Blij Talks

Blij talks  

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Created By:Shaan Nair

Hello There! I am Shaan Nair and this is my first attempt at a podcast and I call it 'Blij Talks'. Most of you must be wondering "what does it mean"? Well, 'Blij' means happy in Dutch; so when put together it literary translates to happy talks. 'Dude, you are Indian, you learn Spanish but why Dutch?' Dutch like that. Bro! Focus on the point. And the point is, that we need to be motivated, learn from everything around us and be happy at the end of the day. And that’s why I am here to learn and share motivational journeys of some awesome people just like all of us and as well as talk about my own learnings and my own journey. I look forward to seeing you listening to this podcast and find it interesting and I seriously hope it motivates you with these different experiences. And most importantly - bring a smile to your face and JOU BLIJ MAKEN!

  1. Episode 1 : We all deserve to Be Blij - Be Happy, Be Motivated!!!
Episode 1 : We all deserve to Be Blij - Be Happy, Be Motivated!!!
  1. Episode 1 : We all deserve to Be Blij - Be Happy, Be Motivated!!!
Episode 1 : We all deserve to Be Blij - Be Happy, Be Motivated!!!

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