorify GOD | John Giftah
Using Whatever you have to Get whatever you Need to Glorify GOD | John Giftah
  478. Why didn’t I think of that before? | John Giftah
Why didn’t I think of that before? | John Giftah
  480. International Joke Day Special Episode - Standup Comedy + Message on LABELS and LAUGHTER | John Giftah
International Joke Day Special Episode - Standup Comedy + Message on LABELS and LAUGHTER | John Giftah
  482. Don’t be Hard on Yourself to hit the Ideal Spot | John Giftah
Don’t be Hard on Yourself to hit the Ideal Spot | John Giftah
  484. Risky Associations | John Giftah
Risky Associations | John Giftah
  486. What can you say about what you have done today? | John Giftah
What can you say about what you have done today? | John Giftah
  488. Lean NOT on Your Own Understanding | John Giftah
Lean NOT on Your Own Understanding | John Giftah
  490. Have You Truly Forgiven Them? (Radio Show Excerpt) | John Giftah
Have You Truly Forgiven Them? (Radio Show Excerpt) | John Giftah
  492. Who told those Accusing Voices that this is Your End? | John Giftah
Who told those Accusing Voices that this is Your End? | John Giftah
  494. How GOD will Cover Your Flaws | John Giftah
How GOD will Cover Your Flaws | John Giftah
  496. When GOD Makes it Happen | John Giftah
When GOD Makes it Happen | John Giftah
  498. Run such that You Win | (LIVE Sermon Excerpt) | John Giftah
Run such that You Win | (LIVE Sermon Excerpt) | John Giftah
  500. Give what is in your hands into GOD's Hands | John Giftah
Give what is in your hands into GOD's Hands | John Giftah
  502. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran with John Giftah - 500 Episodes Milestone Celebration
Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran with John Giftah - 500 Episodes Milestone Celebration
  504. Are You Really Ready for Your Dream Opportunities? | John Giftah
Are You Really Ready for Your Dream Opportunities? | John Giftah
  506. How GOD Guides Us through the Best Path for our Life | John Giftah
How GOD Guides Us through the Best Path for our Life | John Giftah
  508. Are My Prayers Really Effective? | John Giftah | How to Pray Sermon Series
Are My Prayers Really Effective? | John Giftah | How to Pray Sermon Series
  510. Walk in your Calling | Samuel Dhinakaran and John Giftah | Snippet
Walk in your Calling | Samuel Dhinakaran and John Giftah | Snippet
  512. Be Open to GOD Using Means to Give You the Answer | John Giftah
Be Open to GOD Using Means to Give You the Answer | John Giftah
  514. Today WHEN You Hear His Voice... | John Giftah
Today WHEN You Hear His Voice... | John Giftah
  516. Why did they leave me? | John Giftah
Why did they leave me? | John Giftah
  518. Being Your Best when your Life is at its Worst | Samuel Dhinakaran and John Giftah | Podcast Snippet
Being Your Best when your Life is at its Worst | Samuel Dhinakaran and John Giftah | Podcast Snippet
  520. Stumbling into Your Destiny | John Giftah
Stumbling into Your Destiny | John Giftah
  522. How Should We Pray? | What’s the Right Formula to Pray? | John Giftah | How to Pray Sermon Series
How Should We Pray? | What’s the Right Formula to Pray? | John Giftah | How to Pray Sermon Series
  524. Neglecting Community and Fellowship | John Giftah
Neglecting Community and Fellowship | John Giftah
  526. Will my Efforts go in Vain? | John Giftah
Will my Efforts go in Vain? | John Giftah
  528. Trusting GOD's Timing when there's a Delay | John Giftah (Sermon Snippet)
Trusting GOD's Timing when there's a Delay | John Giftah (Sermon Snippet)
  530. Zoom IN for DAILY Direction | John Giftah
Zoom IN for DAILY Direction | John Giftah
  532. The Free Ride to Get back on Track | John Giftah
The Free Ride to Get back on Track | John Giftah
  534. Delighting in GOD's Will | John Giftah
Delighting in GOD's Will | John Giftah
  536. Birthday Special - Take Selfies | John Giftah
Birthday Special - Take Selfies | John Giftah
  538. Making a Mistake in Hearing GOD - How GOD Will Warn You | John Giftah
Making a Mistake in Hearing GOD - How GOD Will Warn You | John Giftah
  540. A Word from Luke 1:37-38 | John Giftah
A Word from Luke 1:37-38 | John Giftah
  542. But, I have such a Strong Urge to do it! | John Giftah
But, I have such a Strong Urge to do it! | John Giftah
  544. Decision-Making - What’s Your Conviction? | John Giftah
Decision-Making - What’s Your Conviction? | John Giftah
  546. Facing the Seasons of Testing Alone | John Giftah
Facing the Seasons of Testing Alone | John Giftah
  548. Don’t Wear Yourself Out | John Giftah
Don’t Wear Yourself Out | John Giftah
  550. Mark Angel Comedy Lead Actor BAZE 10 and John Giftah | Celebrating 550 Episodes
Mark Angel Comedy Lead Actor BAZE 10 and John Giftah | Celebrating 550 Episodes
  552. Who are your Friends? | John Giftah
Who are your Friends? | John Giftah
  554. What are you Waiting on? | John Giftah
What are you Waiting on? | John Giftah
  556. Have You Sharpened Your Axe? | John Giftah
Have You Sharpened Your Axe? | John Giftah
  558. Don’t Suppress Your Emotions | John Giftah
Don’t Suppress Your Emotions | John Giftah
  560. Being Sensitive to Other's Mental and Emotional State | John Giftah
Being Sensitive to Other's Mental and Emotional State | John Giftah
  562. It’s GOD's Job to Remind Your Cupbearer About You | John Giftah
It’s GOD's Job to Remind Your Cupbearer About You | John Giftah
  564. At the Right Time, the LORD WILL Make it Happen | John Giftah
At the Right Time, the LORD WILL Make it Happen | John Giftah
  566. Scooby Doo's 53rd Birthday Special - Fun + Life Lessons - (Also Ft. Nikki Blake, JayBee, Cameron Bates and Wendy Brydge
Scooby Doo's 53rd Birthday Special - Fun + Life Lessons - (Also Ft. Nikki Blake, JayBee, Cameron Bates and Wendy Brydge
  568. Trust the Sovereign Ways of the LORD | John Giftah
Trust the Sovereign Ways of the LORD | John Giftah
  570. Set Apart and Left Out from the Crowd | John Giftah
Set Apart and Left Out from the Crowd | John Giftah
  572. Their Experiences are NOT your Standard | John Giftah
Their Experiences are NOT your Standard | John Giftah
  574. Stop Expecting Your Red Sea to Part Again for You | John Giftah
Stop Expecting Your Red Sea to Part Again for You | John Giftah
  576. UPDATE - PODCAST AWARD NOMINATION - Requesting You to VOTE for the Podcast
UPDATE - PODCAST AWARD NOMINATION - Requesting You to VOTE for the Podcast
  578. How Will GOD Hide Details From You? - The GOD who Reveals | John Giftah
How Will GOD Hide Details From You? - The GOD who Reveals | John Giftah
  580. Overwhelmed by the Duration of your Trials? - Take it One Day at a Time | John Giftah
Overwhelmed by the Duration of your Trials? - Take it One Day at a Time | John Giftah
  582. Let Your Intentions Be Clearly Seen | John Giftah
Let Your Intentions Be Clearly Seen | John Giftah
  584. Guard Your Words! | John Giftah
Guard Your Words! | John Giftah
  586. Your Weakness is a Platform for GOD | John Giftah
Your Weakness is a Platform for GOD | John Giftah
  588. It Doesn’t Matter How You Missed It | John Giftah
It Doesn’t Matter How You Missed It | John Giftah
  590. GOD will Amplify what you have | John Giftah
GOD will Amplify what you have | John Giftah
  592. How badly do you want to Hear GOD? | John Giftah
How badly do you want to Hear GOD? | John Giftah
  594. When You Feel like you don’t Stand a Chance | John Giftah
When You Feel like you don’t Stand a Chance | John Giftah
  596. Waiting Patiently Trusting GOD's Timing | John Giftah
Waiting Patiently Trusting GOD's Timing | John Giftah
  598. How to Forget the Past? | John Giftah
How to Forget the Past? | John Giftah
  600. Disney and Hollywood Actress/Voiceover Artist GABRIELLA GRAVES with JOHN GIFTAH | 600 Episodes Milestone
Disney and Hollywood Actress/Voiceover Artist GABRIELLA GRAVES with JOHN GIFTAH | 600 Episodes Milestone
  602. GOD will Convince the Right People at the Right Time | John Giftah
GOD will Convince the Right People at the Right Time | John Giftah
  604. The Size of your Field Doesn’t Matter | John Giftah
The Size of your Field Doesn’t Matter | John Giftah
  606. How to Deal with Hopelessness as a Christian? (2017 TV Program Snippet | John Giftah
How to Deal with Hopelessness as a Christian? (2017 TV Program Snippet | John Giftah
  608. Will that Happen to Me too? | John Giftah
Will that Happen to Me too? | John Giftah
  610. How Approachable is GOD? | John Giftah
How Approachable is GOD? | John Giftah
  612. You are GOD's Representative | John Giftah
You are GOD's Representative | John Giftah
  614. Running with Purpose in EVERY STEP | John Giftah
Running with Purpose in EVERY STEP | John Giftah
  616. Zoom in for DAILY Direction | John Giftah
Zoom in for DAILY Direction | John Giftah
  618. The Password to His Presence | John Giftah
The Password to His Presence | John Giftah
  620. Worked-Up by Your Disappointments? - A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
Worked-Up by Your Disappointments? - A Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
  622. Rejoicing in GOD's Strength | John Giftah
Rejoicing in GOD's Strength | John Giftah
  624. Given Up on Something Because You Thought it's Never Meant to Be? | John Giftah
Given Up on Something Because You Thought it's Never Meant to Be? | John Giftah
  626. When was the last time you Gave? | John Giftah
When was the last time you Gave? | John Giftah
  628. How to Pray when You don’t have the Strength to Pray? | John Giftah
How to Pray when You don’t have the Strength to Pray? | John Giftah
  630. Why Can’t they See my Real Value? | HANNAH MONTANA Lesson | John Giftah
Why Can’t they See my Real Value? | HANNAH MONTANA Lesson | John Giftah
  632. Give it Some Time | John Giftah
Give it Some Time | John Giftah
  634. Stella Ramola with John Giftah
Stella Ramola with John Giftah
  636. You're the One for the Job | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You're the One for the Job | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  638. Are You Building People Up or Are You Tearing Them Down? | John Giftah
Are You Building People Up or Are You Tearing Them Down? | John Giftah
  640. The Right Perspective for ThanksGiving | John Giftah
The Right Perspective for ThanksGiving | John Giftah
  642. Showing Grace to Others | John Giftah
Showing Grace to Others | John Giftah
  644. Don’t Be Restricted to Your Certificates and Formal Education | John Giftah
Don’t Be Restricted to Your Certificates and Formal Education | John Giftah
  646. Nothing Can Restrict You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Nothing Can Restrict You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  648. When You Feel like You Don’t Have What it Takes or that You are just Lowly | John Giftah
When You Feel like You Don’t Have What it Takes or that You are just Lowly | John Giftah
  650. Are You Adamant to Have it Your Way? | John Giftah
Are You Adamant to Have it Your Way? | John Giftah
  652. How to Know that This is GOD's Leading? | John Giftah
How to Know that This is GOD's Leading? | John Giftah
  654. Don't Miss Great Opportunities Because of This... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon (YouTube)
Don't Miss Great Opportunities Because of This... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon (YouTube)
  656. GOD Delights in EVERY Detail of Your Life | John Giftah
GOD Delights in EVERY Detail of Your Life | John Giftah
  658. Principle for Financial Stability from GOD's Word | John Giftah
Principle for Financial Stability from GOD's Word | John Giftah
  660. Don’t Keep Your Blessing to Yourself | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Keep Your Blessing to Yourself | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  662. Belittling Your Little | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Belittling Your Little | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  664. Lack of People Support? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Lack of People Support? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  666. Don't Worry about the Labels People Put on You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don't Worry about the Labels People Put on You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  668. Be Loud about your Testimonies | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be Loud about your Testimonies | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  670. You're NOT Too Early Nor Too Late | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You're NOT Too Early Nor Too Late | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  672. GOD will Speak to you at your Level | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD will Speak to you at your Level | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  674. Are You Still Whining? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Still Whining? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  676. Stay in Hope | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Stay in Hope | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  678. LIVE Demonstration for Hearing GOD's Voice | John Giftah
LIVE Demonstration for Hearing GOD's Voice | John Giftah
  680. When GOD makes it Happen | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
When GOD makes it Happen | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  682. Don’t Kill Your "Isaacs" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Kill Your "Isaacs" | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  684. Worried about 2023? - It’s Going to be Brighter! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Worried about 2023? - It’s Going to be Brighter! | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  686. Ending 2022 on a Good Note | John Giftah
Ending 2022 on a Good Note | John Giftah
  688. Year of the OVERFLOW | The Criteria to Live the Overflow Life | John Giftah | (TV Sermon Excerpt)
Year of the OVERFLOW | The Criteria to Live the Overflow Life | John Giftah | (TV Sermon Excerpt)
  690. Are You Saying, "I Don’t Need the 'Overflow' Life - Normal Life is Enough"? | John Giftah
Are You Saying, "I Don’t Need the 'Overflow' Life - Normal Life is Enough"? | John Giftah
  692. Things Don’t Have a Way of Working Themselves Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Things Don’t Have a Way of Working Themselves Out | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  694. Have You Been Settled Down? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Have You Been Settled Down? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  696. It’s GOD's Job to "Preserve" It | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It’s GOD's Job to "Preserve" It | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  698. Friends Like Family | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Friends Like Family | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  700. Involving the Holy Spirit - Teacher of ALL Things | John Giftah
Involving the Holy Spirit - Teacher of ALL Things | John Giftah
  702. Accessing GOD's Protection | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Accessing GOD's Protection | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  704. Trusting GOD to Close Some Doors in Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Trusting GOD to Close Some Doors in Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  706. Lost Your Strength? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Lost Your Strength? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  708. Are You under the Spell of 'Fear of Man'? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You under the Spell of 'Fear of Man'? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  710. Decision Making - What does your Conscience say? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Decision Making - What does your Conscience say? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  712. Did that Door Close Because of Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Did that Door Close Because of Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  714. Are You TrustWorthy? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You TrustWorthy? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  716. Gaining People's Trust | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Gaining People's Trust | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  718. 2023 Has Been Bad so Far? | Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
2023 Has Been Bad so Far? | Word of Encouragement | John Giftah
  720. The Power of the Word of GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Power of the Word of GOD | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  722. Because You Say So | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Because You Say So | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  724. Don’t CONCEAL and Hide Your Issues | John Giftah
Don’t CONCEAL and Hide Your Issues | John Giftah
  726. Pray for Turkey and Syria | Special Prayer | John Giftah
Pray for Turkey and Syria | Special Prayer | John Giftah
  728. The Trick of the Enemy about your Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Trick of the Enemy about your Root Issues | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  730. There's Nothing Wrong in Taking Help through Means | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
There's Nothing Wrong in Taking Help through Means | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  732. The One Person Most Christians Forget to Love... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The One Person Most Christians Forget to Love... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  734. Couple Truth and Love in your Speech | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Couple Truth and Love in your Speech | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  736. Showing KINDNESS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Showing KINDNESS | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  738. Why is JEALOUSY Dangerous? (Jealousy Part 2) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why is JEALOUSY Dangerous? (Jealousy Part 2) | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  740. Disagreeing with Maturity | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Disagreeing with Maturity | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  742. Chained Yet Unstoppable | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Chained Yet Unstoppable | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  744. Be a CHEERLEADER | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Be a CHEERLEADER | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  746. SIZE of your FIELD DOES NOT MATTER | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
SIZE of your FIELD DOES NOT MATTER | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  748. Instant Connections | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Instant Connections | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  750. Freedom from the Guilt of Your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Freedom from the Guilt of Your Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  752. Discern Who's Speaking into your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Discern Who's Speaking into your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  754. GOD Will Personally Guide You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD Will Personally Guide You | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  756. You are not Running Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You are not Running Your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  758. Keeping Your Intentions Clear | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Keeping Your Intentions Clear | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  760. What’s the Use of Praying when ultimately Only GOD's Will will Happen? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
What’s the Use of Praying when ultimately Only GOD's Will will Happen? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  762. Good Old Days | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Good Old Days | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  764. Life Lessons from Ruth 3 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Life Lessons from Ruth 3 | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  766. Being Steady in Your Walk | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Being Steady in Your Walk | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  768. Are You Using Everything that GOD has given you? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Are You Using Everything that GOD has given you? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  770. John Giftah Interviewing USA #1 Bestselling Author Angela Lalande
John Giftah Interviewing USA #1 Bestselling Author Angela Lalande
  772. A Word of Encouragement if You are not able to see a Progress in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
A Word of Encouragement if You are not able to see a Progress in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  774. Have You Synced with GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Have You Synced with GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  776. Purposeful Life VS Life of Purpose - Your Purpose is Specific | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Purposeful Life VS Life of Purpose - Your Purpose is Specific | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  778. How to Overcome the Fear of the Future? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to Overcome the Fear of the Future? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  780. Why is NO ONE Helping Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why is NO ONE Helping Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  782. How are you Different? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How are you Different? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  784. Relentless Commitment | John Giftah |
Relentless Commitment | John Giftah |
  786. Time In Between | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Time In Between | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  788. Praying when you don’t have Strength to Pray | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Praying when you don’t have Strength to Pray | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  790. TITANIC SERMON 2 - How PRIDE Comes Before Destruction | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 2 - How PRIDE Comes Before Destruction | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  792. TITANIC SERMON 4 - Comparison Kills | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 4 - Comparison Kills | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  794. TITANIC SERMON 6 - Are You Ready to Face Icebergs in Life? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
TITANIC SERMON 6 - Are You Ready to Face Icebergs in Life? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  796. Who was CAIN's WIFE? Why is the Bible Silent about these Details? | John Giftah
Who was CAIN's WIFE? Why is the Bible Silent about these Details? | John Giftah
  798. Invite JESUS "Before" Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah (YouTube Excerpt) | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Invite JESUS "Before" Your Wine Runs Out | John Giftah (YouTube Excerpt) | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  800. Feeling Weak, Tried and Exhausted? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Feeling Weak, Tried and Exhausted? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  802. Why GOD Leads us Step-by-Step? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why GOD Leads us Step-by-Step? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  804. Feeling Unworthy - Why am I Not Being Used by GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Feeling Unworthy - Why am I Not Being Used by GOD? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  806. Experiencing GOD's Favor and Living Sacrifice | John Giftah
Experiencing GOD's Favor and Living Sacrifice | John Giftah
  808. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 1 - The DESIRE | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 1 - The DESIRE | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  810. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 3 - Your HEART and your DESIRES | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 3 - Your HEART and your DESIRES | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  812. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 5 - Channelising Your Desires | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 5 - Channelising Your Desires | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  814. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 7 - The Aspect of Wisdom | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 7 - The Aspect of Wisdom | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  816. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 9 - Obsessed with your Desires? What to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 9 - Obsessed with your Desires? What to do? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  818. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 11 - GOD's Will through Unchanging Circumstances | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 11 - GOD's Will through Unchanging Circumstances | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  820. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 13 - GOD's Will and Closed Doors | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 13 - GOD's Will and Closed Doors | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  822. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 15 - A Sense of Inner Knowing | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 15 - A Sense of Inner Knowing | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  824. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 17 - Pay Attention to your DREAMS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 17 - Pay Attention to your DREAMS | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  826. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 19 - Listen to GOD's Voice | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 19 - Listen to GOD's Voice | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  828. Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 21 - The Lifestyle of Walking in the Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Finding GOD's Will Sermon Series Part 21 - The Lifestyle of Walking in the Spirit | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  830. 2 Reasons why GOD Closed Doors in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
2 Reasons why GOD Closed Doors in your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  832. How to be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
How to be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  834. Being Filled with the Holy Spirit | Pentecost Sunday | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Being Filled with the Holy Spirit | Pentecost Sunday | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  836. Don't Wear Yourself Out | John Giftah
Don't Wear Yourself Out | John Giftah
  838. Are You nursing Hatred in your Heart? | John Giftah
Are You nursing Hatred in your Heart? | John Giftah
  840. Living the Worry-Free Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Living the Worry-Free Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  842. How to get Connected with the Divine-Right People in our Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
How to get Connected with the Divine-Right People in our Life? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  844. Don’t Keep the Blessing to Yourself | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t Keep the Blessing to Yourself | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  846. Discerning and Yielding to CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM | John Giftah
Discerning and Yielding to CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM | John Giftah
  848. Made Mistakes? | GOD will still Speak to you! | John Giftah
Made Mistakes? | GOD will still Speak to you! | John Giftah
  850. Don’t get Stuck Mentally in the Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Don’t get Stuck Mentally in the Past | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  852. Get Ready for your Second Laugh | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Get Ready for your Second Laugh | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  854. Dealing with Snarky Comments | John Giftah
Dealing with Snarky Comments | John Giftah
  856. Feeling Invaluable? | Understanding how you are Chosen | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Feeling Invaluable? | Understanding how you are Chosen | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  858. How is your Fruit? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
How is your Fruit? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  860. The Unusual Kindness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Unusual Kindness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  862. GOD will change their opinion of you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD will change their opinion of you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  864. The "More than Enough" Mindset | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The "More than Enough" Mindset | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  866. Trust the Sovereign ways of the LORD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Trust the Sovereign ways of the LORD | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  868. Reviewing the First Half of 2023 | John Giftah
Reviewing the First Half of 2023 | John Giftah
  870. Discerning your Season | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Discerning your Season | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  872. COMMANDED and ORDERED to be Blessed | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
COMMANDED and ORDERED to be Blessed | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  874. Being On-Guard | John Giftah
Being On-Guard | John Giftah
  876. The Principle of Rest | John Giftah
The Principle of Rest | John Giftah
  878. Decision-Making in Life? - Let GOD Say | John Giftah
Decision-Making in Life? - Let GOD Say | John Giftah
  880. Being an Encourager | John Giftah | Inspiration Christian Sermon
Being an Encourager | John Giftah | Inspiration Christian Sermon
  882. An Important Truth about GOD's Favor | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
An Important Truth about GOD's Favor | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  884. It need not be a problem for you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
It need not be a problem for you | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  886. Why are you being Specifically Targeted? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why are you being Specifically Targeted? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  888. 3 Things to Do about Your DESIRES | Christian Sermon | John Giftah (Are my Desires from GOD?)
3 Things to Do about Your DESIRES | Christian Sermon | John Giftah (Are my Desires from GOD?)
  890. The Principle to Be Successful and Wealthy | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Principle to Be Successful and Wealthy | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  892. GOD Knows Your Helplessness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
GOD Knows Your Helplessness | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  894. Moving when GOD hasn’t given you All the Details | John Giftah | Throwback Thursday
Moving when GOD hasn’t given you All the Details | John Giftah | Throwback Thursday
  896. The Parallel Between Samson/David and Daniel | How GOD will Show Up Differently in Your Life | John Giftah
The Parallel Between Samson/David and Daniel | How GOD will Show Up Differently in Your Life | John Giftah
  898. Consistency is NOT the Only Key | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Consistency is NOT the Only Key | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  900. 900Th Podcast Episode | Interviewing Tash | John Giftah
900Th Podcast Episode | Interviewing Tash | John Giftah
  902. Your Prayer WON'T Work | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Your Prayer WON'T Work | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  904. Take Off the Load | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Take Off the Load | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  906. Andrew F Carter | Powerful Christian Testimony | Prisoner to Pastor | John Giftah Podcast Throwback
Andrew F Carter | Powerful Christian Testimony | Prisoner to Pastor | John Giftah Podcast Throwback
  908. This is why you're being attacked.... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
This is why you're being attacked.... | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  910. From my Heart to You | Birthday Sermon | John Giftah
From my Heart to You | Birthday Sermon | John Giftah
  912. Knowing Whom to Respond to | John Giftah
Knowing Whom to Respond to | John Giftah
  914. What has the Holy Spirit Deposited in your Spirit? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
What has the Holy Spirit Deposited in your Spirit? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  916. The Season of Obscurity | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Season of Obscurity | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  918. Are You Paying Attention to GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Are You Paying Attention to GOD? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  920. The Right People will Step into your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Right People will Step into your Life | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  922. Playing it Safe? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Playing it Safe? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  924. Have They Left Yet? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Have They Left Yet? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  926. Their Faithlessness WILL NOT Cancel GOD's Faithfulness | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Their Faithlessness WILL NOT Cancel GOD's Faithfulness | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  928. Run Every Step with Purpose | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Run Every Step with Purpose | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  930. OBLIGATED / FORCED to do Something AGAINST YOUR WISH? | Powerful Christian Sermon | John Giftah
OBLIGATED / FORCED to do Something AGAINST YOUR WISH? | Powerful Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  932. The Seriousness of Being Unfaithful | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
The Seriousness of Being Unfaithful | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  934. Samuel Dhinakaran | Seeking GOD's Call over your Life | John Giftah Podcast Interview Excerpt
Samuel Dhinakaran | Seeking GOD's Call over your Life | John Giftah Podcast Interview Excerpt
  936. Is your Heart Sick in Hoplessness? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Is your Heart Sick in Hoplessness? | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  938. The Truth About 1 Peter 5:8 | John Giftah | Roaring Lion Christian Sermon
The Truth About 1 Peter 5:8 | John Giftah | Roaring Lion Christian Sermon
  940. Living the Proverbs 3:6 Lifestyle | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Living the Proverbs 3:6 Lifestyle | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  942. The Missing Trait of this Generation - Endurance | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Missing Trait of this Generation - Endurance | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  944. Knowing Your True VALUE | Short Christian Sermon | Inspirational and Powerful Message | John Giftah
Knowing Your True VALUE | Short Christian Sermon | Inspirational and Powerful Message | John Giftah
  946. The Power of Your TESTIMONY | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Power of Your TESTIMONY | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  948. GOD will change what they hear about you | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
GOD will change what they hear about you | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  950. Don’t be Cold... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Don’t be Cold... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  952. Stop Putting Your Ultimate Confidence on Past Success | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Stop Putting Your Ultimate Confidence on Past Success | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  954. It's already there.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
It's already there.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  956. Connecting with the Right People | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
Connecting with the Right People | Christian Sermon | John Giftah
  958. Don’t Mess Your Life Because of This.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Don’t Mess Your Life Because of This.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  960. Having a "Whatever Happens" Faith | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Having a "Whatever Happens" Faith | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  962. The Powerful Prayer | John Giftah | Christian Sermon | Praying in the Spirit
The Powerful Prayer | John Giftah | Christian Sermon | Praying in the Spirit
  964. Your Relationship with GOD - Just Theoretical or Experiential? | Christian Sermon
Your Relationship with GOD - Just Theoretical or Experiential? | Christian Sermon
  966. Freedom from Anxiety, Worry and Fear.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
Freedom from Anxiety, Worry and Fear.... | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
  968. A Straight Talk on Mental Health | Mental Health Day | John Giftah
A Straight Talk on Mental Health | Mental Health Day | John Giftah
  970. You're NOT just there.... You're there to STAND OUT | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
You're NOT just there.... You're there to STAND OUT | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  972. Why is NO ONE Helping Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
Why is NO ONE Helping Me? | John Giftah | Inspirational Christian Sermon
  974. The Faith Comparison | Luke 1 | John Giftah | Christian Sermon
The Faith Comparison | Luke 1 | John Giftah | Christian Sermon

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