Local Women Diaries with Shraddha

Local women diaries with shraddha 

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Created By:Shraddha Jadhav

Commuting is an experience in itself and such experiences are built by stories we come across. This is a podcast where we talk to women and listen to their stories related to the Mumbai Local's ladies compartment. Feel free to send me a message if you have a story to share with me. Join us on this journey every week!

  1. Coming Soon: Local Women Diaries with Shraddha Jadhav
Coming Soon: Local Women Diaries with Shraddha Jadhav
  2. Ep. 1 : Flashback feat. Vijaya Jadhav
Ep. 1 : Flashback feat. Vijaya Jadhav
  3. Ep. 2: Train Station feat. Candida Remedios
Ep. 2: Train Station feat. Candida Remedios
  4. Ep.3: The Newbie feat. Kalindi Rana
Ep.3: The Newbie feat. Kalindi Rana
  5. Ep.4: College days Feat. Mrunal Bhagat
Ep.4: College days Feat. Mrunal Bhagat
  6. Ep.5: Part One: Stories Feat. Mallika Mahidhar
Ep.5: Part One: Stories Feat. Mallika Mahidhar
  7. Ep.5: Part Two: Stories Feat. Mallika Mahidhar
Ep.5: Part Two: Stories Feat. Mallika Mahidhar
  8. Ep. 6: Second Home Feat. Priyanka Barve
Ep. 6: Second Home Feat. Priyanka Barve
  9. Ep.7: Revive feat. Damini Narkhede
Ep.7: Revive feat. Damini Narkhede
  10. Ep. 08 The Safe Space with Malvika Mahidhar
Ep. 08 The Safe Space with Malvika Mahidhar
  1. Coming Soon: Local Women Diaries with Shraddha Jadhav
Coming Soon: Local Women Diaries with Shraddha Jadhav
  3. Ep. 2: Train Station feat. Candida Remedios
Ep. 2: Train Station feat. Candida Remedios
  5. Ep.4: College days Feat. Mrunal Bhagat
Ep.4: College days Feat. Mrunal Bhagat
  7. Ep.5: Part Two: Stories Feat. Mallika Mahidhar
Ep.5: Part Two: Stories Feat. Mallika Mahidhar
  9. Ep.7: Revive feat. Damini Narkhede
Ep.7: Revive feat. Damini Narkhede
  2. Ep. 1 : Flashback feat. Vijaya Jadhav
Ep. 1 : Flashback feat. Vijaya Jadhav
  4. Ep.3: The Newbie feat. Kalindi Rana
Ep.3: The Newbie feat. Kalindi Rana
  6. Ep.5: Part One: Stories Feat. Mallika Mahidhar
Ep.5: Part One: Stories Feat. Mallika Mahidhar
  8. Ep. 6: Second Home Feat. Priyanka Barve
Ep. 6: Second Home Feat. Priyanka Barve
  10. Ep. 08 The Safe Space with Malvika Mahidhar
Ep. 08 The Safe Space with Malvika Mahidhar

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