We Heard Her Say

We heard her say 

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Created By:Amruta Karnik

Amruta Karnik is a Photographer and having explored several areas ranging from travel, rallying, cooking, and arts, while exploring the world, she'll be hosting talks with people in various fields. The guests could be your future mentors and the listeners can reach out to them on their social media handles.

  1. Podcasting for Beginners
Podcasting for Beginners
  2. Why is a Foodstylist's Role Crucial in a photoshoot
Why is a Foodstylist's Role Crucial in a photoshoot
  1. Podcasting for Beginners
Podcasting for Beginners
  2. Why is a Foodstylist's Role Crucial in a photoshoot
Why is a Foodstylist's Role Crucial in a photoshoot

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