Cancer ki Baat - Dr. Minish Jain ke saath (कैंसर की बात, डॉ. मिनिष जैन के साथ)

Cancer ki baat - dr. minish j... 

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Created By:Vivek Sharma

जब भी कभी कैंसर की बात होती है, यह अक्सर मृत्यु की ओर निर्देशित होता है I लेकिन यह पूरी तरह सच नहीं है I आज चिकित्सा की प्रगति के साथ बहुत कुछ बदल गया है, कैंसर के उपचार के परिणाम भीI बस थोड़ी सी स्पष्टता और प्रेरणा की जरूरत है। हम उसी स्पष्टता और प्रेरणा के बारे में बात करने जा रहे हैंI हमें उम्मीद है कि हमारा पॉडकास्ट कई कैंसर रोगियों और उनके परिवारों की मदद करेगा। बने रहें हमारे साथ! डॉ. मिनिष जैन और विवेक शर्मा

  1. कैंसर की बात, डॉ. मिनिष जैन के साथ!
कैंसर की बात, डॉ. मिनिष जैन के साथ!
  2. Cancer is a word, Not SENTENCE (कैंसर एक बीमारी है, सज़ा नहीं)
Cancer is a word, Not SENTENCE (कैंसर एक बीमारी है, सज़ा नहीं)
  3. Cancer - What has changed in last one Decade?
Cancer - What has changed in last one Decade?
  4. Life After Cancer (survivorship and it's challenges)
Life After Cancer (survivorship and it's challenges)
  5. Lifestyle and Cancer
Lifestyle and Cancer
  6. Cancers in Women
Cancers in Women
  7. Cancer in Men
Cancer in Men
  8. Cancer in Children
Cancer in Children
  9. 5 Things to practice while battling Cancer
5 Things to practice while battling Cancer
  10. Things you must not forget after recovering from Cancer
Things you must not forget after recovering from Cancer
  11. How are cancers treated?
How are cancers treated?
  12. What is Immunotherapy and how does it work?
What is Immunotherapy and how does it work?
  13. Important tests in Cancer
Important tests in Cancer
  14. Lung Cancer - What, how and Why?
Lung Cancer - What, how and Why?
  15. Treatment for Lung Cancer
Treatment for Lung Cancer
  16. Prostate cancer - What, Who, Why and When?
Prostate cancer - What, Who, Why and When?
  17. Prostate Cancer - Treatment and prognosis
Prostate Cancer - Treatment and prognosis
  18. Ageing and Cancer
Ageing and Cancer
  19. What are Head & Neck Cancer & How do they occur?
What are Head & Neck Cancer & How do they occur?
  20. Treatment approach for Head and Neck Cancers
Treatment approach for Head and Neck Cancers
  21. Ovarian Cancer - Understanding the journey for a healthier life
Ovarian Cancer - Understanding the journey for a healthier life
  22. Breast Cancer - Risk factors, Symptoms and Diagnosis
Breast Cancer - Risk factors, Symptoms and Diagnosis
  23. Breast cancer treatment
Breast cancer treatment
  24. Skin Cancers and their treatment in India
Skin Cancers and their treatment in India
  25. CarT Cell Therapy - What you must know!
CarT Cell Therapy - What you must know!
  26. Understanding and managing the side effects of Chemotherapy
Understanding and managing the side effects of Chemotherapy
  27. Side effects of Targeted Therapies in Cancer
Side effects of Targeted Therapies in Cancer
  28. Understanding side effects of Immunotherapy
Understanding side effects of Immunotherapy
  29. Tongue Cancer - Incidences, Symptoms, Treatment and Rehabilitation
Tongue Cancer - Incidences, Symptoms, Treatment and Rehabilitation
  30. Oropharyngeal Cancer
Oropharyngeal Cancer
  31. Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Nasopharyngeal Cancer
  32. Screening of cancer in women and men
Screening of cancer in women and men
  33. Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma
  34. Tests & Examinations for Head & Neck Cancers
Tests & Examinations for Head & Neck Cancers
  35. Proton Therapy in Cancer Treatment
Proton Therapy in Cancer Treatment
  36. The importance of patient support group in Cancer Treatment
The importance of patient support group in Cancer Treatment
  37. World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
  38. Why one should not fear of cancer?
Why one should not fear of cancer?
  39. Complications of treating cancer in Geriatric population
Complications of treating cancer in Geriatric population
  40. Why Immuno Oncotherapy is important in cancer treatment?
Why Immuno Oncotherapy is important in cancer treatment?
  41. Liquid Biopsy
Liquid Biopsy
  42. Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
  43. Bone Cancers
Bone Cancers
  44. Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer
  45. Brain Cancer
Brain Cancer
  46. Uterine Cancer
Uterine Cancer
  47. Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
  48. Bladder Cancer
Bladder Cancer
  49. Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer
  50. Neuroendocrine Tumors
Neuroendocrine Tumors
  51. Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
  52. Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Part I
Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Part I
  53. Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Treatment Options
Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Treatment Options
  54. Ascites - Part I
Ascites - Part I
  55. Ascites - Treatment Options
Ascites - Treatment Options
  56. Home care in Cancer Treatment
Home care in Cancer Treatment
  57. Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
  58. What is Chemo-port and who do they need it?
What is Chemo-port and who do they need it?
  59. Mastectomy - When, Why, How, and life after mastectomy?
Mastectomy - When, Why, How, and life after mastectomy?
  60. Role of Radiologists in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Role of Radiologists in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
  61. Radiation Therapy in Cancer
Radiation Therapy in Cancer
  62. Biopsies in Cancer
Biopsies in Cancer
  63. Role of Taxanes in the treatment of Cancer
Role of Taxanes in the treatment of Cancer
  64. EGFR mutations in Cancer
EGFR mutations in Cancer
  65. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Cancer
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Cancer
  66. Gemcitabine I Chemotherapy I All you should know about it
Gemcitabine I Chemotherapy I All you should know about it
  67. Alkaline Diet and Cancer
Alkaline Diet and Cancer
  68. Detox Water & Cancer
Detox Water & Cancer
  69. Imatinib - The wonder Drug
Imatinib - The wonder Drug
  70. Cancer and Monoclonal Antibodies
Cancer and Monoclonal Antibodies
  71. CyberKnife & Cancer
CyberKnife & Cancer
  72. The truth behind Protein Supplements
The truth behind Protein Supplements
  73. PDL1 expressions & Cancer
PDL1 expressions & Cancer
  74. Govt. Schemes for Cancer Patients
Govt. Schemes for Cancer Patients
  75. How do "Millets" help us in staying healthy?
How do "Millets" help us in staying healthy?
  76. Hormonal Therapies in Cancer
Hormonal Therapies in Cancer
  77. Gut Microbiome and its Effects on Human Health
Gut Microbiome and its Effects on Human Health
  78. Nutritional Supports in Cancer
Nutritional Supports in Cancer
  79. Why clinical trials are beneficial for cancer patients?
Why clinical trials are beneficial for cancer patients?
  80. Supportive Care During Cancer Treatment
Supportive Care During Cancer Treatment
  81. Retinoblastoma - Eye Cancer
Retinoblastoma - Eye Cancer
  82. Neutropenia in Cancer
Neutropenia in Cancer
  83. All about Cancer Treatment related Hairfall
All about Cancer Treatment related Hairfall
  84. Nausea Vomiting During Cancer Treatment
Nausea Vomiting During Cancer Treatment
  85. Brain Fog/ Chemo Fog in Cancer Patients
Brain Fog/ Chemo Fog in Cancer Patients
  86. Exercises During Cancer Treatment
Exercises During Cancer Treatment
  87. Cancer Pain and Its management
Cancer Pain and Its management
  88. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and Cancer
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and Cancer
  89. Drug Resistance in Cancer Treatment
Drug Resistance in Cancer Treatment
  90. Lorlatinib
  91. Why is BRCA gene testing important?
Why is BRCA gene testing important?
  92. Why is Breast Cancer increasing so much in India?
Why is Breast Cancer increasing so much in India?
  93. Avelumab in Cancer
Avelumab in Cancer
  94. Does consumption of Sugar causes or increases Cancer?
Does consumption of Sugar causes or increases Cancer?
  95. How healthy is Artifical Sugar/ Aspartame to us?
How healthy is Artifical Sugar/ Aspartame to us?
  96. Can usage of Mobile Phones cause cancer?
Can usage of Mobile Phones cause cancer?
  97. Degarelix - An Important drug for the treatment of Prostate Cancer
Degarelix - An Important drug for the treatment of Prostate Cancer
  98. Vaccines in Cancer
Vaccines in Cancer
  99. Fasting and Cancer
Fasting and Cancer
  1. कैंसर की बात, डॉ. मिनिष जैन के साथ!
कैंसर की बात, डॉ. मिनिष जैन के साथ!
  3. Cancer - What has changed in last one Decade?
Cancer - What has changed in last one Decade?
  5. Lifestyle and Cancer
Lifestyle and Cancer
  7. Cancer in Men
Cancer in Men
  9. 5 Things to practice while battling Cancer
5 Things to practice while battling Cancer
  11. How are cancers treated?
How are cancers treated?
  13. Important tests in Cancer
Important tests in Cancer
  15. Treatment for Lung Cancer
Treatment for Lung Cancer
  17. Prostate Cancer - Treatment and prognosis
Prostate Cancer - Treatment and prognosis
  19. What are Head & Neck Cancer & How do they occur?
What are Head & Neck Cancer & How do they occur?
  21. Ovarian Cancer - Understanding the journey for a healthier life
Ovarian Cancer - Understanding the journey for a healthier life
  23. Breast cancer treatment
Breast cancer treatment
  25. CarT Cell Therapy - What you must know!
CarT Cell Therapy - What you must know!
  27. Side effects of Targeted Therapies in Cancer
Side effects of Targeted Therapies in Cancer
  29. Tongue Cancer - Incidences, Symptoms, Treatment and Rehabilitation
Tongue Cancer - Incidences, Symptoms, Treatment and Rehabilitation
  31. Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Nasopharyngeal Cancer
  33. Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma
  35. Proton Therapy in Cancer Treatment
Proton Therapy in Cancer Treatment
  37. World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
  39. Complications of treating cancer in Geriatric population
Complications of treating cancer in Geriatric population
  41. Liquid Biopsy
Liquid Biopsy
  43. Bone Cancers
Bone Cancers
  45. Brain Cancer
Brain Cancer
  47. Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
  49. Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer
  51. Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
  53. Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Treatment Options
Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Treatment Options
  55. Ascites - Treatment Options
Ascites - Treatment Options
  57. Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
  59. Mastectomy - When, Why, How, and life after mastectomy?
Mastectomy - When, Why, How, and life after mastectomy?
  61. Radiation Therapy in Cancer
Radiation Therapy in Cancer
  63. Role of Taxanes in the treatment of Cancer
Role of Taxanes in the treatment of Cancer
  65. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Cancer
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Cancer
  67. Alkaline Diet and Cancer
Alkaline Diet and Cancer
  69. Imatinib - The wonder Drug
Imatinib - The wonder Drug
  71. CyberKnife & Cancer
CyberKnife & Cancer
  73. PDL1 expressions & Cancer
PDL1 expressions & Cancer
  75. How do "Millets" help us in staying healthy?
How do "Millets" help us in staying healthy?
  77. Gut Microbiome and its Effects on Human Health
Gut Microbiome and its Effects on Human Health
  79. Why clinical trials are beneficial for cancer patients?
Why clinical trials are beneficial for cancer patients?
  81. Retinoblastoma - Eye Cancer
Retinoblastoma - Eye Cancer
  83. All about Cancer Treatment related Hairfall
All about Cancer Treatment related Hairfall
  85. Brain Fog/ Chemo Fog in Cancer Patients
Brain Fog/ Chemo Fog in Cancer Patients
  87. Cancer Pain and Its management
Cancer Pain and Its management
  89. Drug Resistance in Cancer Treatment
Drug Resistance in Cancer Treatment
  91. Why is BRCA gene testing important?
Why is BRCA gene testing important?
  93. Avelumab in Cancer
Avelumab in Cancer
  95. How healthy is Artifical Sugar/ Aspartame to us?
How healthy is Artifical Sugar/ Aspartame to us?
  97. Degarelix - An Important drug for the treatment of Prostate Cancer
Degarelix - An Important drug for the treatment of Prostate Cancer
  99. Fasting and Cancer
Fasting and Cancer
  2. Cancer is a word, Not SENTENCE (कैंसर एक बीमारी है, सज़ा नहीं)
Cancer is a word, Not SENTENCE (कैंसर एक बीमारी है, सज़ा नहीं)
  4. Life After Cancer (survivorship and it's challenges)
Life After Cancer (survivorship and it's challenges)
  6. Cancers in Women
Cancers in Women
  8. Cancer in Children
Cancer in Children
  10. Things you must not forget after recovering from Cancer
Things you must not forget after recovering from Cancer
  12. What is Immunotherapy and how does it work?
What is Immunotherapy and how does it work?
  14. Lung Cancer - What, how and Why?
Lung Cancer - What, how and Why?
  16. Prostate cancer - What, Who, Why and When?
Prostate cancer - What, Who, Why and When?
  18. Ageing and Cancer
Ageing and Cancer
  20. Treatment approach for Head and Neck Cancers
Treatment approach for Head and Neck Cancers
  22. Breast Cancer - Risk factors, Symptoms and Diagnosis
Breast Cancer - Risk factors, Symptoms and Diagnosis
  24. Skin Cancers and their treatment in India
Skin Cancers and their treatment in India
  26. Understanding and managing the side effects of Chemotherapy
Understanding and managing the side effects of Chemotherapy
  28. Understanding side effects of Immunotherapy
Understanding side effects of Immunotherapy
  30. Oropharyngeal Cancer
Oropharyngeal Cancer
  32. Screening of cancer in women and men
Screening of cancer in women and men
  34. Tests & Examinations for Head & Neck Cancers
Tests & Examinations for Head & Neck Cancers
  36. The importance of patient support group in Cancer Treatment
The importance of patient support group in Cancer Treatment
  38. Why one should not fear of cancer?
Why one should not fear of cancer?
  40. Why Immuno Oncotherapy is important in cancer treatment?
Why Immuno Oncotherapy is important in cancer treatment?
  42. Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
  44. Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer
  46. Uterine Cancer
Uterine Cancer
  48. Bladder Cancer
Bladder Cancer
  50. Neuroendocrine Tumors
Neuroendocrine Tumors
  52. Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Part I
Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Part I
  54. Ascites - Part I
Ascites - Part I
  56. Home care in Cancer Treatment
Home care in Cancer Treatment
  58. What is Chemo-port and who do they need it?
What is Chemo-port and who do they need it?
  60. Role of Radiologists in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Role of Radiologists in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
  62. Biopsies in Cancer
Biopsies in Cancer
  64. EGFR mutations in Cancer
EGFR mutations in Cancer
  66. Gemcitabine I Chemotherapy I All you should know about it
Gemcitabine I Chemotherapy I All you should know about it
  68. Detox Water & Cancer
Detox Water & Cancer
  70. Cancer and Monoclonal Antibodies
Cancer and Monoclonal Antibodies
  72. The truth behind Protein Supplements
The truth behind Protein Supplements
  74. Govt. Schemes for Cancer Patients
Govt. Schemes for Cancer Patients
  76. Hormonal Therapies in Cancer
Hormonal Therapies in Cancer
  78. Nutritional Supports in Cancer
Nutritional Supports in Cancer
  80. Supportive Care During Cancer Treatment
Supportive Care During Cancer Treatment
  82. Neutropenia in Cancer
Neutropenia in Cancer
  84. Nausea Vomiting During Cancer Treatment
Nausea Vomiting During Cancer Treatment
  86. Exercises During Cancer Treatment
Exercises During Cancer Treatment
  88. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and Cancer
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and Cancer
  90. Lorlatinib
  92. Why is Breast Cancer increasing so much in India?
Why is Breast Cancer increasing so much in India?
  94. Does consumption of Sugar causes or increases Cancer?
Does consumption of Sugar causes or increases Cancer?
  96. Can usage of Mobile Phones cause cancer?
Can usage of Mobile Phones cause cancer?
  98. Vaccines in Cancer
Vaccines in Cancer

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